openff.interchange package



openff.interchange.exceptions module

Custom exceptions used in Interchange.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.EnergyError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Base class for energies in reports not matching.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.GMXGromppError[source]

Bases: openff.interchange.exceptions.GMXRunError

Exception for when gmx grompp fails.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.GMXMdrunError[source]

Bases: openff.interchange.exceptions.GMXRunError

Exception for when gmx mdrun fails.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.GMXRunError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when a GROMACS subprocess fails.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.InternalInconsistencyError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Fallback exception for bad behavior releating to a self-inconsistent internal state.

These should not be reached but are raised to safeguard against problematic edge cases silently passing.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.InvalidBoxError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Generic exception for errors reading box data.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.InvalidExpressionError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Exception for when an expression cannot safely be interpreted.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.InvalidParameterHandlerError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Generic exception for mismatch between expected and found ParameterHandler types.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.InvalidTopologyError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Generic exception for errors reading chemical topology data.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.LAMMPSRunError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when a LAMMPS subprocess fails.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingBondOrdersError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when a parameter handler needs fractional bond orders but they are missing.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingBoxError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when box vectors are needed but missing.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingEnergyError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when one report has a value for an energy group but the other does not.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingNonbondedCompatibilityError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for uncovered combination of nonbonded methods.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingParametersError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when parameters are needed but missing.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingPositionsError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when positions are needed but missing.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.MissingUnitError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Exception for data missing a unit tag.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.NonbondedCompatibilityError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for unsupported combination of nonbonded methods.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.NonbondedEnergyError[source]

Bases: AssertionError

Exception for when non-bonded energies computed from different objects differ.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.SMIRNOFFHandlersNotImplementedError(*args)[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception for when some parameter handlers in the SMIRNOFF specification are not implemented here.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.SMIRNOFFParameterAttributeNotImplementedError[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception for when a parameter attribute is supported by the SMIRNOFF specification but not yet implemented.

For example, this was raised when k_bondorder (used in bond order-based interpolation of force constants) before the behavior was supported.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.SanderError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for when a sander subprocess fails.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.ToolkitTopologyConformersNotFoundError(*args)[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception for when reference molecules in a toolkit topology lack conformers.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.UnimplementedCutoffMethodError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for a cutoff method that should be supported but it not yet implemented.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.UnitValidationError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Exception for bad behavior when validating unit-tagged data.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.UnsupportedBoxError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Exception for processing an unsupported box, probably non-orthogonal.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.UnsupportedCutoffMethodError[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for a cutoff method that is invalid or not supported by an engine.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.UnsupportedExportError(*args)[source]

Bases: BaseException

Exception for attempting to write to an unsupported file format.

exception openff.interchange.exceptions.UnsupportedParameterError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Exception for parameters having unsupported values, i.e. non-1.0 idivf.

openff.interchange.models module

openff.interchange.stubs module

openff.interchange.types module

openff.interchange.utils module

Assorted utilities.

openff.interchange.utils.compare_forcefields(ff1, ff2)[source]

Compare dict representations of OpenFF ForceField objects for equality.


Get a single NonbondedForce object with an OpenMM System.


Get partial charges from an OpenMM interchange as a unit.Quantity array.

openff.interchange.utils.get_test_file_path(test_file) str[source]

Given a filename in the collection of data files, return its full path.


Given a directory with a collection of test data files, return its full path.


Convert a pint Quantity to an OpenMM unit.

Module contents

A project (and object) for storing, manipulating, and converting molecular mechanics data.