Source code for openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff.parameters

Parameter handlers for the SMIRNOFF force field engine

This file contains standard parameter handlers for the SMIRNOFF force field engine.
These classes implement the object model for self-contained parameter assignment.
New pluggable handlers can be created by creating subclasses of :class:`ParameterHandler`.


__all__ = [

import copy
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Union, cast, get_args

import numpy
from openff.units.units import Unit
from packaging.version import Version

from openff.toolkit import Quantity, unit
from openff.toolkit.topology import ImproperDict, TagSortedDict, Topology, ValenceDict
from openff.toolkit.topology.molecule import Molecule
from openff.toolkit.utils.collections import ValidatedDict, ValidatedList
from openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions import (
from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import GLOBAL_TOOLKIT_REGISTRY
from openff.toolkit.utils.utils import object_to_quantity

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_cal_mol_a2 = unit.calorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2

# Hack to make Sphinx happy without breaking changes
    Marker type for an undeclared default parameter.

    Custom type used by ``ParameterAttribute`` to differentiate between ``None``
    and undeclared default.



def _linear_inter_or_extrapolate(points_dict, x_query):
    Linearly interpolate or extrapolate based on a piecewise linear function
    defined by a set of points. This function is designed to work with
    key:value pairs where the value may be a ``openff.units.Quantity``.

        A dictionary with each item representing a point, where the key is the X value and the value is the Y value.
        The X value of the point to interpolate or extrapolate.

        The result of interpolation/extrapolation.

    # pre-empt case where no interpolation is necessary
    if x_query in points_dict:
        return points_dict[x_query]

    if len(points_dict) < 2:
        raise NotEnoughPointsForInterpolationError(
            f"Unable to perform interpolation with less than two points. "
            f"points_dict: {points_dict}   x_query: {x_query}"
    # TODO: error out for nonsensical fractional bond orders

    # find the nearest point beneath our queried x value
        below = max(bo for bo in points_dict if bo < x_query)
    except ValueError:
        below = None
    # find the nearest point above our queried x value
        above = min(bo for bo in points_dict if bo > x_query)
    except ValueError:
        above = None

    # handle case where we can clearly interpolate
    if (above is not None) and (below is not None):
        return points_dict[below] + (points_dict[above] - points_dict[below]) * (
            (x_query - below) / (above - below)

    # error if we can't hope to interpolate at all
    elif (above is None) and (below is None):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"Failed to find interpolation references for "
            f"`x_query` '{x_query}', "
            f"with `points_dict` '{points_dict}'"

    # extrapolate for fractional bond orders below our lowest defined bond order
    elif below is None:
        bond_orders = sorted(points_dict)
        k = points_dict[bond_orders[0]] - (
            (points_dict[bond_orders[1]] - points_dict[bond_orders[0]])
            / (bond_orders[1] - bond_orders[0])
        ) * (bond_orders[0] - x_query)
        return k

    # extrapolate for fractional bond orders above our highest defined bond order
    elif above is None:
        bond_orders = sorted(points_dict)
        k = points_dict[bond_orders[-1]] + (
            (points_dict[bond_orders[-1]] - points_dict[bond_orders[-2]])
            / (bond_orders[-1] - bond_orders[-2])
        ) * (x_query - bond_orders[-1])
        return k

# TODO: This is technically a validator, not a converter, but ParameterAttribute doesn't support them yet
#       (it'll be easy if we switch to use the attrs library).
def _allow_only(allowed_values):
    """A converter that checks the new value is only in a set."""
    allowed_values = frozenset(allowed_values)

    def _value_checker(instance, attr, new_value):
        # This statement means that, in the "SMIRNOFF Data dict" format, the string "None"
        # and the Python None are the same thing
        if new_value == "None":
            new_value = None

        # Ensure that the new value is in the list of allowed values
        if new_value not in allowed_values:
            err_msg = (
                f"Attempted to set {instance.__class__.__name__}.{} "
                f"to {new_value}. Currently, only the following values "
                f"are supported: {sorted(allowed_values)}."
            raise SMIRNOFFSpecError(err_msg)
        return new_value

    return _value_checker

def _validate_units(attr, value: Union[str, Quantity], units: Unit):
    value = object_to_quantity(value)

        if not units.is_compatible_with(value.units):
            raise IncompatibleUnitError(
                f"{}={value} should have units of {units}"
    except AttributeError:
        raise IncompatibleUnitError(f"{}={value} should have units of {units}")
    return value

