
class openforcefield.utils.toolkits.RDKitToolkitWrapper[source]

RDKit toolkit wrapper


This API is experimental and subject to change.


List of file formats that this toolkit can read.


List of file formats that this toolkit can write.


classmethod(function) -> method


Return the name of the toolkit wrapped by this class as a str


Return the version of the wrapped toolkit as a str



Canonical order the atoms in the molecule using the RDKit.

enumerate_stereoisomers(molecule[, …])

Enumerate the stereocenters and bonds of the current molecule.

enumerate_tautomers(molecule[, max_states])

Enumerate the possible tautomers of the current molecule.


Find the rings in a given molecule.

find_smarts_matches(molecule, smarts[, …])

Find all SMARTS matches for the specified molecule, using the specified aromaticity model.

from_file(file_path, file_format[, …])

Create an openforcefield.topology.Molecule from a file using this toolkit.

from_file_obj(file_obj, file_format[, …])

Return an openforcefield.topology.Molecule from a file-like object (an object with a “.read()” method using this toolkit.

from_inchi(inchi[, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls])

Construct a Molecule from a InChI representation

from_object(obj[, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls])

If given an rdchem.Mol (or rdchem.Mol-derived object), this function will load it into an openforcefield.topology.molecule.

from_pdb_and_smiles(file_path, smiles[, …])

Create a Molecule from a pdb file and a SMILES string using RDKit.

from_rdkit(rdmol[, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls])

Create a Molecule from an RDKit molecule.

from_smiles(smiles[, …])

Create a Molecule from a SMILES string using the RDKit toolkit.

generate_conformers(molecule[, …])

Generate molecule conformers using RDKit.


Returns a tuple of tuples indicating connectivity between tagged atoms in a SMARTS string.


Check whether the RDKit toolkit can be imported


to_file(molecule, file_path, file_format)

Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object

to_file_obj(molecule, file_obj, file_format)

Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object

to_inchi(molecule[, fixed_hydrogens])

Create an InChI string for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit.

to_inchikey(molecule[, fixed_hydrogens])

Create an InChIKey for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit.

to_rdkit(molecule[, aromaticity_model])

Create an RDKit molecule

to_smiles(molecule[, isomeric, …])

Uses the RDKit toolkit to convert a Molecule into a SMILES string.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Initialize self.


Canonical order the atoms in the molecule using the RDKit.

enumerate_stereoisomers(molecule[, …])

Enumerate the stereocenters and bonds of the current molecule.

enumerate_tautomers(molecule[, max_states])

Enumerate the possible tautomers of the current molecule.


Find the rings in a given molecule.

find_smarts_matches(molecule, smarts[, …])

Find all SMARTS matches for the specified molecule, using the specified aromaticity model.

from_file(file_path, file_format[, …])

Create an openforcefield.topology.Molecule from a file using this toolkit.

from_file_obj(file_obj, file_format[, …])

Return an openforcefield.topology.Molecule from a file-like object (an object with a “.read()” method using this toolkit.

from_inchi(inchi[, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls])

Construct a Molecule from a InChI representation

from_object(obj[, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls])

If given an rdchem.Mol (or rdchem.Mol-derived object), this function will load it into an openforcefield.topology.molecule.

from_pdb_and_smiles(file_path, smiles[, …])

Create a Molecule from a pdb file and a SMILES string using RDKit.

from_rdkit(rdmol[, allow_undefined_stereo, _cls])

Create a Molecule from an RDKit molecule.

from_smiles(smiles[, …])

Create a Molecule from a SMILES string using the RDKit toolkit.

generate_conformers(molecule[, …])

Generate molecule conformers using RDKit.


Returns a tuple of tuples indicating connectivity between tagged atoms in a SMARTS string.


Check whether the RDKit toolkit can be imported


to_file(molecule, file_path, file_format)

Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object

to_file_obj(molecule, file_obj, file_format)

Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object

to_inchi(molecule[, fixed_hydrogens])

Create an InChI string for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit.

to_inchikey(molecule[, fixed_hydrogens])

Create an InChIKey for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit.

to_rdkit(molecule[, aromaticity_model])

Create an RDKit molecule

to_smiles(molecule[, isomeric, …])

Uses the RDKit toolkit to convert a Molecule into a SMILES string.



List of file formats that this toolkit can read.


List of file formats that this toolkit can write.


classmethod(function) -> method


Return the name of the toolkit wrapped by this class as a str


Return the version of the wrapped toolkit as a str

property toolkit_file_write_formats

List of file formats that this toolkit can write.

classmethod is_available()[source]

Check whether the RDKit toolkit can be imported


True if RDKit is installed, False otherwise.

from_object(obj, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

If given an rdchem.Mol (or rdchem.Mol-derived object), this function will load it into an openforcefield.topology.molecule. Otherwise, it will return False.

objA rdchem.Mol-derived object

An object to be type-checked and converted into a Molecule, if possible.

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

Whether to accept molecules with undefined stereocenters. If False, an exception will be raised if a molecule with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function.


Molecule constructor

Molecule or False

An openforcefield.topology.molecule Molecule.


