
Symbols and masses for the chemical elements.

This module provides mappings from atomic number to atomic mass and symbol. These dicts were seeded from running the below script using OpenMM 7.7.

It’s not completely clear where OpenMM sourced these values from [1] but they are generally consistent with recent IUPAC values [2].

  1. https://github.com/openmm/openmm/issues/3434#issuecomment-1023406296

  2. https://www.ciaaw.org/publications.htm

import openmm.app

masses = {
    atomic_number: openmm.app.element.Element.getByAtomicNumber(
    for atomic_number in range(1, 117)

symbols = {
    atomic_number: openmm.app.element.Element.getByAtomicNumber(atomic_number).symbol
    for atomic_number in range(1, 117)

Module Attributes


Mapping from atomic number to element symbol


Mapping from element symbol to atomic number