[docs]class ParameterAttribute: """A descriptor for ``ParameterType`` attributes. The descriptors allows associating to the parameter a default value, which makes the attribute optional, a unit, and a custom converter. Because we may want to have ``None`` as a default value, required attributes have the ``default`` set to the special type ``UNDEFINED``. Converters can be both static or instance functions/methods with respective signatures:: converter(value): -> converted_value converter(instance, parameter_attribute, value): -> converted_value A decorator syntax is available (see example below). Parameters ---------- default When specified, the descriptor makes this attribute optional by attaching a default value to it. unit When specified, only quantities with compatible units are allowed to be set, and string expressions are automatically parsed into a ``Quantity``. converter An optional function that can be used to convert values before setting the attribute. See Also -------- IndexedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute with multiple terms. Examples -------- Create a parameter type with an optional and a required attribute. >>> class MyParameter: ... attr_required = ParameterAttribute() ... attr_optional = ParameterAttribute(default=2) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() Even without explicit assignment, the default value is returned. >>> my_par.attr_optional 2 If you try to access an attribute without setting it first, an exception is raised. >>> my_par.attr_required Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'MyParameter' object has no attribute '_attr_required'. Did you mean: 'attr_required'? The attribute allow automatic conversion and validation of units. >>> from openff.toolkit import unit >>> class MyParameter: ... attr_quantity = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.angstrom) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() >>> my_par.attr_quantity = '1.0 * nanometer' >>> my_par.attr_quantity <Quantity(1.0, 'nanometer')> >>> my_par.attr_quantity = 3.0 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleUnitError: attr_quantity=3.0 dimensionless should have units of angstrom You can attach a custom converter to an attribute. >>> class MyParameter: ... # Both strings and integers convert nicely to floats with float(). ... attr_all_to_float = ParameterAttribute(converter=float) ... attr_int_to_float = ParameterAttribute() ... @attr_int_to_float.converter ... def attr_int_to_float(self, attr, value): ... # This converter converts only integers to float ... # and raise an exception for the other types. ... if isinstance(value, int): ... return float(value) ... elif not isinstance(value, float): ... raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert '{value}' to float") ... return value ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() attr_all_to_float accepts and convert to float both strings and integers >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float = 1 >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float 1.0 >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float = '2.0' >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float 2.0 The custom converter associated to attr_int_to_float converts only integers instead. >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float = 3 >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float 3.0 >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float = '4.0' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot convert '4.0' to float """ # noqa: E501 UNDEFINED = UNDEFINED """Marker type for an undeclared default parameter."""
[docs] def __init__( self, default: Any = UNDEFINED, unit: Union[Unit, str, None] = None, converter: Optional[Callable] = None, docstring: str = "", ): if isinstance(unit, str): # be careful with module & variable names unit = Unit(unit) self.default = default self._unit = unit self._converter = converter self.__doc__ = docstring
def __set_name__(self, owner, name): self._name = "_" + name @property def name(self): # Get rid of the initial underscore. return self._name[1:] def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: # This is called from the class. Return the descriptor object. return self try: return getattr(instance, self._name) except AttributeError: # The attribute has not initialized. Check if there's a default. if self.default is ParameterAttribute.UNDEFINED: raise return self.default def __set__(self, instance, value): # Convert and validate the value. value = self._convert_and_validate(instance, value) setattr(instance, self._name, value)
[docs] def converter(self, converter): """Create a new ParameterAttribute with an associated converter. This is meant to be used as a decorator (see main examples). """ return self.__class__(default=self.default, converter=converter)
def _convert_and_validate(self, instance, value): """Convert to Quantity, validate units, and call custom converter.""" # The default value is always allowed. if self._is_valid_default(value): return value # Convert and validate units. value = self._validate_units(value) # Call the custom converter before setting the value. value = self._call_converter(value, instance) return value def _is_valid_default(self, value): """Return True if this is a defined default value.""" return ( self.default is not ParameterAttribute.UNDEFINED and value == self.default ) def _validate_units(self, value): """Convert strings expressions to Quantity and validate the units if requested.""" if self._unit is not None: # Convert eventual strings to Quantity objects. value = object_to_quantity(value) # Check if units are compatible. try: if not self._unit.is_compatible_with(value.units): raise IncompatibleUnitError( f"{}={value} should have units of {self._unit}" ) except AttributeError: # This is not a Quantity object. raise IncompatibleUnitError( f"{}={value} should have units of {self._unit}" ) return value def _call_converter(self, value, instance): """Correctly calls static and instance converters.""" if self._converter is not None: try: # Static function. return self._converter(value) except TypeError: # Instance method. return self._converter(instance, self, value) return value
[docs]class IndexedParameterAttribute(ParameterAttribute): """The attribute of a parameter with an unspecified number of terms. Some parameters can be associated to multiple terms, For example, torsions have parameters such as k1, k2, ..., and ``IndexedParameterAttribute`` can be used to encapsulate the sequence of terms. The only substantial difference with ``ParameterAttribute`` is that only sequences are supported as values and converters and units are checked on each element of the sequence. Currently, the descriptor makes the sequence immutable. This is to avoid that an element of the sequence could be set without being properly validated. In the future, the data could be wrapped in a safe list that would safely allow mutability. Parameters ---------- default When specified, the descriptor makes this attribute optional by attaching a default value to it. unit When specified, only sequences of quantities with compatible units are allowed to be set. converter An optional function that can be used to validate and cast each element of the sequence before setting the attribute. See Also -------- ParameterAttribute A simple parameter attribute. MappedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute representing a mapping. IndexedMappedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute representing a sequence, each term of which is a mapping. Examples -------- Create an optional indexed attribute with unit of angstrom. >>> from openff.toolkit import unit >>> class MyParameter: ... length = IndexedParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() >>> my_par.length is None True Strings are parsed into Quantity objects. >>> my_par.length = ['1 * angstrom', 0.5 * unit.nanometer] >>> my_par.length[0] <Quantity(1, 'angstrom')> Similarly, custom converters work as with ``ParameterAttribute``, but they are used to validate each value in the sequence. >>> class MyParameter: ... attr_indexed = IndexedParameterAttribute(converter=float) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() >>> my_par.attr_indexed = [1, '1.0', '1e-2', 4.0] >>> my_par.attr_indexed [1.0, 1.0, 0.01, 4.0] """ def _convert_and_validate(self, instance, value): """Overwrite ParameterAttribute._convert_and_validate to make the value a ValidatedList.""" # The default value is always allowed. if self._is_valid_default(value): return value # We push the converters into a ValidatedList so that we can make # sure that elements are validated correctly when they are modified # after their initialization. # ValidatedList expects converters that take the value as a single # argument so we create a partial function with the instance assigned. static_converter = functools.partial(self._call_converter, instance=instance) value = ValidatedList(value, converter=[self._validate_units, static_converter]) return value
[docs]class MappedParameterAttribute(ParameterAttribute): """The attribute of a parameter in which each term is a mapping. The substantial difference with ``IndexedParameterAttribute`` is that, unlike indexing, the mapping can be based on artbitrary references, like indices but can starting at non-zero values and include non-adjacent keys. Parameters ---------- default When specified, the descriptor makes this attribute optional by attaching a default value to it. unit When specified, only sequences of mappings where values are quantities with compatible units are allowed to be set. converter An optional function that can be used to validate and cast each component of each element of the sequence before setting the attribute. See Also -------- IndexedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute representing a sequence. IndexedMappedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute representing a sequence, each term of which is a mapping. Examples -------- Create an optional indexed attribute with unit of angstrom. >>> from openff.toolkit import unit >>> class MyParameter: ... length = MappedParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() >>> my_par.length is None True Like other ParameterAttribute objects, strings are parsed into Quantity objects. >>> my_par.length = {1:'1.5 * angstrom', 2: '1.4 * angstrom'} >>> my_par.length[1] <Quantity(1.5, 'angstrom')> Unlike other ParameterAttribute objects, the reference points can do not need ot be zero-indexed, non-adjancent, such as interpolating defining a bond parameter for interpolation by defining references values and bond orders 2 and 3: >>> my_par.length = {2:'1.42 * angstrom', 3: '1.35 * angstrom'} >>> my_par.length[2] <Quantity(1.42, 'angstrom')> """ def _convert_and_validate(self, instance, value): if self._is_valid_default(value): return value static_converter = functools.partial(self._call_converter, instance=instance) value = ValidatedDict(value, converter=[self._validate_units, static_converter]) return value
[docs]class IndexedMappedParameterAttribute(ParameterAttribute): r"""The attribute of a parameter with an unspecified number of terms, where each term is a mapping. Some parameters can be associated to multiple terms, where those terms have multiple components. For example, torsions with fractional bond orders have parameters such as k1_bondorder1, k1_bondorder2, k2_bondorder1, k2_bondorder2, ..., and ``IndexedMappedParameterAttribute`` can be used to encapsulate the sequence of terms as mappings (typically, ``dict``\ s) of their components. The only substantial difference with ``IndexedParameterAttribute`` is that only sequences of mappings are supported as values and converters and units are checked on each component of each element in the sequence. Currently, the descriptor makes the sequence immutable. This is to avoid that an element of the sequence could be set without being properly validated. In the future, the data could be wrapped in a safe list that would safely allow mutability. Parameters ---------- default When specified, the descriptor makes this attribute optional by attaching a default value to it. unit When specified, only sequences of mappings where values are quantities with compatible units are allowed to be set. converter An optional function that can be used to validate and cast each component of each element of the sequence before setting the attribute. See Also -------- IndexedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute representing a sequence. MappedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute representing a mapping. Examples -------- Create an optional indexed attribute with unit of angstrom. >>> from openff.toolkit import unit >>> class MyParameter: ... length = IndexedMappedParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() >>> my_par.length is None True Strings are parsed into Quantity objects. >>> my_par.length = [{1:'1 * angstrom'}, {1: 0.5 * unit.nanometer}] >>> my_par.length[0] {1: <Quantity(1, 'angstrom')>} Similarly, custom converters work as with ``ParameterAttribute``, but they are used to validate each value in the sequence. >>> class MyParameter: ... attr_indexed = IndexedMappedParameterAttribute(converter=float) ... >>> my_par = MyParameter() >>> my_par.attr_indexed = [{1: 1}, {2: '1.0', 3: '1e-2'}, {4: 4.0}] >>> my_par.attr_indexed [{1: 1.0}, {2: 1.0, 3: 0.01}, {4: 4.0}] """ def _convert_and_validate(self, instance, value): """Overwrite ParameterAttribute._convert_and_validate to make the value a ValidatedList.""" # The default value is always allowed. if self._is_valid_default(value): return value # We push the converters into a ValidatedListMapping so that we can make # sure that elements are validated correctly when they are modified # after their initialization. # ValidatedListMapping expects converters that take the value as a single # argument so we create a partial function with the instance assigned. static_converter = functools.partial(self._call_converter, instance=instance) value = ValidatedList( [ ValidatedDict( element, converter=[self._validate_units, static_converter] ) for element in value ], converter=self._index_converter, ) return value @staticmethod def _index_converter(x): return ValidatedDict(x)
