Source code for openff.interchange.utils

"""Assorted utilities."""
import pathlib
from collections import OrderedDict

from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from simtk import openmm
from simtk import unit as omm_unit

[docs]def pint_to_simtk(quantity): """Convert a pint Quantity to an OpenMM unit.""" # TODO: Move these hacks into openff-units if str(quantity.units) in ["kilojoule / mole", "kJ / mol"]: return quantity.m * omm_unit.kilojoule_per_mole if str(quantity.units) == "1 / nm": return quantity.m / omm_unit.nanometer if str(quantity.units) == "1 / Å": return quantity.m / omm_unit.angstrom if str(quantity.units) in [ "kilojoule * nanometer ** 6 / mole", "nanometer ** 6 * kilojoule / mole", ]: return quantity.m * omm_unit.nanometer ** 6 / omm_unit.kilojoule_per_mole if str(quantity.units) == "kJ * Å ** 6 / mol": return quantity.m * omm_unit.angstrom ** 6 / omm_unit.kilojoule_per_mole if str(quantity.units) == "erg / mol": return quantity.m * omm_unit.erg / omm_unit.mole if str(quantity.units) == "erg * Å ** 6 / mol": return quantity.m * omm_unit.erg * omm_unit.angstrom ** 6 / omm_unit.mole else: raise NotImplementedError(f"caught units {str(quantity.units)}")
def _unwrap_list_of_pint_quantities(quantities): assert {val.units for val in quantities} == {quantities[0].units} parsed_unit = quantities[0].units vals = [val.magnitude for val in quantities] return vals * parsed_unit
[docs]def get_test_file_path(test_file) -> str: """Given a filename in the collection of data files, return its full path.""" dir_path = resource_filename("openff.interchange", "tests/files/") test_file_path = pathlib.Path(dir_path).joinpath(test_file) if test_file_path.is_file(): return test_file_path.as_posix() else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not file file {test_file} in path {dir_path}")
[docs]def get_test_files_dir_path(dirname): """Given a directory with a collection of test data files, return its full path.""" dir_path = resource_filename("openff.interchange", "tests/files/") test_dir = pathlib.Path(dir_path).joinpath(dirname) if test_dir.is_dir(): return test_dir.as_posix() else: raise NotADirectoryError( f"Provided directory {dirname} doesn't exist in {dir_path}" )
[docs]def get_nonbonded_force_from_openmm_system(omm_system): """Get a single NonbondedForce object with an OpenMM System.""" for force in omm_system.getForces(): if type(force) == openmm.NonbondedForce: return force
[docs]def get_partial_charges_from_openmm_system(omm_system): """Get partial charges from an OpenMM interchange as a unit.Quantity array.""" # TODO: deal with virtual sites n_particles = omm_system.getNumParticles() force = get_nonbonded_force_from_openmm_system(omm_system) # TODO: don't assume the partial charge will always be parameter 0 # partial_charges = [simtk_to_pint(force.getParticleParameters(idx)[0]) for idx in range(n_particles)] partial_charges = [ force.getParticleParameters(idx)[0] / omm_unit.elementary_charge for idx in range(n_particles) ] return partial_charges
def _check_forcefield_dict(forcefield): """Ensure an OpenFF ForceField is represented as a dict and convert it if it is not.""" if isinstance(forcefield, ForceField): return forcefield._to_smirnoff_data() elif isinstance(forcefield, OrderedDict): return forcefield
[docs]def compare_forcefields(ff1, ff2): """Compare dict representations of OpenFF ForceField objects for equality.""" ff1 = _check_forcefield_dict(ff1) ff2 = _check_forcefield_dict(ff2) assert ff1 == ff2