# Based on the default Pint constants definition file (0.16.1) # https://github.com/hgrecco/pint/tree/master/pint # # Based on the International System of Units # Language: english # Source: https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/ # https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayTrans/Html/search.html # :copyright: 2013,2019 by Pint Authors, see https://github.com/hgrecco/pint/blob/0.16.1/AUTHORS for more details. #### MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS #### # As computed by Maxima with fpprec:50 pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 = π # pi #### DEFINED EXACT CONSTANTS #### # Recommended CODATA-2018 values speed_of_light = 299792458 m/s = c = c_0 # since 1983 planck_constant = 6.62607015e-34 J s = h # since May 2019 elementary_charge = 1.602176634e-19 C = e # since May 2019 avogadro_number = 6.02214076e23 # since May 2019 boltzmann_constant = 1.380649e-23 J K^-1 = k = k_B # since May 2019 standard_atmosphere = 1.01325e5 Pa = atm = atmosphere # since 1954 #### DERIVED EXACT CONSTANTS #### # Floating-point conversion may introduce inaccuracies zeta = c / (cm/s) = ζ dirac_constant = h / (2 * π) = ħ = hbar = atomic_unit_of_action = a_u_action avogadro_constant = avogadro_number * mol^-1 = N_A molar_gas_constant = k * N_A = R #### MEASURED CONSTANTS #### # Recommended CODATA-2018 values rydberg_constant = 1.0973731568160e7 * m^-1 = R_∞ = R_inf # (21) atomic_mass_constant = 1.66053906660e-27 kg = m_u # (50) electron_mass = 9.1093837015e-31 kg = m_e = atomic_unit_of_mass = a_u_mass # (28) #### DERIVED CONSTANTS #### fine_structure_constant = (2 * h * R_inf / (m_e * c)) ** 0.5 = α = alpha vacuum_permeability = 2 * α * h / (e ** 2 * c) = µ_0 = mu_0 = mu0 = magnetic_constant vacuum_permittivity = e ** 2 / (2 * α * h * c) = ε_0 = epsilon_0 = eps_0 = eps0 = electric_constant