class _ParameterAttributeHandler: """A base class for ``ParameterType`` and ``ParameterHandler`` objects. Encapsulate shared code of ``ParameterType`` and ``ParameterHandler``. In particular, this base class provides an ``__init__`` method that automatically initialize the attributes defined through the ``ParameterAttribute`` and ``IndexedParameterAttribute`` descriptors, as well as handling cosmetic attributes. See Also -------- ParameterAttribute A simple parameter attribute. IndexedParameterAttribute A parameter attribute with multiple terms. Examples -------- This base class was design to encapsulate shared code between ``ParameterType`` and ``ParameterHandler``, which both need to deal with parameter and cosmetic attributes. To create a new type/handler, you can use the ``ParameterAttribute`` descriptors. >>> class ParameterTypeOrHandler(_ParameterAttributeHandler): ... length = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.angstrom) ... k = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2) ... ``_ParameterAttributeHandler`` and the descriptors take care of performing sanity checks on initialization and assignment of the single attributes. Because we attached units to the parameters, we need to pass them with compatible units. >>> my_par = ParameterTypeOrHandler( ... length='1.01 * angstrom', ... k=5 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2 ... ) Note that ``_ParameterAttributeHandler`` took care of implementing a constructor, and that unit parameters support string assignments. These are automatically converted to ``Quantity`` objects. >>> my_par.length <Quantity(1.01, 'angstrom')> While assigning incompatible units is forbidden. >>> my_par.k = 3.0 * unit.gram # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleUnitError: k=3.0 gram should have units of kilocalorie / angstrom ** 2 / mole On top of type checking, the constructor implemented in ``_ParameterAttributeHandler`` checks if some required parameters are not given. >>> ParameterTypeOrHandler(length=3.0*unit.nanometer) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions.SMIRNOFFSpecError: <class '...ParameterTypeOrHandler'> require the following missing parameters: ['k']. Defined kwargs are ['length'] Each attribute can be made optional by specifying a default value, and you can attach a converter function by passing a callable as an argument or through the decorator syntax. >>> class ParameterTypeOrHandler(_ParameterAttributeHandler): ... attr_optional = ParameterAttribute(default=2) ... attr_all_to_float = ParameterAttribute(converter=float) ... attr_int_to_float = ParameterAttribute() ... ... @attr_int_to_float.converter ... def attr_int_to_float(self, attr, value): ... # This converter converts only integers to floats ... # and raise an exception for the other types. ... if isinstance(value, int): ... return float(value) ... elif not isinstance(value, float): ... raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert '{value}' to float") ... return value ... >>> my_par = ParameterTypeOrHandler(attr_all_to_float='3.0', attr_int_to_float=1) >>> my_par.attr_optional 2 >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float 3.0 >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float 1.0 The float() function can convert strings to integers, but our custom converter forbids it >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float = '2.0' >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float = '4.0' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot convert '4.0' to float Parameter attributes that can be indexed can be handled with the ``IndexedParameterAttribute``. These support unit validation and converters exactly as ``ParameterAttribute``s, but the validation/conversion is performed for each indexed attribute. >>> class MyTorsionType(_ParameterAttributeHandler): ... periodicity = IndexedParameterAttribute(converter=int) ... k = IndexedParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole) ... >>> my_par = MyTorsionType( ... periodicity1=2, ... k1=5 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole, ... periodicity2='3', ... k2=6 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole, ... ) >>> my_par.periodicity [2, 3] Indexed attributes, can be accessed both as a list or as their indexed parameter name. >>> my_par.periodicity2 = 6 >>> my_par.periodicity[0] = 1 >>> my_par.periodicity [1, 6] """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, allow_cosmetic_attributes=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize parameter and cosmetic attributes. Parameters ---------- allow_cosmetic_attributes Whether to permit non-spec kwargs ("cosmetic attributes"). If True, non-spec kwargs will be stored as an attribute of this parameter which can be accessed and written out. Otherwise, an exception will be raised. """ # A list that may be populated to record the cosmetic attributes # read from a SMIRNOFF data source. self._cosmetic_attribs = [] # Do not modify the original data. smirnoff_data = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) ( smirnoff_data, indexed_mapped_attr_lengths, ) = self._process_indexed_mapped_attributes(smirnoff_data) smirnoff_data = self._process_indexed_attributes( smirnoff_data, indexed_mapped_attr_lengths ) smirnoff_data = self._process_mapped_attributes(smirnoff_data) # Check for missing required arguments. given_attributes = set(smirnoff_data.keys()) required_attributes = set(self._get_required_parameter_attributes().keys()) missing_attributes = required_attributes.difference(given_attributes) if len(missing_attributes) != 0: msg = ( f"{self.__class__} require the following missing parameters: {sorted(missing_attributes)}." f" Defined kwargs are {sorted(smirnoff_data.keys())}" ) raise SMIRNOFFSpecError(msg) # Finally, set attributes of this ParameterType and handle cosmetic attributes. allowed_attributes = set(self._get_parameter_attributes().keys()) for key, val in smirnoff_data.items(): if key in allowed_attributes: setattr(self, key, val) # Handle all unknown kwargs as cosmetic so we can write them back out elif allow_cosmetic_attributes: self.add_cosmetic_attribute(key, val) else: msg = ( f"Unexpected kwarg ({key}: {val}) passed to {self.__class__} constructor. " "If this is a desired cosmetic attribute, consider setting " "'allow_cosmetic_attributes=True'" ) raise SMIRNOFFSpecError(msg) def _process_mapped_attributes(self, smirnoff_data): kwargs = list(smirnoff_data.keys()) for kwarg in kwargs: attr_name, key = self._split_attribute_mapping(kwarg) # Check if this is a mapped attribute if key is not None and attr_name in self._get_mapped_parameter_attributes(): if attr_name not in smirnoff_data: smirnoff_data[attr_name] = dict() smirnoff_data[attr_name][key] = smirnoff_data[kwarg] del smirnoff_data[kwarg] return smirnoff_data def _process_indexed_mapped_attributes(self, smirnoff_data): # TODO: construct data structure for holding indexed_mapped attrs, which # will get fed into setattr indexed_mapped_attr_lengths = {} reindex = set() reverse: defaultdict = defaultdict(dict) kwargs = list(smirnoff_data.keys()) for kwarg in kwargs: attr_name, index, key = self._split_attribute_index_mapping(kwarg) # Check if this is an indexed_mapped attribute. if ( (key is not None) and (index is not None) and attr_name in self._get_indexed_mapped_parameter_attributes() ): # we start with a dict because have no guarantee of order # in which we will see each kwarg # we'll switch this to a list later if attr_name not in smirnoff_data: smirnoff_data[attr_name] = dict() reindex.add(attr_name) if index not in smirnoff_data[attr_name]: smirnoff_data[attr_name][index] = dict() smirnoff_data[attr_name][index][key] = smirnoff_data[kwarg] del smirnoff_data[kwarg] # build reverse mapping; needed for contiguity check below if index not in reverse[attr_name]: reverse[attr_name][index] = dict() reverse[attr_name][index][key] = kwarg # turn all our top-level dicts into lists # catch cases where we skip an index, # e.g. k1_bondorder*, k3_bondorder* defined, but not k2_bondorder* for attr_name in reindex: indexed_mapping = [] j = 0 for i in sorted(smirnoff_data[attr_name].keys()): if int(i) == j: indexed_mapping.append(smirnoff_data[attr_name][i]) j += 1 else: # any key will do; we are sensitive only to top-level index key = sorted(reverse[attr_name][i].keys())[0] kwarg = reverse[attr_name][i][key] val = smirnoff_data[attr_name][i][key] msg = ( f"Unexpected kwarg ({kwarg}: {val}) passed to {self.__class__} constructor. " "If this is a desired cosmetic attribute, consider setting " "'allow_cosmetic_attributes=True'" ) raise SMIRNOFFSpecError(msg) smirnoff_data[attr_name] = indexed_mapping # keep track of lengths; used downstream for checking against other # indexed attributes indexed_mapped_attr_lengths[attr_name] = len(smirnoff_data[attr_name]) return smirnoff_data, indexed_mapped_attr_lengths def _process_indexed_attributes(self, smirnoff_data, indexed_attr_lengths=None): # Check for indexed attributes and stack them into a list. # Keep track of how many indexed attribute we find to make sure they all have the same length. # TODO: REFACTOR ME; try looping over contents of `smirnoff_data`, using # `split_attribute_index` to extract values if indexed_attr_lengths is None: indexed_attr_lengths = {} for attrib_basename in self._get_indexed_parameter_attributes().keys(): index = 1 while True: attrib_w_index = f"{attrib_basename}{index}" # Exit the while loop if the indexed attribute is not given. # this is the stop condition try: attrib_w_index_value = smirnoff_data[attrib_w_index] except KeyError: break # Check if this is the first iteration. if index == 1: # Check if this attribute has been specified with and without index. if attrib_basename in smirnoff_data: err_msg = ( f"The attribute '{attrib_basename}' has been specified " f"with and without index: '{attrib_w_index}'" ) raise TypeError(err_msg) # Otherwise create the list object. smirnoff_data[attrib_basename] = list() # Append the new value to the list. smirnoff_data[attrib_basename].append(attrib_w_index_value) # Remove the indexed attribute from the kwargs as it will # be exposed only as an element of the list. del smirnoff_data[attrib_w_index] index += 1 # Update the lengths with this attribute (if it was found). if index > 1: indexed_attr_lengths[attrib_basename] = len( smirnoff_data[attrib_basename] ) # Raise an error if we there are different indexed # attributes with a different number of terms. if len(set(indexed_attr_lengths.values())) > 1: raise TypeError( "The following indexed attributes have " f"different lengths: {indexed_attr_lengths}" ) return smirnoff_data def to_dict( self, discard_cosmetic_attributes: bool = False, duplicate_attributes: Optional[list[str]] = None, ) -> dict: """ Convert this object to dict format. The returning dictionary contains all the ``ParameterAttribute`` and ``IndexedParameterAttribute`` as well as cosmetic attributes if ``discard_cosmetic_attributes`` is ``False``. Parameters ---------- discard_cosmetic_attributes Whether to discard non-spec attributes of this object duplicate_attributes A list of names of attributes that redundantly decsribe data and should be discarded during serializaiton Returns ------- smirnoff_dict The SMIRNOFF-compliant dict representation of this object. """ # Make a list of all attribs that should be included in the # returned dict (call list() to make a copy). We discard # optional attributes that are set to None defaults. attribs_to_return = list(self._get_defined_parameter_attributes().keys()) if duplicate_attributes is not None: for duplicate in duplicate_attributes: try: attribs_to_return.pop(attribs_to_return.index(duplicate)) except ValueError: # The attribute was not in the list continue # Start populating a dict of the attribs. indexed_attribs = set(self._get_indexed_parameter_attributes().keys()) mapped_attribs = set(self._get_mapped_parameter_attributes().keys()) indexed_mapped_attribs = set( self._get_indexed_mapped_parameter_attributes().keys() ) smirnoff_dict = dict() # If attribs_to_return is ordered here, that will effectively be an informal output ordering for attrib_name in attribs_to_return: attrib_value = getattr(self, attrib_name) if attrib_name in indexed_mapped_attribs: for idx, mapping in enumerate(attrib_value): for key, val in mapping.items(): attrib_name_indexed, attrib_name_mapped = attrib_name.split("_") smirnoff_dict[ f"{attrib_name_indexed}{idx + 1!s}_{attrib_name_mapped}{key}" ] = val elif attrib_name in indexed_attribs: for idx, val in enumerate(attrib_value): smirnoff_dict[attrib_name + str(idx + 1)] = val elif attrib_name in mapped_attribs: for key, val in attrib_value.items(): smirnoff_dict[f"{attrib_name}{key!s}"] = val elif attrib_name == "version": smirnoff_dict[attrib_name] = str(attrib_value) else: smirnoff_dict[attrib_name] = attrib_value # Serialize cosmetic attributes. if not (discard_cosmetic_attributes): for cosmetic_attrib in self._cosmetic_attribs: smirnoff_dict[cosmetic_attrib] = getattr(self, "_" + cosmetic_attrib) return smirnoff_dict def __getattr__(self, item): """Take care of mapping indexed attributes to their respective list elements.""" # Try matching the case where there are two indices # this indicates a index_mapped parameter attr_name, index, key = self._split_attribute_index_mapping(item) # Check if this is an indexed_mapped attribute. if ( key is not None and index is not None and attr_name in self._get_indexed_mapped_parameter_attributes() ): indexed_mapped_attr_value = getattr(self, attr_name) try: return indexed_mapped_attr_value[index][key] except (IndexError, KeyError) as err: raise MissingIndexedAttributeError( f"{err!s} '{item}' is out of bounds for indexed attribute '{attr_name}'" ) # Otherwise, try indexed attribute # Separate the indexed attribute name from the list index. attr_name, index = self._split_attribute_index(item) # Check if this is an indexed attribute. if index is not None and attr_name in self._get_indexed_parameter_attributes(): indexed_attr_value = getattr(self, attr_name) try: return indexed_attr_value[index] except IndexError: raise MissingIndexedAttributeError( f"'{item}' is out of bounds for indexed attribute '{attr_name}'" ) # Otherwise, forward the search to the next class in the MRO. try: return super().__getattr__(item) except AttributeError as e: # If this fails because the next classes in the MRO do not # implement __getattr__(), then raise the standard Attribute error. if "__getattr__" in str(e): raise AttributeError( f"{self.__class__} object has no attribute '{item}'" ) # Otherwise, re-raise the error from the class in the MRO. raise def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Take care of mapping indexed attributes to their respective list elements.""" # Try matching the case where there are two indices # this indicates a index_mapped parameter attr_name, index, mapkey = self._split_attribute_index_mapping(key) # Check if this is an index_mapped attribute. avoiding an infinite # recursion by calling getattr() with non-existing keys. if ( (mapkey is not None) and (index is not None) and attr_name in self._get_indexed_mapped_parameter_attributes() ): indexed_mapped_attr_value = getattr(self, attr_name) try: indexed_mapped_attr_value[index][mapkey] = value return except (IndexError, KeyError) as err: raise MissingIndexedAttributeError( f"{err!s} '{key}' is out of bounds for indexed attribute '{attr_name}'" ) # Otherwise, try indexed attribute # Separate the indexed attribute name from the list index. attr_name, index = self._split_attribute_index(key) # Check if this is an indexed attribute. avoiding an infinite # recursion by calling getattr() with non-existing keys. if (index is not None) and ( attr_name in self._get_indexed_parameter_attributes() ): indexed_attr_value = getattr(self, attr_name) try: indexed_attr_value[index] = value return except IndexError: raise MissingIndexedAttributeError( f"'{key}' is out of bounds for indexed attribute '{attr_name}'" ) # Forward the request to the next class in the MRO. super().