If the object could not be converted into a Molecule.

from_pdb_and_smiles(file_path, smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

Create a Molecule from a pdb file and a SMILES string using RDKit.

Requires RDKit to be installed.

The molecule is created and sanitised based on the SMILES string, we then find a mapping between this molecule and one from the PDB based only on atomic number and connections. The SMILES molecule is then reindex to match the PDB, the conformer is attached and the molecule returned.

file_path: str

PDB file path


a valid smiles string for the pdb, used for seterochemistry and bond order

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry.


Molecule constructor

moleculeopenforcefield.Molecule (or _cls() type)

An OFFMol instance with ordering the same as used in the PDB file.

InvalidConformerErrorif the SMILES and PDB molecules are not isomorphic.
from_file(file_path, file_format, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

Create an openforcefield.topology.Molecule from a file using this toolkit.


The file to read the molecule from


Format specifier, usually file suffix (eg. ‘MOL2’, ‘SMI’) Note that not all toolkits support all formats. Check ToolkitWrapper.toolkit_file_read_formats for details.

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry.


Molecule constructor

moleculesiterable of Molecules

a list of Molecule objects is returned.

from_file_obj(file_obj, file_format, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

Return an openforcefield.topology.Molecule from a file-like object (an object with a “.read()” method using this toolkit.


This API is experimental and subject to change.

file_objfile-like object

The file-like object to read the molecule from


Format specifier, usually file suffix (eg. ‘MOL2’, ‘SMI’) Note that not all toolkits support all formats. Check ToolkitWrapper.toolkit_file_read_formats for details.

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

If false, raises an exception if oemol contains undefined stereochemistry.


Molecule constructor

moleculesMolecule or list of Molecules

a list of Molecule objects is returned.

to_file_obj(molecule, file_obj, file_format)[source]

Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object

moleculean OpenFF Molecule

The molecule to write


The file-like object to write to


The format for writing the molecule data

to_file(molecule, file_path, file_format)[source]

Writes an OpenFF Molecule to a file-like object

moleculean OpenFF Molecule

The molecule to write


The file path to write to


The format for writing the molecule data

enumerate_stereoisomers(molecule, undefined_only=False, max_isomers=20, rationalise=True)[source]

Enumerate the stereocenters and bonds of the current molecule.

molecule: openforcefield.topology.Molecule

The molecule whose state we should enumerate

undefined_only: bool optional, default=False

If we should enumerate all stereocenters and bonds or only those with undefined stereochemistry

max_isomers: int optional, default=20

The maximum amount of molecules that should be returned

rationalise: bool optional, default=True

If we should try to build and rationalise the molecule to ensure it can exist

molecules: List[openforcefield.topology.Molecule]

A list of openforcefield.topology.Molecule instances

enumerate_tautomers(molecule, max_states=20)[source]

Enumerate the possible tautomers of the current molecule.

molecule: openforcefield.topology.Molecule

The molecule whose state we should enumerate

max_states: int optional, default=20

The maximum amount of molecules that should be returned

molecules: List[openforcefield.topology.Molecule]

A list of openforcefield.topology.Molecule instances not including the input molecule.


Canonical order the atoms in the molecule using the RDKit.

molecule: openforcefield.topology.Molecule

The input molecule


The input molecule, with canonically-indexed atoms and bonds.

to_smiles(molecule, isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True, mapped=False)[source]

Uses the RDKit toolkit to convert a Molecule into a SMILES string. A partially mapped smiles can also be generated for atoms of interest by supplying an atom_map to the properties dictionary.

moleculeAn openforcefield.topology.Molecule

The molecule to convert into a SMILES.

isomeric: bool optional, default= True

return an isomeric smiles

explicit_hydrogens: bool optional, default=True

return a smiles string containing all hydrogens explicitly

mapped: bool optional, default=False

return a explicit hydrogen mapped smiles, the atoms to be mapped can be controlled by supplying an atom map into the properties dictionary. If no mapping is passed all atoms will be mapped in order, else an atom map dictionary from the current atom index to the map id should be supplied with no duplicates. The map ids (values) should start from 0 or 1.


The SMILES of the input molecule.

from_smiles(smiles, hydrogens_are_explicit=False, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

Create a Molecule from a SMILES string using the RDKit toolkit.


This API is experimental and subject to change.


The SMILES string to turn into a molecule

hydrogens_are_explicitbool, default=False

If False, RDKit will perform hydrogen addition using Chem.AddHs

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

Whether to accept SMILES with undefined stereochemistry. If False, an exception will be raised if a SMILES with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function.


Molecule constructor


An openforcefield-style molecule.

from_inchi(inchi, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

Construct a Molecule from a InChI representation


The InChI representation of the molecule.

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

Whether to accept InChI with undefined stereochemistry. If False, an exception will be raised if a InChI with undefined stereochemistry is passed into this function.


Molecule constructor

generate_conformers(molecule, n_conformers=1, rms_cutoff=None, clear_existing=True, _cls=None)[source]

Generate molecule conformers using RDKit.