__setattr__(key, value) def add_cosmetic_attribute(self, attr_name, attr_value): """ Add a cosmetic attribute to this object. This attribute will not have a functional effect on the object in the OpenFF Toolkit, but can be written out during output. .. warning :: The API for modifying cosmetic attributes is experimental and may change in the future (see issue #338). Parameters ---------- attr_name Name of the attribute to define for this object. attr_value The value of the attribute to define for this object. """ setattr(self, "_" + attr_name, attr_value) self._cosmetic_attribs.append(attr_name) def delete_cosmetic_attribute(self, attr_name): """ Delete a cosmetic attribute from this object. .. warning :: The API for modifying cosmetic attributes is experimental and may change in the future (see issue #338). Parameters ---------- attr_name Name of the cosmetic attribute to delete. """ # TODO: Can we handle this by overriding __delattr__ instead? # Would we also need to override __del__ as well to cover both deletation methods? delattr(self, "_" + attr_name) self._cosmetic_attribs.remove(attr_name) def attribute_is_cosmetic(self, attr_name): """ Determine whether an attribute of this object is cosmetic. .. warning :: The API for modifying cosmetic attributes is experimental and may change in the future (see issue #338). Parameters ---------- attr_name The attribute name to check Returns ------- is_cosmetic Returns True if the attribute is defined and is cosmetic. Returns False otherwise. """ return attr_name in self._cosmetic_attribs @staticmethod def _split_attribute_index(item: str) -> tuple[str, Optional[int]]: """Split the attribute name from the final index. For example, the method takes 'k2' and returns the tuple ('k', 1). If attribute_name doesn't end with an integer, it returns (item, None). """ # Match any number (\d+) at the end of the string ($). match ="\d+$", item) if match is None: return item, None _index: str = # This is a str. attr_name = item[: -len(_index)] index = int( - 1 return attr_name, index @staticmethod def _split_attribute_index_mapping( item: str, ) -> tuple[str, Optional[int], Optional[int]]: """Split the attribute name from the final index. For example, the method takes 'k1_bondorder2' and returns the tuple ('k_bondorder', 0, 2). If attribute_name doesn't end with an integer, it returns (item, None, None). """ # Match items of the form <item><index>_<mapping><key> # where <index> and <key> always integers match ="\d+_[A-z]+\d+$", item) if match is None: return item, None, None # Match any number (\d+) at the end of the string ($). i_match = r"\d+$" indexed, mapped = item.split("_") # process indexed component match_indexed =, indexed) assert match_indexed is not None _index: str = attr_name = indexed[: -len(_index)] index = int(_index) - 1 # process mapped component match_mapping =, mapped) assert match_mapping is not None _key: str = attr_name = f"{attr_name}_{mapped[:-len(_key)]}" # we don't subtract 1 here, because these are keys, not indices key = int(_key) return attr_name, index, key @staticmethod def _split_attribute_mapping(item: str) -> tuple[str, Optional[int]]: """Split the attribute name from the and its mapping. For example, the method takes 'k_foo2' and returns the tuple ('k_foo', 2). If attribute_name doesn't end with an integer, it returns (item, None). """ # TODO: Can these three splitting functions be collapsed down into one? # Match any number (\d+) at the end of the string ($). map_match = r"\d+$" match_mapping =, item) if match_mapping is None: return item, None _key = attr_name = item[: -len(_key)] key = int(_key) return attr_name, key @classmethod def _get_parameter_attributes(cls, filter=None): """Return all the attributes of the parameters. This is constructed dynamically by introspection gathering all the descriptors that are instances of the ParameterAttribute class. Parent classes of the parameter types are inspected as well. Note that since Python 3.6 the order of the class attribute definition is preserved (see PEP 520) so this function will return the attribute in their declaration order. Parameters ---------- filter An optional function with signature filter(ParameterAttribute) -> bool. If specified, only attributes for which this functions returns True are returned. Returns ------- parameter_attributes[str, ParameterAttribute] A map from the name of the controlled parameter to the ParameterAttribute descriptor handling it. Examples -------- >>> parameter_attributes = ParameterType._get_parameter_attributes() >>> sorted(parameter_attributes.keys()) ['id', 'parent_id', 'smirks'] >>> isinstance(parameter_attributes['id'], ParameterAttribute) True """ # If no filter is specified, get all the parameters. if filter is None: def filter(x): return True # Go through MRO and retrieve also parents descriptors. The function # inspect.getmembers() automatically resolves the MRO, but it also # sorts the attribute alphabetically by name. Here we want the order # to be the same as the declaration order, which is guaranteed by PEP 520, # starting from the parent class. parameter_attributes = dict( (name, descriptor) for c in reversed(inspect.getmro(cls)) for name, descriptor in c.__dict__.items() if isinstance(descriptor, ParameterAttribute) and filter(descriptor) ) return parameter_attributes @classmethod def _get_indexed_mapped_parameter_attributes(cls): """Shortcut to retrieve only IndexedMappedParameterAttributes.""" return cls._get_parameter_attributes( filter=lambda x: isinstance(x, IndexedMappedParameterAttribute) ) @classmethod def _get_indexed_parameter_attributes(cls): """Shortcut to retrieve only IndexedParameterAttributes.""" return cls._get_parameter_attributes( filter=lambda x: isinstance(x, IndexedParameterAttribute) ) @classmethod def _get_mapped_parameter_attributes(cls): """Shortcut to retrieve only IndexedParameterAttributes.""" return cls._get_parameter_attributes( filter=lambda x: isinstance(x, MappedParameterAttribute) ) @classmethod def _get_required_parameter_attributes(cls): """Shortcut to retrieve only required ParameterAttributes.""" return cls._get_parameter_attributes(filter=lambda x: x.default is x.UNDEFINED) @classmethod def _get_optional_parameter_attributes(cls): """Shortcut to retrieve only required ParameterAttributes.""" return cls._get_parameter_attributes( filter=lambda x: x.default is not x.UNDEFINED ) def _get_defined_parameter_attributes(self): """Returns all the attributes except for the optional attributes that have None default value. This returns first the required attributes and then the defined optional attribute in their respective declaration order. """ required = self._get_required_parameter_attributes() optional = self._get_optional_parameter_attributes() # Filter the optional parameters that are set to their default. optional = dict( (name, descriptor) for name, descriptor in optional.items() if not ( descriptor.default is None and getattr(self, name) == descriptor.default ) ) required.update(optional) return required # We can't actually make this derive from dict, because it's possible for the user to change SMIRKS # of parameters already in the list, which would cause the ParameterType object's SMIRKS and # the dictionary key's SMIRKS to be out of sync.
[docs]class ParameterList(list): """ Parameter list that also supports accessing items by SMARTS string. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ # TODO: Make this faster by caching SMARTS -> index lookup? # TODO: Override __del__ to make sure we don't remove root atom type # TODO: Allow retrieval by `id` as well
[docs] def __init__( self, input_parameter_list: Optional[list["ParameterType"]] = None, ): """ Initialize a new ParameterList, optionally providing a list of ParameterType objects to initially populate it. Parameters ---------- input_parameter_list A pre-existing list of ParameterType-based objects. If None, this ParameterList will be initialized empty. """ super().__init__() input_parameter_list = input_parameter_list or [] # TODO: Should a ParameterList only contain a single kind of ParameterType? for input_parameter in input_parameter_list: self.append(input_parameter)
[docs] def append(self, parameter): """ Add a ParameterType object to the end of the ParameterList Parameters ---------- parameter """ # TODO: Ensure that newly added parameter is the same type as existing? super().append(parameter)
[docs] def extend(self, other): """ Add a ParameterList object to the end of the ParameterList Parameters ---------- other """ if not isinstance(other, ParameterList): msg = ( "ParameterList.extend(other) expected instance of ParameterList, " f"but received {other} (type {type(other)}) instead" ) raise TypeError(msg) # TODO: Check if other ParameterList contains the same ParameterTypes? super().extend(other)
[docs] def index(self, item, start=None, stop=None): """ Get the numerical index of a ParameterType object or SMIRKS in this ParameterList. Raises ParameterLookupError if the item is not found. Parameters ---------- item The parameter or SMIRKS to look up in this ParameterList start Unsupported, added to align method signature with list.index stop Unsupported, added to align method signature with list.index Returns ------- index The index of the found item Raises ------ ParameterLookupError if SMIRKS pattern is passed in but not found """ if start is not None: raise TypeError( "ParameterList.index does not support non-None values for start." ) if stop is not None: raise TypeError( "ParameterList.index does not support non-None values for stop." ) if isinstance(item, ParameterType): return super().index(item) else: for parameter in self[::-1]: if parameter.smirks == item: return self.index(parameter) raise ParameterLookupError(f"SMIRKS {item} not found in ParameterList")
[docs] def insert(self, index, parameter): """ Add a ParameterType object as if this were a list Parameters ---------- index The numerical position to insert the parameter at parameter The parameter to insert """ # TODO: Ensure that newly added parameter is the same type as existing? super().insert(index, parameter)
def __delitem__(self, item): """ Delete item by index or SMIRKS. Parameters ---------- item SMIRKS or numerical index of item in this ParameterList """ if type(item) is int: index = item else: # Try to find by SMIRKS index = self.index(item) super().__delitem__(index) def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, slice, str, "ParameterType"]): # type: ignore[override] """ Retrieve item by index or SMIRKS. If multiple parameters have the same SMIRKS, this returns the last one. Parameters ---------- item SMIRKS or numerical index of item in this ParameterList """ if type(item) in (int, slice): indexable_item: Union[int, slice] = item # type: ignore[assignment] elif isinstance(item, str): indexable_item = self.index(item) elif isinstance(item, ParameterType) or issubclass(type(item), ParameterType): raise ParameterLookupError("Lookup by instance is not supported") return super().__getitem__(indexable_item) # TODO: Override __setitem__ and __del__ to ensure we can slice by SMIRKS as well # This is needed for pickling. See # for more details. # TODO: Is there a cleaner way (getstate/setstate perhaps?) to allow FFs to be # pickled? def __reduce__(self): return (__class__, (list(self),), self.__dict__) def __contains__(self, item): """Check to see if either Parameter or SMIRKS is contained in parameter list. Parameters ---------- item SMIRKS of item in this ParameterList """ if isinstance(item, str): # Special case for SMIRKS strings if item in [result.smirks for result in self]: return True # Fall back to traditional access return list.__contains__(self, item)
[docs] def to_list(self, discard_cosmetic_attributes=True): """ Render this ParameterList to a normal list, serializing each ParameterType object in it to dict. Parameters ---------- discard_cosmetic_attributes Whether to discard non-spec attributes of each ParameterType object. Returns ------- parameter_list :list[dict] A serialized representation of a ParameterList, with each ParameterType it contains converted to dict. """ parameter_list = list() for parameter in self: parameter_dict = parameter.to_dict( discard_cosmetic_attributes=discard_cosmetic_attributes ) parameter_list.append(parameter_dict) return parameter_list
class VirtualSiteParameterList(ParameterList): def __getitem__(self, val: Union[int, slice, str, "ParameterType"]): # type: ignore[override] indexable_item: Union[int, slice] if isinstance(val, int): indexable_item = val elif isinstance(val, slice): assert ( type(val.start) is int and type(val.stop) is int ), "slices must be based on ints" indexable_item = val else: raise NotImplementedError( "VirtualSiteHandler does not support __getitem__ lookups " f"of this type ({type(val)=}) due to the " "number of values required to uniquely identify a specific parameter." ) return super().__getitem__(indexable_item) # TODO: Rename to better reflect role as parameter base class?
[docs]class ParameterType(_ParameterAttributeHandler): r""" Base class for SMIRNOFF parameter types. This base class provides utilities to create new parameter types. See the below for examples of how to do this. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Attributes ---------- smirks The SMIRKS pattern that this parameter matches. id An optional identifier for the parameter. parent_id Optionally, the identifier of the parameter of which this parameter is a specialization. See Also -------- ParameterAttribute IndexedParameterAttribute Examples -------- This class allows to define new parameter types by just listing its attributes. In the example below, ``_ELEMENT_NAME`` is used to describe the SMIRNOFF parameter being defined, and is used during automatic serialization/deserialization into a ``dict``. >>> class MyBondParameter(ParameterType): ... _ELEMENT_NAME = 'Bond' ... length = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.angstrom) ... k = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2) ... The parameter automatically inherits the required smirks attribute from ``ParameterType``. Associating a ``unit`` to a ``ParameterAttribute`` cause the attribute to accept only values in compatible units and to parse string expressions. >>> my_par = MyBondParameter( ... smirks='[*:1]-[*:2]', ... length='1.01 * angstrom', ... k=5 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2 ... ) >>> my_par.length <Quantity(1.01, 'angstrom')> >>> my_par.k = 3.0 * unit.gram # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleUnitError: k=3.0 gram should have units of kilocalorie / angstrom ** 2 / mole Each attribute can be made optional by specifying a default value, and you can attach a converter function by passing a callable as an argument or through the decorator syntax. >>> class MyParameterType(ParameterType): ... _ELEMENT_NAME = 'Atom' ... ... attr_optional = ParameterAttribute(default=2) ... attr_all_to_float = ParameterAttribute(converter=float) ... attr_int_to_float = ParameterAttribute() ... ... @attr_int_to_float.converter ... def attr_int_to_float(self, attr, value): ... # This converter converts only integers to floats ... # and raise an exception for the other types. ... if isinstance(value, int): ... return float(value) ... elif not isinstance(value, float): ... raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert '{value}' to float") ... return value ... >>> my_par = MyParameterType(smirks='[*:1]', attr_all_to_float='3.0', attr_int_to_float=1) >>> my_par.attr_optional 2 >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float 3.0 >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float 1.0 The float() function can convert strings to integers, but our custom converter forbids it >>> my_par.attr_all_to_float = '2.0' >>> my_par.attr_int_to_float = '4.0' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot convert '4.0' to float Parameter attributes that can be indexed can be handled with the ``IndexedParameterAttribute``. These support unit validation and converters exactly as ``ParameterAttribute``\ s, but the validation/conversion is performed for each indexed attribute. >>> class MyTorsionType(ParameterType): ... _ELEMENT_NAME = 'Proper' ... periodicity = IndexedParameterAttribute(converter=int) ... k = IndexedParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole) ... >>> my_par = MyTorsionType( ... smirks='[*:1]-[*:2]-[*:3]-[*:4]', ... periodicity1=2, ... k1=5 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole, ... periodicity2='3', ... k2=6 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole, ... ) >>> my_par.periodicity [2, 3] Indexed attributes, can be accessed both as a list or as their indexed parameter name. >>> my_par.periodicity2 = 6 >>> my_par.periodicity[0] = 1 >>> my_par.periodicity [1, 6] """ # noqa: E501 # The string mapping to this ParameterType in a SMIRNOFF data source _ELEMENT_NAME: Optional[str] = None # Parameter attributes shared among all parameter types. smirks = ParameterAttribute() id = ParameterAttribute(default=None) parent_id = ParameterAttribute(default=None)
[docs] def __init__(self, smirks, allow_cosmetic_attributes=False, **kwargs): """ Create a ParameterType. Parameters ---------- smirks The SMIRKS match for the provided parameter type. allow_cosmetic_attributes Whether to permit non-spec kwargs ("cosmetic attributes"). If True, non-spec kwargs will be stored as an attribute of this parameter which can be accessed and written out. Otherwise an exception will be raised. """ # This is just to make smirks a required positional argument. kwargs["smirks"] = smirks super().__init__(allow_cosmetic_attributes=allow_cosmetic_attributes, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): ret_str = f"<{self.__class__.__name__} with " for attr, val in self.to_dict().items(): ret_str += f"{attr}: {val} " ret_str += ">" return ret_str
# TODO: Should we have a parameter handler registry?
[docs]class ParameterHandler(_ParameterAttributeHandler): """Base class for parameter handlers. Parameter handlers are configured with some global parameters for a given section. They may also contain a :class:`ParameterList` populated with :class:`ParameterType` objects if they are responsible for assigning SMIRKS-based parameters. .. warning Parameter handler objects can only belong to a single :class:`ForceField` object. If you need to create a copy to attach to a different :class:`ForceField` object, use ``create_copy()``. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ # str of section type handled by this ParameterHandler (XML element name for SMIRNOFF XML representation) _TAGNAME: Optional[str] = None # container class with type information that will be stored in self._parameters _INFOTYPE: Optional[Any] = None # list of ParameterHandler classes that must precede this, or None _DEPENDENCIES: Optional[Any] = None # Kwargs to catch when create_force is called _KWARGS: list[str] = [] # the earliest version of SMIRNOFF spec that supports this ParameterHandler _SMIRNOFF_VERSION_INTRODUCED = 0.0 _SMIRNOFF_VERSION_DEPRECATED = None # if deprecated, the first SMIRNOFF version number it is no longer used _MIN_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.3") _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.3") version = ParameterAttribute() @version.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def version(self, attr, new_version): """ Raise a parsing exception if the given section version is unsupported. Raises ------ SMIRNOFFVersionError if an incompatible version is passed in. """ from openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions import SMIRNOFFVersionError if isinstance(new_version, Version): pass elif isinstance(new_version, str): new_version = Version(new_version) elif isinstance(new_version, (float, int)): new_version = Version(str(new_version)) else: raise ValueError(f"Could not convert type {type(new_version)}") # Use PEP-440 compliant version number comparison, if requested if (new_version > self._MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION) or ( new_version < self._MIN_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION ): raise SMIRNOFFVersionError( f"SMIRNOFF offxml file was written with version {new_version}, but this version " f"of ForceField only supports version {self._MIN_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION} " f"to version {self._MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION}" ) return new_version
[docs] def __init__( self, allow_cosmetic_attributes=False, skip_version_check=False, **kwargs ): """ Initialize a ParameterHandler, optionally with a list of parameters and other kwargs. Parameters ---------- allow_cosmetic_attributes Whether to permit non-spec kwargs. If True, non-spec kwargs will be stored as attributes of this object and can be accessed and modified. Otherwise an exception will be raised if a non-spec kwarg is encountered. skip_version_check: bool, optional. Default = False If False, the SMIRNOFF section version will not be checked, and the ParameterHandler will be initialized with version set to _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION. **kwargs The dict representation of the SMIRNOFF data source """ # Skip version check if requested. if "version" not in kwargs: if skip_version_check: kwargs["version"] = self._MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION else: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"Missing version while trying to construct {self.__class__}. " f"0.3 SMIRNOFF spec requires each parameter section to have its own version." ) # List of ParameterType objects (also behaves like a dict where keys are SMARTS). self._parameters = ParameterList() # Initialize ParameterAttributes and cosmetic attributes. super().__init__(allow_cosmetic_attributes=allow_cosmetic_attributes, **kwargs)
def _add_parameters(self, section_dict, allow_cosmetic_attributes=False): """ Extend the ParameterList in this ParameterHandler using a SMIRNOFF data source. Parameters ---------- section_dict The dict representation of a SMIRNOFF data source containing parameters to att to this ParameterHandler allow_cosmetic_attributes Whether to allow non-spec fields in section_dict. If True, non-spec kwargs will be stored as an attribute of the parameter. If False, non-spec kwargs will raise an exception. """ for key, val in section_dict.items(): if self._INFOTYPE is not None: element_name = self._INFOTYPE._ELEMENT_NAME # Skip sections that aren't the parameter list if key != element_name: break # If there are multiple parameters, this will be a list. If there's just one, make it a list if not (isinstance(val, list)): val = [val] # If we're reading the parameter list, iterate through and attach units to # each parameter_dict, then use it to initialize a ParameterType for param_dict in val: new_parameter = self._INFOTYPE( **param_dict, allow_cosmetic_attributes=allow_cosmetic_attributes ) self._parameters.append(new_parameter) @property def parameters(self): """The ParameterList that holds this ParameterHandler's parameter objects""" return self._parameters @property def TAGNAME(self): """ The name of this ParameterHandler corresponding to the SMIRNOFF tag name Returns ------- handler_name The name of this parameter handler """ return self._TAGNAME # TODO: Do we need to return these, or can we handle this internally @property def known_kwargs(self): """List of kwargs that can be parsed by the function.""" # TODO: Should we use introspection to inspect the function signature instead? return set(self._KWARGS)
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, handler_kwargs): """ Checks if a set of kwargs used to create a ParameterHandler are compatible with this ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- handler_kwargs The kwargs that would be used to construct Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ pass
def _index_of_parameter( self, parameter: Optional[ParameterType] = None, key: Optional[Any] = None ) -> Optional[int]: """Attempts to find the index of a parameter in the parameters list. By default, two parameters are considered 'the same' if they have the same SMIRKS pattern. Parameters ---------- parameter The parameter to find the index of. This argument is mutually exclusive with ``key``. key The SMIRKS pattern associated with the parameter to find the index of. This argument is mutually exclusive with ``parameter``. Returns ------- The index of the parameter if found, otherwise ``None``. """ if (key is None and parameter is None) or ( key is not None and parameter is not None ): raise ValueError("`key` and `parameter` are mutually exclusive arguments") key = key if parameter is None else parameter.smirks for index, existing_parameter in enumerate(self._parameters): if existing_parameter.smirks != key: continue return index return None # TODO: Can we ensure SMIRKS and other parameters remain valid after manipulation?
[docs] def add_parameter( self, parameter_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, parameter: Optional[ParameterType] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, before: Optional[str] = None, allow_duplicate_smirks: bool = False, ): """Add a parameter to the force field, ensuring all parameters are valid. Parameters ---------- parameter_kwargs The kwargs to pass to the ParameterHandler.INFOTYPE (a ParameterType) constructor parameter A ParameterType to add to the ParameterHandler after The SMIRKS pattern (if str) or index (if int) of the parameter directly before where the new parameter will be added before The SMIRKS pattern (if str) or index (if int) of the parameter directly after where the new parameter will be added allow_duplicate_smirks If False, a DuplicateParameterError will be raised if the parameter being added has a SMIRKS that already appears in another parameter owned by this ParameterHandler. Note the following behavior: * Either `parameter_kwargs` or `parameter` must be specified. * When `before` and `after` are both `None`, the new parameter will be appended to the **END** of the parameter list. * When `before` and `after` are both specified, the new parameter will be added immediately after the parameter matching the `after` pattern or index. * The order of parameters in a parameter list can have significant impacts on parameter assignment. For details, see the SMIRNOFF specification: Examples -------- Add a ParameterType to an existing ParameterList at a specified position. Given an existing parameter handler and a new parameter to add to it: >>> from openff.toolkit import unit >>> bh = BondHandler(skip_version_check=True) >>> length = 1.5 * unit.angstrom >>> k = 100 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom ** 2 >>> bh.add_parameter({'smirks': '[*:1]-[*:2]', 'length': length, 'k': k, 'id': 'b1'}) >>> bh.add_parameter({'smirks': '[*:1]=[*:2]', 'length': length, 'k': k, 'id': 'b2'}) >>> bh.add_parameter({'smirks': '[*:1]#[*:2]', 'length': length, 'k': k, 'id': 'b3'}) >>> [ for p in bh.parameters] ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'] >>> param = {'smirks': '[#1:1]-[#6:2]', 'length': length, 'k': k, 'id': 'b4'} Add a new parameter immediately after the parameter with the smirks '[*:1]=[*:2]' >>> bh.add_parameter(param, after='[*:1]=[*:2]') >>> [ for p in bh.parameters] ['b1', 'b2', 'b4', 'b3'] """ for val in [before, after]: if val and not isinstance(val, (str, int)): raise TypeError # If a dict was passed, construct it; if a ParameterType was passed, do nothing if parameter_kwargs: # here we are using the INFOTYPE to construct a new parameter # and at this poitn we expect parameter_kwargs to be a dict new_parameter = self._INFOTYPE(**parameter_kwargs) # type: ignore[misc] elif parameter: new_parameter = parameter else: raise ValueError("One of (parameter, parameter_kwargs) must be specified") if not allow_duplicate_smirks: if self._index_of_parameter(new_parameter) is not None: msg = ( f"A parameter SMIRKS pattern {new_parameter.smirks} already exists." ) raise DuplicateParameterError(msg) before_index, after_index = None, None if before is not None: if isinstance(before, int): before_index = before else: before_index = self._index_of_parameter(key=before) if after is not None: if isinstance(after, int): after_index = after else: after_index = self._index_of_parameter(key=after) if None not in (before, after): if after_index > before_index: # type: ignore[operator] raise ValueError("before arg must be before after arg") if after is not None: self._parameters.insert(after_index + 1, new_parameter) # type: ignore[operator] elif before is not None: self._parameters.insert(before_index, new_parameter) else: self._parameters.append(new_parameter)
[docs] def get_parameter(self, parameter_attrs): """ Return the parameters in this ParameterHandler that match the parameter_attrs argument. When multiple attrs are passed, parameters that have any (not all) matching attributes are returned. Parameters ---------- parameter_attrs The attrs mapped to desired values (for example {"smirks": "[*:1]~[#16:2]=,:[#6:3]~[*:4]", "id": "t105"} ) Returns ------- params A list of matching ParameterType objects Examples -------- Create a parameter handler and populate it with some data. >>> from openff.toolkit import unit >>> handler = BondHandler(skip_version_check=True) >>> handler.add_parameter( ... { ... 'smirks': '[*:1]-[*:2]', ... 'length': 1*unit.angstrom, ... 'k': 10*unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole/unit.angstrom**2, ... } ... ) Look up, from this handler, all parameters matching some SMIRKS pattern >>> handler.get_parameter({'smirks': '[*:1]-[*:2]'}) [<BondType with smirks: [*:1]-[*:2] length: 1 angstrom k: 10.0 kilocalorie / angstrom ** 2 / mole >] """ params = list() for attr, value in parameter_attrs.items(): for param in self.parameters: if param in params: continue # TODO: Cleaner accessing of cosmetic attributes # See issue #338 if param.attribute_is_cosmetic(attr): attr = "_" + attr if hasattr(param, attr): if getattr(param, attr) == value: params.append(param) return params
class _Match: """Represents a ParameterType which has been matched to a given chemical environment. """ @property def parameter_type(self): """ParameterType: The matched parameter type.""" return self._parameter_type @property def environment_match(self): """Topology._ChemicalEnvironmentMatch: The environment which matched the type.""" return self._environment_match def __init__(self, parameter_type: ParameterType, environment_match): """Constructs a new ParameterHandlerMatch object. Parameters ---------- parameter_type: ParameterType The matched parameter type. environment_match: Topology._ChemicalEnvironmentMatch The environment which matched the type. """ self._parameter_type = parameter_type self._environment_match = environment_match
[docs] def find_matches(self, entity: Topology, unique: bool = False) -> ValenceDict: """Find the elements of the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type. Parameters ---------- entity Topology to search. unique If False, SMARTS matching will enumerate every valid permutation of matching atoms. If True, only one order of each unique match will be returned. Returns --------- matches ``matches[atom_indices]`` is the ``ParameterType`` object matching the tuple of atom indices in ``entity``. """ return self._find_matches(entity, unique=unique)
def _find_matches( self, entity: Topology, transformed_dict_cls: type = ValenceDict, unique=False, ): """Implement find_matches() and allow using a difference valence dictionary. Parameters ---------- entity Topology to search. transformed_dict_cls: class The type of dictionary to store the matches in. This will determine how groups of atom indices are stored and accessed (e.g for angles indices should be 0-1-2 and not 2-1-0). unique If False, SMARTS matching will enumerate every valid permutation of matching atoms. If True, only one order of each unique match will be returned. Returns --------- matches ``matches[atom_indices]`` is the ``ParameterType`` object matching the tuple of atom indices in ``entity``. """ logger.debug(f"Finding matches for {self.__class__.__name__}") matches = transformed_dict_cls() # TODO: There are probably performance gains to be had here # by performing this loop in reverse order, and breaking early once # all environments have been matched. for parameter_type in self._parameters: matches_for_this_type = {} for environment_match in entity.chemical_environment_matches( parameter_type.smirks, unique=unique, ): # Update the matches for this parameter type. handler_match = self._Match(parameter_type, environment_match) matches_for_this_type[environment_match.topology_atom_indices] = ( handler_match ) # Update matches of all parameter types. matches.update(matches_for_this_type) logger.debug( f"{parameter_type.smirks:64} : {len(matches_for_this_type):8} matches" ) logger.debug(f"{len(matches)} matches identified") return matches @staticmethod def _assert_correct_connectivity(match, expected_connectivity=None): """A more performant version of the `topology.assert_bonded` method to ensure that the results of `_find_matches` are valid. Raises ------ ValueError Raise an exception when the atoms in the match don't have the correct connectivity. Parameters ---------- match: ParameterHandler._Match The match found by `_find_matches` connectivity: list of tuple of int, optional The expected connectivity of the match (e.g. for a torsion expected_connectivity=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]). If `None`, a connectivity of [(0, 1), ... (n - 1, n)] is assumed. """ # I'm not 100% sure this is really necessary... but this should do # the same checks as the more costly assert_bonded method in the # ParameterHandler.create_force methods. if expected_connectivity is None: return reference_molecule = match.environment_match.reference_molecule for connectivity in expected_connectivity: atom_i = match.environment_match.reference_atom_indices[connectivity[0]] atom_j = match.environment_match.reference_atom_indices[connectivity[1]] reference_molecule.get_bond_between(atom_i, atom_j)