This API is experimental and subject to change.

moleculea Molecule

The molecule to generate conformers for.

n_conformersint, default=1

Maximum number of conformers to generate.

rms_cutoffsimtk.Quantity-wrapped float, in units of distance, optional, default=None

The minimum RMS value at which two conformers are considered redundant and one is deleted. If None, the cutoff is set to 1 Angstrom

clear_existingbool, default=True

Whether to overwrite existing conformers for the molecule.


Molecule constructor

from_rdkit(rdmol, allow_undefined_stereo=False, _cls=None)[source]

Create a Molecule from an RDKit molecule.

Requires the RDKit to be installed.


This API is experimental and subject to change.


An RDKit molecule

allow_undefined_stereobool, default=False

If false, raises an exception if rdmol contains undefined stereochemistry.


Molecule constructor


An openforcefield molecule


Create a molecule from an RDKit molecule

>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> from openforcefield.tests.utils import get_data_file_path
>>> rdmol = Chem.MolFromMolFile(get_data_file_path('systems/monomers/ethanol.sdf'))
>>> toolkit_wrapper = RDKitToolkitWrapper()
>>> molecule = toolkit_wrapper.from_rdkit(rdmol)
classmethod to_rdkit(molecule, aromaticity_model='OEAroModel_MDL')[source]

Create an RDKit molecule

Requires the RDKit to be installed.


This API is experimental and subject to change.

aromaticity_modelstr, optional, default=DEFAULT_AROMATICITY_MODEL

The aromaticity model to use


An RDKit molecule


Convert a molecule to RDKit

>>> from openforcefield.topology import Molecule
>>> ethanol = Molecule.from_smiles('CCO')
>>> rdmol = ethanol.to_rdkit()
to_inchi(molecule, fixed_hydrogens=False)[source]

Create an InChI string for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit. InChI is a standardised representation that does not capture tautomers unless specified using the fixed hydrogen layer.

For information on InChi see here

moleculeAn openforcefield.topology.Molecule

The molecule to convert into a SMILES.

fixed_hydrogens: bool, default=False

If a fixed hydrogen layer should be added to the InChI, if True this will produce a non standard specific InChI string of the molecule.

inchi: str

The InChI string of the molecule.

to_inchikey(molecule, fixed_hydrogens=False)[source]

Create an InChIKey for the molecule using the RDKit Toolkit. InChIKey is a standardised representation that does not capture tautomers unless specified using the fixed hydrogen layer.

For information on InChi see here

moleculeAn openforcefield.topology.Molecule

The molecule to convert into a SMILES.

fixed_hydrogens: bool, default=False

If a fixed hydrogen layer should be added to the InChI, if True this will produce a non standard specific InChI string of the molecule.

inchi_key: str

The InChIKey representation of the molecule.


Returns a tuple of tuples indicating connectivity between tagged atoms in a SMARTS string. Does not return bond order.


The tagged SMARTS to analyze

unique_tagstuple of int

A sorted tuple of all unique tagged atom map indices.

tagged_atom_connectivitytuple of tuples of int, shape n_tagged_bonds x 2

A tuple of tuples, where each inner tuple is a pair of tagged atoms (tag_idx_1, tag_idx_2) which are bonded. The inner tuples are ordered smallest-to-largest, and the tuple of tuples is ordered lexically. So the return value for an improper torsion would be ((1, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)).


If RDKit was unable to parse the provided smirks/tagged smarts

find_smarts_matches(molecule, smarts, aromaticity_model='OEAroModel_MDL')[source]

Find all SMARTS matches for the specified molecule, using the specified aromaticity model.


This API is experimental and subject to change.


The molecule for which all specified SMARTS matches are to be located


SMARTS string with optional SMIRKS-style atom tagging

aromaticity_modelstr, optional, default=’OEAroModel_MDL’

Molecule is prepared with this aromaticity model prior to querying.

.. note :: Currently, the only supported ``aromaticity_model`` is ``OEAroModel_MDL``

Find the rings in a given molecule.


For systems containing some special cases of connected rings, this function may not be well-behaved and may report a different number rings than expected. Some problematic cases include networks of many (5+) rings or bicyclic moieties (i.e. norbornane).


The molecule for which rings are to be found

ringstuple of tuples of atom indices

Nested tuples, each containing the indices of atoms in each ring

property toolkit_file_read_formats

List of file formats that this toolkit can read.

property toolkit_installation_instructions

classmethod(function) -> method

Convert a function to be a class method.

A class method receives the class as implicit first argument, just like an instance method receives the instance. To declare a class method, use this idiom:

class C:

@classmethod def f(cls, arg1, arg2, …):

It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance (e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class. If a class method is called for a derived class, the derived class object is passed as the implied first argument.

Class methods are different than C++ or Java static methods. If you want those, see the staticmethod builtin.

property toolkit_name

Return the name of the toolkit wrapped by this class as a str


This API is experimental and subject to change.


The name of the wrapped toolkit

property toolkit_version

Return the version of the wrapped toolkit as a str


This API is experimental and subject to change.


The version of the wrapped toolkit