[docs] def create_force(self, *args, **kwarsg): """ .. deprecated:: 0.11.0 This method was deprecated in v0.11.0, no longer has any functionality, and will soon be removed. Use the `OpenFF Interchange <>`_ package instead. """ raise NotImplementedError( "`ParameterHandler`s no longer create OpenMM forces. Use `openff-interchange` instead." )
[docs] def to_dict(self, discard_cosmetic_attributes: bool = False) -> dict: # type: ignore[override] """ Convert this ParameterHandler to a dict, compliant with the SMIRNOFF data spec. Parameters ---------- discard_cosmetic_attributes Whether to discard non-spec parameter and header attributes in this ParameterHandler. Returns ------- smirnoff_data SMIRNOFF-spec compliant representation of this ParameterHandler and its internal ParameterList. """ smirnoff_data = dict() # Populate parameter list parameter_list = self._parameters.to_list( discard_cosmetic_attributes=discard_cosmetic_attributes ) # NOTE: This assumes that a ParameterHandler will have just one homogenous ParameterList under it if self._INFOTYPE is not None: # smirnoff_data[self._INFOTYPE._ELEMENT_NAME] = unitless_parameter_list smirnoff_data[self._INFOTYPE._ELEMENT_NAME] = parameter_list # Collect parameter and cosmetic attributes. header_attribute_dict = super().to_dict( discard_cosmetic_attributes=discard_cosmetic_attributes ) smirnoff_data.update(header_attribute_dict) return smirnoff_data
def _check_attributes_are_equal( self, other: "ParameterHandler", identical_attrs: tuple[str, ...] = tuple(), tolerance_attrs: tuple[str, ...] = tuple(), tolerance: float = 1e-6, ): """Utility function to check that the given attributes of the two handlers are equal. Parameters ---------- other The other handler identical_attrs Names of the parameters that must be checked with the equality operator. tolerance_attrs Names of the parameters that must be equal up to a tolerance. tolerance The absolute tolerance used to compare the parameters. """ def get_unitless_values(attr): this_val = getattr(self, attr) other_val = getattr(other, attr) # Strip quantities of their units before comparison. try: this_val.units except AttributeError: return this_val, other_val assert this_val.units == other_val.units return this_val.m, other_val.m for attr in identical_attrs: this_val, other_val = get_unitless_values(attr) if this_val != other_val: msg = ( f"{attr} values are not identical. (handler value: '{this_val}', " f"incompatible value: '{other_val}').\n" ) if "AM1-Wiberg" in (this_val, other_val) and "none" in ( this_val, other_val, ): msg += ( "This likely results from mixing bond handlers with different versions " "(0.3 and 0.4). Consider upgrading bond handlers to version 0.4 or " "manually setting `fractional_bondorder_method='AM1-Wiberg'`." ) raise IncompatibleParameterError(msg) for attr in tolerance_attrs: try: this_val, other_val = get_unitless_values(attr) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f"Mismatch found with attr={attr}, this_val={this_val}, " f"other_val={other_val}" ) if abs(this_val - other_val) > tolerance: raise IncompatibleParameterError( f"Difference between '{attr}' values is beyond allowed tolerance {tolerance}. " f"(handler value: {this_val}, incompatible value: {other_val}" ) def __getitem__(self, val): """ Syntax sugar for looking up a ParameterType in a ParameterHandler based on its SMIRKS. """ return self.parameters[val]
[docs]class ConstraintHandler(ParameterHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<Constraints>`` tags ``ConstraintHandler`` must be applied before ``BondHandler`` and ``AngleHandler``, since those classes add constraints for which equilibrium geometries are needed from those tags. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class ConstraintType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF constraint type .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Constraint" distance = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom)
_TAGNAME = "Constraints" _INFOTYPE = ConstraintType
[docs]class BondHandler(ParameterHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<Bonds>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class BondType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF bond type .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Bond" length = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) k = ParameterAttribute( default=None, unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2 ) # fractional bond order params length_bondorder = MappedParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) k_bondorder = MappedParameterAttribute( default=None, unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole / unit.angstrom**2 ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): # these checks enforce mutually-exclusive parameterattribute specifications has_k = "k" in kwargs.keys() has_k_bondorder = any(["k_bondorder" in key for key in kwargs.keys()]) has_length = "length" in kwargs.keys() has_length_bondorder = any( ["length_bondorder" in key for key in kwargs.keys()] ) # Are these errors too general? What about ParametersMissingError/ParametersOverspecifiedError? if has_k: if has_k_bondorder: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "BOTH k and k_bondorder* cannot be specified simultaneously." ) else: if not has_k_bondorder: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Either k or k_bondorder* must be specified." ) if has_length: if has_length_bondorder: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "BOTH length and length_bondorder* cannot be specified simultaneously." ) else: if not has_length_bondorder: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Either length or length_bondorder* must be specified." ) super().__init__(**kwargs)
_TAGNAME = "Bonds" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _INFOTYPE = BondType # class to hold force type info _DEPENDENCIES = [ConstraintHandler] # ConstraintHandler must be executed first _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.4") # Use the _allow_only filter here because this class's implementation contains all the information about supported # potentials for this handler. potential = ParameterAttribute( default="overridden in init", converter=_allow_only(["harmonic", "(k/2)*(r-length)^2"]), ) # The default value for fractional_bondorder_method depends on the section version and is overwritten in __init__. # Do not use the allow_only filter here since ToolkitWrappers may be imported that support additional fractional # bondorder methods. fractional_bondorder_method = ParameterAttribute(default="overridden in init") # Use the _allow_only filter here because this class's implementation contains all the information about supported # interpolation types. fractional_bondorder_interpolation = ParameterAttribute( default="linear", converter=_allow_only(["linear"]) )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Default value for fractional_bondorder_interpolation depends on section version if ( self.version == Version("0.3") and "fractional_bondorder_method" not in kwargs ): self.fractional_bondorder_method = "none" elif ( self.version == Version("0.4") and "fractional_bondorder_method" not in kwargs ): self.fractional_bondorder_method = "AM1-Wiberg" # Default value for potential depends on section version if self.version == Version("0.3") and "potential" not in kwargs: self.potential = "harmonic" elif self.version == Version("0.4") and "potential" not in kwargs: self.potential = "(k/2)*(r-length)^2"
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "BondHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ string_attrs_to_compare = ( "fractional_bondorder_method", "fractional_bondorder_interpolation", ) self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=string_attrs_to_compare ) # potential="harmonic" and potential="(k/2)*(r-length)^2" should be considered identical self_has_harmonic_potential = ( self.potential == "harmonic" or self.potential == "(k/2)*(r-length)^2" ) other_has_harmonic_potential = ( other_handler.potential == "harmonic" or other_handler.potential == "(k/2)*(r-length)^2" ) if not (self_has_harmonic_potential and other_has_harmonic_potential): if self.potential != other_handler.potential: raise IncompatibleParameterError( f"potential values are not identical. " f"(handler value: {self.potential}, incompatible value: {other_handler.potential}" )
[docs]class AngleHandler(ParameterHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<AngleForce>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class AngleType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF angle type. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Angle" angle = ParameterAttribute( k = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole /**2)
_TAGNAME = "Angles" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _INFOTYPE = AngleType # class to hold force type info _DEPENDENCIES = [ConstraintHandler] # ConstraintHandler must be executed first potential = ParameterAttribute(default="harmonic")
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "AngleHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ string_attrs_to_compare = ("potential",) self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=string_attrs_to_compare )
# TODO: There's a lot of duplicated code in ProperTorsionHandler and ImproperTorsionHandler
[docs]class ProperTorsionHandler(ParameterHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<ProperTorsionForce>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class ProperTorsionType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF torsion type for proper torsions. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Proper" periodicity = IndexedParameterAttribute(converter=int) phase = IndexedParameterAttribute( k = IndexedParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole) idivf = IndexedParameterAttribute(default=None, converter=float) # fractional bond order params k_bondorder = IndexedMappedParameterAttribute( default=None, unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole )
_TAGNAME = "ProperTorsions" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _KWARGS = ["partial_bond_orders_from_molecules"] _INFOTYPE = ProperTorsionType # info type to store _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.4") potential = ParameterAttribute( default="k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))", converter=_allow_only(["k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))"]), ) default_idivf = ParameterAttribute(default="auto") fractional_bondorder_method = ParameterAttribute(default="AM1-Wiberg") fractional_bondorder_interpolation = ParameterAttribute( default="linear", converter=_allow_only(["linear"]) )
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "ProperTorsionHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ float_attrs_to_compare = list() string_attrs_to_compare = [ "potential", "fractional_bondorder_method", "fractional_bondorder_interpolation", ] if self.default_idivf == "auto": string_attrs_to_compare.append("default_idivf") else: float_attrs_to_compare.append("default_idivf") self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=tuple(string_attrs_to_compare), tolerance_attrs=tuple(float_attrs_to_compare), )
# TODO: There's a lot of duplicated code in ProperTorsionHandler and ImproperTorsionHandler
[docs]class ImproperTorsionHandler(ParameterHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<ImproperTorsionForce>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class ImproperTorsionType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF torsion type for improper torsions. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Improper" periodicity = IndexedParameterAttribute(converter=int) phase = IndexedParameterAttribute( k = IndexedParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole) idivf = IndexedParameterAttribute(default=None, converter=float)
_TAGNAME = "ImproperTorsions" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _INFOTYPE = ImproperTorsionType # info type to store potential = ParameterAttribute( default="k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))", converter=_allow_only(["k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))"]), ) default_idivf = ParameterAttribute(default="auto")
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "ImproperTorsionHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ float_attrs_to_compare = list() string_attrs_to_compare = ["potential"] if self.default_idivf == "auto": string_attrs_to_compare.append("default_idivf") else: float_attrs_to_compare.append("default_idivf") self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=tuple(string_attrs_to_compare), tolerance_attrs=tuple(float_attrs_to_compare), )
[docs] def find_matches(self, entity, unique=False): """Find the improper torsions in the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type. Parameters ---------- entity Topology to search. Returns --------- matches ``matches[atom_indices]`` is the ``ParameterType`` object matching the 4-tuple of atom indices in ``entity``. """ return self._find_matches( entity, transformed_dict_cls=ImproperDict, unique=unique )
class _NonbondedHandler(ParameterHandler): """Base class for ParameterHandlers that deal with OpenMM NonbondedForce objects."""
[docs]class vdWHandler(_NonbondedHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<vdW>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class vdWType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF vdWForce type. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Atom" epsilon = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.kilocalorie / unit.mole) sigma = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) rmin_half = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) def __init__(self, **kwargs): sigma = kwargs.get("sigma", None) rmin_half = kwargs.get("rmin_half", None) if (sigma is None) and (rmin_half is None): raise SMIRNOFFSpecError("Either sigma or rmin_half must be specified.") if (sigma is not None) and (rmin_half is not None): raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "BOTH sigma and rmin_half cannot be specified simultaneously." ) super().__init__(**kwargs) if sigma: self._extra_nb_var = "rmin_half" if rmin_half: self._extra_nb_var = "sigma" def __setattr__(self, name, value): super().__setattr__(key=name, value=value) if name == "rmin_half": if type(value) is str: value = object_to_quantity(value) super().__setattr__("sigma", 2.0 * value / 2 ** (1 / 6)) self._extra_nb_var = "sigma" if name == "sigma": if type(value) is str: value = object_to_quantity(value) super().__setattr__("rmin_half", value * 2 ** (1 / 6) / 2.0) self._extra_nb_var = "rmin_half"
[docs] def to_dict( self, discard_cosmetic_attributes=False, duplicate_attributes=None, ): return super().to_dict( discard_cosmetic_attributes=discard_cosmetic_attributes, duplicate_attributes=[ *([] if duplicate_attributes is None else duplicate_attributes), self._extra_nb_var, ], )
_TAGNAME = "vdW" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _INFOTYPE = vdWType # info type to store _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.5") potential = ParameterAttribute( default="Lennard-Jones-12-6", converter=_allow_only(["Lennard-Jones-12-6"]) ) combining_rules = ParameterAttribute( default="Lorentz-Berthelot", converter=_allow_only(["Lorentz-Berthelot"]) ) scale12 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0, converter=float) scale13 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0, converter=float) scale14 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.5, converter=float) scale15 = ParameterAttribute(default=1.0, converter=float) cutoff = ParameterAttribute(default=9.0 * unit.angstroms, unit=unit.angstrom) switch_width = ParameterAttribute(default=1.0 * unit.angstroms, unit=unit.angstrom) periodic_method = ParameterAttribute( default="cutoff", converter=_allow_only(["cutoff", "no-cutoff", "Ewald3D"]) ) nonperiodic_method = ParameterAttribute( default="no-cutoff", converter=_allow_only(["cutoff", "no-cutoff"]) )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("version") is None: kwargs["version"] = 0.5 elif Version(str(kwargs.get("version"))) > Version("0.3"): if "method" in kwargs: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "`method` attribute has been removed in version 0.4 of the vdW tag. Use " "`periodic_method` and `nonperiodic_method` instead. " "See" ) if kwargs.get("version") == 0.3:"Attempting to up-convert vdW section from 0.3 to 0.4") # This is the only supported value of "method" is version 0.3 if kwargs.get("method") in ("cutoff", None): kwargs["periodic_method"] = "cutoff" kwargs["nonperiodic_method"] = "no-cutoff" kwargs["version"] = 0.4 kwargs.pop("method", None) 'Successfully up-converted vdW section from 0.3 to 0.4. `method="cutoff"` ' 'is now split into `periodic_method="cutoff"` ' 'and `nonperiodic_method="no-cutoff"`.' ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Failed to up-convert vdW section from 0.3 to 0.4. Did not know " f'how to up-convert `method="{kwargs["method"]}"`.' ) super().__init__(**kwargs)
# TODO: Use _allow_only when ParameterAttribute will support multiple converters # (it'll be easy when we switch to use the attrs library) @scale12.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def scale12(self, attrs, new_scale12): if new_scale12 != 0.0: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Current OpenFF toolkit is unable to handle scale12 values other than 0.0. " f"Specified 1-2 scaling was {new_scale12}." ) return new_scale12 @scale13.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def scale13(self, attrs, new_scale13): if new_scale13 != 0.0: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Current OpenFF toolkit is unable to handle scale13 values other than 0.0. " f"Specified 1-3 scaling was {new_scale13}." ) return new_scale13 @scale15.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def scale15(self, attrs, new_scale15): if new_scale15 != 1.0: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Current OpenFF toolkit is unable to handle scale15 values other than 1.0. " f"Specified 1-5 scaling was {new_scale15}." ) return new_scale15 # Tolerance when comparing float attributes for handler compatibility. _SCALETOL = 1e-5
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "vdWHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ float_attrs_to_compare = ("scale12", "scale13", "scale14", "scale15") string_attrs_to_compare = ( "potential", "combining_rules", "periodic_method", "nonperiodic_method", ) unit_attrs_to_compare = ("cutoff", "switch_width") self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=string_attrs_to_compare, tolerance_attrs=float_attrs_to_compare + unit_attrs_to_compare, tolerance=self._SCALETOL, )
[docs]class ElectrostaticsHandler(_NonbondedHandler): """Handles SMIRNOFF ``<Electrostatics>`` tags. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _TAGNAME = "Electrostatics" _DEPENDENCIES = [vdWHandler] _KWARGS = ["charge_from_molecules"] _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.4") # Tolerance when comparing float attributes for handler compatibility. _SCALETOL = 1e-5 _DEFAULT_REACTION_FIELD_EXPRESSION = ( "charge1*charge2/(4*pi*epsilon0)*(1/r + k_rf*r^2 - c_rf);" "k_rf=(cutoff^(-3))*(solvent_dielectric-1)/(2*solvent_dielectric+1);" "c_rf=cutoff^(-1)*(3*solvent_dielectric)/(2*solvent_dielectric+1)" ) scale12 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0, converter=float) scale13 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0, converter=float) scale14 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.833333, converter=float) scale15 = ParameterAttribute(default=1.0, converter=float) cutoff = ParameterAttribute(default=9.0 * unit.angstrom, unit=unit.angstrom) switch_width = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0 * unit.angstrom, unit=unit.angstrom) solvent_dielectric = ParameterAttribute(default=None) # TODO: How to validate arbitrary algebra in a converter? periodic_potential = ParameterAttribute( default="Ewald3D-ConductingBoundary", converter=_allow_only( [ "Ewald3D-ConductingBoundary", "Coulomb", _DEFAULT_REACTION_FIELD_EXPRESSION, ] ), ) nonperiodic_potential = ParameterAttribute( default="Coulomb", converter=_allow_only(["Coulomb"]) ) exception_potential = ParameterAttribute( default="Coulomb", converter=_allow_only(["Coulomb"]) ) # TODO: Use _allow_only when ParameterAttribute will support multiple converters # (it'll be easy when we switch to use the attrs library) @scale12.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def scale12(self, attrs, new_scale12): if new_scale12 != 0.0: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Current OpenFF toolkit is unable to handle scale12 values other than 0.0. " f"Specified 1-2 scaling was {new_scale12}." ) return new_scale12 @scale13.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def scale13(self, attrs, new_scale13): if new_scale13 != 0.0: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Current OpenFF toolkit is unable to handle scale13 values other than 0.0. " f"Specified 1-3 scaling was {new_scale13}." ) return new_scale13 @scale15.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def scale15(self, attrs, new_scale15): if new_scale15 != 1.0: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "Current OpenFF toolkit is unable to handle scale15 values other than 1.0. " f"Specified 1-5 scaling was {new_scale15}." ) return new_scale15 @switch_width.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def switch_width(self, attr, new_switch_width): if new_switch_width not in [0.0 * unit.angstrom, None, "None", "none"]: raise SMIRNOFFSpecUnimplementedError( "The current implementation of the OpenFF Toolkit does not support an electrostatic " f"switch width (passed a value of {new_switch_width}). Currently only `0.0 angstroms` is supported " "and no switching function will be applied to the resulting `NonbondedForce`. If this behavior is " "important to you, please raise an issue at" ) @periodic_potential.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def periodic_potential(self, attr, new_value): if new_value in ["PME", "Ewald3D-ConductingBoundary"]: return "Ewald3D-ConductingBoundary" elif new_value in ["reaction-field", self._DEFAULT_REACTION_FIELD_EXPRESSION]: return self._DEFAULT_REACTION_FIELD_EXPRESSION elif new_value.lower() == "coulomb": return "Coulomb" else: raise NotImplementedError( "Failed to process unexpected periodic potential value: {new_value}" ) @solvent_dielectric.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def solvent_dielectric(self, attr, new_value): if new_value is not None: raise SMIRNOFFSpecUnimplementedError( "The current implementation of the OpenFF Toolkit does not support any electrostatic " "functions that make use of `solvent_dielectric`. If this behavior is important to you, please raise" "raise an issue at" )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("version") == 0.4: if "method" in kwargs: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( "`method` attribute has been removed in version 0.4 of the Electrostatics tag. Use " "`periodic_potential`, `nonperiodic_potential`, and `exception_potential` instead. " "See" ) if kwargs.get("version") == 0.3: "Attempting to up-convert Electrostatics section from 0.3 to 0.4" ) # Default value in 0.3 is "PME", so we have to handle these cases identically if kwargs.get("method") in ["PME", None]: kwargs["periodic_potential"] = "Ewald3D-ConductingBoundary" kwargs["nonperiodic_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["exception_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["version"] = 0.4 kwargs.pop("method", None) 'Successfully up-converted Electrostatics section from 0.3 to 0.4. `method="PME"` ' 'is now split into `periodic_potential="Ewald3D-ConductingBoundary"`, ' '`nonperiodic_potential="Coulomb"`, and `exception_potential="Coulomb"`.' ) elif kwargs["method"] == "Coulomb": kwargs["periodic_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["nonperiodic_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["exception_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["version"] = 0.4 kwargs.pop("method", None) 'Successfully up-converted Electrostatics section from 0.3 to 0.4. `method="Coulomb"` ' 'is now split into `periodic_potential="Coulob"`, ' '`nonperiodic_potential="Coulomb"`, and `exception_potential="Coulomb"`.' ) elif kwargs["method"] == "reaction-field": kwargs["periodic_potential"] = self._DEFAULT_REACTION_FIELD_EXPRESSION kwargs["nonperiodic_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["exception_potential"] = "Coulomb" kwargs["version"] = 0.4 kwargs.pop("method", None) 'Successfully up-converted Electrostatics section from 0.3 to 0.4. `method="Coulomb"` ' f'is now split into `periodic_potential="{self._DEFAULT_REACTION_FIELD_EXPRESSION}"` ' '`nonperiodic_potential="Coulomb"`, and `exception_potential="Coulomb"`.' ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Failed to up-convert Electrostatics section from 0.3 to 0.4. Did not know " f"how to up-convert `method={kwargs['method']}`." ) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "ElectrostaticsHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ float_attrs_to_compare = ( "scale12", "scale13", "scale14", "scale15", ) string_attrs_to_compare = ( "periodic_potential", "nonperiodic_potential", "exception_potential", ) unit_attrs_to_compare = ("cutoff", "switch_width") self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=string_attrs_to_compare, tolerance_attrs=float_attrs_to_compare + unit_attrs_to_compare, tolerance=self._SCALETOL, )
[docs]class LibraryChargeHandler(_NonbondedHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<LibraryCharges>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class LibraryChargeType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF Library Charge type. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "LibraryCharge" name = ParameterAttribute(default=None) charge = IndexedParameterAttribute(unit=unit.elementary_charge) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) unique_tags, connectivity = "get_tagged_smarts_connectivity", self.smirks ) if len(self.charge) != len(unique_tags): raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"LibraryCharge {self} was initialized with unequal number of " f"tagged atoms and charges" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_molecule(cls, molecule: Molecule): """ Construct a LibraryChargeType from a molecule with existing partial charges. Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule to create the LibraryChargeType from. The molecule must have partial charges. Returns ------- library_charge_type A LibraryChargeType that is expected to match this molecule and its partial charges. Raises ------ MissingPartialChargesError """ if molecule.partial_charges is None: raise MissingPartialChargesError( "Input molecule is missing partial charges." ) smirks = molecule.to_smiles(mapped=True) charges = molecule.partial_charges library_charge_type = cls(smirks=smirks, charge=charges) return library_charge_type
_TAGNAME = "LibraryCharges" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _INFOTYPE = LibraryChargeType # info type to store _DEPENDENCIES = [vdWHandler, ElectrostaticsHandler]
[docs] def find_matches(self, entity, unique=False): """Find the elements of the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type. Parameters ---------- entity Topology to search. Returns --------- matches ``matches[atom_indices]`` is the ``ParameterType`` object matching the tuple of atom indices in ``entity``. """ return self._find_matches( entity, transformed_dict_cls=dict, unique=unique, )
[docs]class ToolkitAM1BCCHandler(_NonbondedHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<ToolkitAM1BCC>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _TAGNAME = "ToolkitAM1BCC" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _DEPENDENCIES = [vdWHandler, ElectrostaticsHandler, LibraryChargeHandler] _KWARGS = ["toolkit_registry"] # Kwargs to catch when create_force is called
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility( self, other_handler: "ToolkitAM1BCCHandler", assume_missing_is_default: bool = True, ): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. assume_missing_is_default Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ pass
[docs]class ChargeIncrementModelHandler(_NonbondedHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<ChargeIncrementModel>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class ChargeIncrementType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF bond charge correction type. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "ChargeIncrement" charge_increment = IndexedParameterAttribute(unit=unit.elementary_charge) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) unique_tags, connectivity = "get_tagged_smarts_connectivity", self.smirks ) n_tags = len(unique_tags) n_increments = len(self.charge_increment) diff = n_tags - n_increments if diff < 0 or diff > 1: # TODO: Consider dealing with diff > 2 by smearing charges across # all un-specified increments raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"ChargeIncrement {self} was initialized with an invalid combination " f"of tagged atoms and charge increments" )
_TAGNAME = "ChargeIncrementModel" # SMIRNOFF tag name to process _INFOTYPE = ChargeIncrementType # info type to store _DEPENDENCIES = [ vdWHandler, ElectrostaticsHandler, LibraryChargeHandler, ToolkitAM1BCCHandler, ] _MAX_SUPPORTED_SECTION_VERSION = Version("0.4") number_of_conformers = ParameterAttribute(default=1, converter=int) partial_charge_method = ParameterAttribute(default="AM1-Mulliken", converter=str)
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility( self, other_handler: "ChargeIncrementModelHandler", assume_missing_is_default: bool = True, ): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. assume_missing_is_default Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ int_attrs_to_compare = ("number_of_conformers",) string_attrs_to_compare = ("partial_charge_method",) self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=string_attrs_to_compare + int_attrs_to_compare, )
[docs] def find_matches(self, entity, unique=False): """Find the elements of the topology/molecule matched by a parameter type. Parameters ---------- entity Topology to search. Returns --------- matches ``matches[atom_indices]`` is the ``ParameterType`` object matching the tuple of atom indices in ``entity``. """ matches = self._find_matches( entity, transformed_dict_cls=TagSortedDict, unique=unique ) return matches
[docs]class GBSAHandler(ParameterHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<GBSA>`` tags .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class GBSAType(ParameterType): """A SMIRNOFF GBSA type. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "Atom" radius = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.angstrom) scale = ParameterAttribute(converter=float)
_TAGNAME = "GBSA" _INFOTYPE = GBSAType # It's important that this runs AFTER partial charges are assigned to all particles, since this will need to # collect and assign them to the GBSA particles _DEPENDENCIES = [ vdWHandler, ElectrostaticsHandler, ToolkitAM1BCCHandler, ChargeIncrementModelHandler, LibraryChargeHandler, ] gb_model = ParameterAttribute( default="OBC1", converter=_allow_only(["HCT", "OBC1", "OBC2"]) ) solvent_dielectric = ParameterAttribute(default=78.5, converter=float) solute_dielectric = ParameterAttribute(default=1, converter=float) sa_model = ParameterAttribute(default="ACE", converter=_allow_only(["ACE", None])) surface_area_penalty = ParameterAttribute( default=Quantity(5.4, _cal_mol_a2), unit=_cal_mol_a2, ) solvent_radius = ParameterAttribute(default=1.4 * unit.angstrom, unit=unit.angstrom) # Tolerance when comparing float attributes for handler compatibility. _SCALETOL = 1e-5
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "GBSAHandler"): """ Checks whether this ParameterHandler encodes compatible physics as another ParameterHandler. This is called if a second handler is attempted to be initialized for the same tag. Parameters ---------- other_handler The handler to compare to. Raises ------ IncompatibleParameterError if handler_kwargs are incompatible with existing parameters. """ float_attrs_to_compare = ("solvent_dielectric", "solute_dielectric") string_attrs_to_compare = ("gb_model", "sa_model") unit_attrs_to_compare = ("surface_area_penalty", "solvent_radius") self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=string_attrs_to_compare, tolerance_attrs=float_attrs_to_compare + unit_attrs_to_compare, tolerance=self._SCALETOL, )
_VirtualSiteType = Literal[ "BondCharge", "MonovalentLonePair", "DivalentLonePair", "TrivalentLonePair", ] class _BaseVirtualSiteType(ParameterType): """ Handle virtual site parameters, including geometry and electrostatics, but not vdW interactions. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ _ELEMENT_NAME = "VirtualSite" name = ParameterAttribute(default="EP", converter=str) type = ParameterAttribute(converter=str) match = ParameterAttribute(converter=str) distance = ParameterAttribute(unit=unit.angstrom) outOfPlaneAngle = ParameterAttribute( inPlaneAngle = ParameterAttribute( charge_increment = IndexedParameterAttribute(unit=unit.elementary_charge) @property def parent_index(self) -> int: """Returns the index of the atom matched by the SMIRKS pattern that should be considered the 'parent' to the virtual site. A value of ``0`` corresponds to the atom matched by the ``:1`` selector in the SMIRKS pattern, a value ``2`` the atom matched by ``:2`` and so on. """ return self.type_to_parent_index(self.type) @classmethod def type_to_parent_index(cls, type_: _VirtualSiteType) -> int: """Returns the index of the atom matched by the SMIRKS pattern that should be considered the 'parent' to a given type of virtual site. A value of ``0`` corresponds to the atom matched by the ``:1`` selector in the SMIRKS pattern, a value ``2`` the atom matched by ``:2`` and so on. """ if type_.replace("VirtualSite", "") in get_args(_VirtualSiteType): return 0 raise NotImplementedError() @outOfPlaneAngle.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def outOfPlaneAngle(self, attr, value): if value == "None": return supports_out_of_plane_angle = self._supports_out_of_plane_angle(self.type) if not supports_out_of_plane_angle and value is not None: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"'{self.type}' sites do not support `outOfPlaneAngle`" ) elif supports_out_of_plane_angle: return _validate_units(attr, value, unit.degrees) return value @inPlaneAngle.converter # type: ignore[no-redef] def inPlaneAngle(self, attr, value): if value == "None": return supports_in_plane_angle = self._supports_in_plane_angle(self.type) if not supports_in_plane_angle and value is not None: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"'{self.type}' sites do not support `inPlaneAngle`" ) elif supports_in_plane_angle: return _validate_units(attr, value, unit.degrees) return value def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._add_default_init_kwargs(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) @classmethod def _add_default_init_kwargs(cls, kwargs): """Adds any missing default values to the ``kwargs`` dictionary, and partially validates any provided values that aren't easily validated with converters. """ type_ = kwargs.get("type", None) if type_ is None: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError("the `type` keyword is missing") if type_ not in get_args(_VirtualSiteType): raise SMIRNOFFSpecError(f"'{type_}' is not a supported virtual site type") if "charge_increment" in kwargs: expected_num_charge_increments = cls._expected_num_charge_increments(type_) num_charge_increments = len(kwargs["charge_increment"]) if num_charge_increments != expected_num_charge_increments: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"'{type_}' virtual sites expect exactly {expected_num_charge_increments} " f"charge increments, but got {kwargs['charge_increment']} " f"(length {num_charge_increments}) instead." ) supports_in_plane_angle = cls._supports_in_plane_angle(type_) supports_out_of_plane_angle = cls._supports_out_of_plane_angle(type_) if not supports_out_of_plane_angle: kwargs["outOfPlaneAngle"] = kwargs.get("outOfPlaneAngle", None) if not supports_in_plane_angle: kwargs["inPlaneAngle"] = kwargs.get("inPlaneAngle", None) match = kwargs.get("match", None) if match is None: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError("the `match` keyword is missing") out_of_plane_angle = kwargs.get("outOfPlaneAngle", 0.0 * is_in_plane = ( None if not supports_out_of_plane_angle else numpy.isclose(out_of_plane_angle.m_as(, 0.0) ) if not cls._supports_match(type_, match, is_in_plane): raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"match='{match}' not supported with type='{type_}'" + ("" if is_in_plane is None else f" and is_in_plane={is_in_plane}") ) @classmethod def _supports_in_plane_angle(cls, type_: _VirtualSiteType) -> bool: return type_ in {"MonovalentLonePair"} @classmethod def _supports_out_of_plane_angle(cls, type_: _VirtualSiteType) -> bool: return type_ in {"MonovalentLonePair", "DivalentLonePair"} @classmethod def _expected_num_charge_increments(cls, type_: _VirtualSiteType) -> int: if type_ == "BondCharge": return 2 elif (type_ == "MonovalentLonePair") or (type_ == "DivalentLonePair"): return 3 elif type_ == "TrivalentLonePair": return 4 raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def _supports_match( cls, type_: _VirtualSiteType, match: str, is_in_plane: Optional[bool] = None ) -> bool: is_in_plane = True if is_in_plane is None else is_in_plane if match == "once": return type_ == "TrivalentLonePair" or ( type_ == "DivalentLonePair" and is_in_plane ) elif match == "all_permutations": return type_ in {"BondCharge", "MonovalentLonePair", "DivalentLonePair"} raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class VirtualSiteHandler(_NonbondedHandler): """Handle SMIRNOFF ``<VirtualSites>`` tags TODO: Add example usage/documentation .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] class VirtualSiteType(_BaseVirtualSiteType, vdWHandler.vdWType): """Store virtual site parameters (geometry and electrostatics) and vdW interactions.""" epsilon = ParameterAttribute( default=0.0 * unit.kilocalorie_per_mole, unit=unit.kilocalorie_per_mole ) sigma = ParameterAttribute(default=1.0 * unit.angstrom, unit=unit.angstrom) rmin_half = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.angstrom) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "rmin_half" not in kwargs: kwargs["sigma"] = kwargs.get("sigma", 0.0 * unit.angstrom) kwargs["epsilon"] = kwargs.get("epsilon", 0.0 * unit.kilocalorie_per_mole) self._add_default_init_kwargs(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs)
_TAGNAME = "VirtualSites" _INFOTYPE = VirtualSiteType _DEPENDENCIES = [ ElectrostaticsHandler, LibraryChargeHandler, ChargeIncrementModelHandler, ToolkitAM1BCCHandler, vdWHandler, ] exclusion_policy = ParameterAttribute(default="parents") @classmethod def _validate_found_match( cls, atoms_by_index: dict, matched_indices: tuple[int, ...], parameter: VirtualSiteType, ): """ We place limitations on the chemical environments that certain types of v-site can be applied to, e.g. we enforce that divalent lone pairs can only be applied to environments that look like a carboxyl group. These somewhat artificial restrictions limit the number of potential edge cases that need to be thought through, and significantly reduces the number of test cases / problematic choices that need to be made. If users meet a not supported exception, they should open an issue on GitHub explaining their exact use case so that we can ensure that exactly what they need is both supported and works as expected through expansion of the unit tests. This validation can be disabled by assigning the environment variable `OPENFF_UNSAFE_VSITES=1`. """ import os if os.environ.get("OPENFF_UNSAFE_VSITES", "0") != "0": return supported_connectivity = { # We currently expect monovalent lone pairs to be applied to something # like a carboxyl group, where the parent of the lone pair has a # connectivity of 1, while it neighbour has a connectivity of 3 ("MonovalentLonePair", 0): 1, ("MonovalentLonePair", 1): 3, # We currently expect divalent lone pairs to be applied to something # like an sp2 nitrogen, or a hydroxyl oxygen ("DivalentLonePair", 0): 2, # We currently expect trivalent lone pairs to be applied to something # like an sp3 nitrogen ("TrivalentLonePair", 0): 3, } for smirks_index, atom_index in enumerate(matched_indices): if (parameter.type, smirks_index) not in supported_connectivity: # No restrictions placed on this matched atom. continue matched_atom = atoms_by_index[atom_index] connectivity = len(matched_atom.bonds) expected_connectivity = supported_connectivity[ (parameter.type, smirks_index) ] if expected_connectivity == connectivity: continue raise NotImplementedError( f"{parameter.smirks} matched chemical environment that is currently " f"unsupported by virtual sites of type {parameter.type}. Atom with " f"smirks index={smirks_index} matched topology atom {atom_index} with " f"connectivity={connectivity}, but it was expected to have connectivity " f"{expected_connectivity}. If you are getting this error and aren't " f"developing your own force field, it indicates that the FF you're " f"using never expected to see a molecule like this. If you ARE developing " f"a force field and know that you want to squelch this error, set the " f"environment variable `OPENFF_UNSAFE_VSITES=1`." )
[docs] def check_handler_compatibility(self, other_handler: "VirtualSiteHandler"): self._check_attributes_are_equal( other_handler, identical_attrs=("exclusion_policy",), )
def _index_of_parameter( self, parameter: Optional[ParameterType] = None, key: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Optional[int]: """Attempts to find the index of a parameter in the parameters list. By default, two parameters are considered 'the same' if they have the same SMIRKS pattern, type, and name. Parameters ---------- parameter The parameter to find the index of. This argument is mutually exclusive with ``key``. key A tuple of the type, SMIRKS, and name of the parameter to find the index of. This argument is mutually exclusive with ``parameter``. Returns ------- The index of the parameter if found, otherwise ``None``. """ if (key is None and parameter is None) or ( key is not None and parameter is not None ): raise ValueError("`key` and `parameter` are mutually exclusive arguments") key = cast( tuple[str, str, str], ( key if parameter is None else (parameter.type, parameter.smirks, ), ) expected_type, expected_smirks, expected_name = key for i, existing_parameter in enumerate(self.parameters): if ( existing_parameter.type != expected_type or existing_parameter.smirks != expected_smirks or != expected_name ): continue return i return None def _find_matches_by_parent(self, entity: Topology) -> dict[int, list]: from collections import defaultdict topology_atoms = { i: topology_atom for i, topology_atom in enumerate(entity.atoms) } # We need to find all the parameters that would lead to a v-site being placed # onto a given 'parent atom'. We only allow each parent atom to be assigned one # v-site with a given 'name', whereby the last parameter to be matched wins. matches_by_parent: dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for parameter in self._parameters: # Filter for redundant matches caused by non-tagged atoms # See seen_topology_atom_indices = set() for match in entity.chemical_environment_matches(parameter.smirks): if match.topology_atom_indices in seen_topology_atom_indices: continue else: seen_topology_atom_indices.add(match.topology_atom_indices) parent_index = match.topology_atom_indices[parameter.parent_index] matches_by_parent[parent_index][].append( (parameter, match) ) # we then need to find which parameter was the last one to be assigned to each # given 'parent' atom, and all the ways that that parameter matches the atoms # surrounding the parent. Whether we keep the different orientations or not # depends on the 'match' setting of the parameter. assigned_matches_by_parent = defaultdict(list) for parent_index, matches_by_name in matches_by_parent.items(): for matches in matches_by_name.values(): assigned_parameter, _ = matches[-1] # last match wins match_orientations = [ match for parameter_index, match in matches if parameter_index == assigned_parameter ] if assigned_parameter.match == "once": # the v-site types were designed such that we should be safe # choosing an arbitrary ordering of the non-parent matched atoms. match_orientations = [match_orientations[0]] elif assigned_parameter.match == "all_permutations": pass else: raise SMIRNOFFSpecError( f"{assigned_parameter.match} match keyword is not supported" ) assigned_matches_by_parent[parent_index].append( (assigned_parameter, match_orientations) ) for match in match_orientations: # make sure the match does not look like a weird edge case that we # haven't tested to ensure 'sensible' behaviour in most cases. self._validate_found_match( topology_atoms, match.topology_atom_indices, assigned_parameter ) return assigned_matches_by_parent def _find_matches( self, entity: Topology, transformed_dict_cls=dict, unique=False, ) -> dict[tuple[int], list[ParameterHandler._Match]]: assigned_matches_by_parent = self._find_matches_by_parent(entity) return_dict = {} for parent_index, assigned_parameters in assigned_matches_by_parent.items(): assigned_matches = [] for assigned_parameter, match_orientations in assigned_parameters: for match in match_orientations: assigned_matches.append( ParameterHandler._Match(assigned_parameter, match) ) return_dict[(parent_index,)] = assigned_matches return return_dict
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._parameters = VirtualSiteParameterList()
def __getitem__(self, val): return self.parameters.__getitem__(val)
ConstraintType = ConstraintHandler.ConstraintType BondType = BondHandler.BondType AngleType = AngleHandler.AngleType ProperTorsionType = ProperTorsionHandler.ProperTorsionType ImproperTorsionType = ImproperTorsionHandler.ImproperTorsionType vdWType = vdWHandler.vdWType LibraryChargeType = LibraryChargeHandler.LibraryChargeType GBSAType = GBSAHandler.GBSAType ChargeIncrementType = ChargeIncrementModelHandler.ChargeIncrementType VirtualSiteType = VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteType if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() # doctest.run_docstring_examples(_ParameterAttributeHandler, globals())