Source code for openff.toolkit.utils.toolkit_registry

"Registry for ToolkitWrapper objects"

__all__ = ("ToolkitRegistry",)

import inspect
import logging

from openff.toolkit.utils.ambertools_wrapper import AmberToolsToolkitWrapper
from openff.toolkit.utils.base_wrapper import ToolkitWrapper
from openff.toolkit.utils.builtin_wrapper import BuiltInToolkitWrapper
from openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions import (
from openff.toolkit.utils.openeye_wrapper import OpenEyeToolkitWrapper
from openff.toolkit.utils.rdkit_wrapper import RDKitToolkitWrapper
from openff.toolkit.utils.utils import all_subclasses

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logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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# Implementation
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[docs]class ToolkitRegistry: """ Registry for ToolkitWrapper objects Examples -------- Register toolkits in a specified order, skipping if unavailable >>> from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import ToolkitRegistry >>> toolkit_precedence = [OpenEyeToolkitWrapper, RDKitToolkitWrapper, AmberToolsToolkitWrapper] >>> toolkit_registry = ToolkitRegistry(toolkit_precedence) >>> toolkit_registry ToolkitRegistry containing OpenEye Toolkit, The RDKit, AmberTools Register all available toolkits (in the order OpenEye, RDKit, AmberTools, built-in) >>> toolkits = [OpenEyeToolkitWrapper, RDKitToolkitWrapper, AmberToolsToolkitWrapper, BuiltInToolkitWrapper] >>> toolkit_registry = ToolkitRegistry(toolkit_precedence=toolkits) >>> toolkit_registry ToolkitRegistry containing OpenEye Toolkit, The RDKit, AmberTools, Built-in Toolkit Retrieve the global singleton toolkit registry, which is created when this module is imported from all available toolkits: >>> from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import GLOBAL_TOOLKIT_REGISTRY as toolkit_registry >>> toolkit_registry ToolkitRegistry containing OpenEye Toolkit, The RDKit, AmberTools, Built-in Toolkit Note that this will contain different ToolkitWrapper objects based on what toolkits are currently installed. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """
[docs] def __init__( self, toolkit_precedence=[], exception_if_unavailable=True, _register_imported_toolkit_wrappers=False, ): """ Create an empty toolkit registry. Parameters ---------- toolkit_precedence : list, default=[] List of toolkit wrapper classes, in order of desired precedence when performing molecule operations. If None, no toolkits will be registered. exception_if_unavailable : bool, optional, default=True If True, an exception will be raised if the toolkit is unavailable _register_imported_toolkit_wrappers : bool, optional, default=False If True, will attempt to register all imported ToolkitWrapper subclasses that can be found in the order of toolkit_precedence, if specified. If toolkit_precedence is not specified, the default order is [OpenEyeToolkitWrapper, RDKitToolkitWrapper, AmberToolsToolkitWrapper, BuiltInToolkitWrapper]. """ self._toolkits = list() toolkits_to_register = list() if _register_imported_toolkit_wrappers: if toolkit_precedence is None: toolkit_precedence = [ OpenEyeToolkitWrapper, RDKitToolkitWrapper, AmberToolsToolkitWrapper, BuiltInToolkitWrapper, ] all_importable_toolkit_wrappers = all_subclasses(ToolkitWrapper) for toolkit in toolkit_precedence: if toolkit in all_importable_toolkit_wrappers: toolkits_to_register.append(toolkit) else: if toolkit_precedence: toolkits_to_register = toolkit_precedence if toolkits_to_register: for toolkit in toolkits_to_register: self.register_toolkit( toolkit, exception_if_unavailable=exception_if_unavailable )
@property def registered_toolkits(self): """ List registered toolkits. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. .. todo :: Should this return a generator? Deep copies? Classes? Toolkit names? Returns ------- toolkits : iterable of toolkit objects """ return list(self._toolkits) @property def registered_toolkit_versions(self): """ Return a dict containing the version of each registered toolkit. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Returns ------- toolkit_versions : dict[str, str] A dictionary mapping names and versions of wrapped toolkits """ return dict( (tk.toolkit_name, tk.toolkit_version) for tk in self.registered_toolkits )
[docs] def register_toolkit(self, toolkit_wrapper, exception_if_unavailable=True): """ Register the provided toolkit wrapper class, instantiating an object of it. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. .. todo :: This method should raise an exception if the toolkit is unavailable, unless an optional argument is specified that silently avoids registration of toolkits that are unavailable. Parameters ---------- toolkit_wrapper : instance or subclass of ToolkitWrapper The toolkit wrapper to register or its class. exception_if_unavailable : bool, optional, default=True If True, an exception will be raised if the toolkit is unavailable """ # Instantiate class if class, or just add if already instantiated. if isinstance(toolkit_wrapper, type): try: toolkit_wrapper = toolkit_wrapper() except ToolkitUnavailableException: msg = "Unable to load toolkit '{}'. ".format( toolkit_wrapper._toolkit_name ) if exception_if_unavailable: raise ToolkitUnavailableException(msg) else: if "OpenEye" in msg: msg += ( "The Open Force Field Toolkit does not require the OpenEye Toolkits, and can " "use RDKit/AmberTools instead. However, if you have a valid license for the " "OpenEye Toolkits, consider installing them for faster performance and additional " "file format support: " " " "OpenEye offers free Toolkit licenses for academics: " "" ) logger.warning(f"Warning: {msg}") return # Add toolkit to the registry. self._toolkits.append(toolkit_wrapper)
[docs] def deregister_toolkit(self, toolkit_wrapper): """ Remove a ToolkitWrapper from the list of toolkits in this ToolkitRegistry .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- toolkit_wrapper : instance or subclass of ToolkitWrapper The toolkit wrapper to remove from the registry Raises ------ InvalidToolkitError If toolkit_wrapper is not a ToolkitWrapper or subclass ToolkitUnavailableException If toolkit_wrapper is not found in the registry """ # If passed a class, instantiate it if inspect.isclass(toolkit_wrapper): toolkit_wrapper = toolkit_wrapper() if not isinstance(toolkit_wrapper, ToolkitWrapper): msg = ( f"Argument {toolkit_wrapper} must an ToolkitWrapper " f"or subclass of it. Found type {type(toolkit_wrapper)}." ) raise InvalidToolkitError(msg) toolkits_to_remove = [] for toolkit in self._toolkits: if type(toolkit) == type(toolkit_wrapper): toolkits_to_remove.append(toolkit) if not toolkits_to_remove: msg = ( f"Did not find {toolkit_wrapper} in registry. " f"Currently registered toolkits are {self._toolkits}" ) raise ToolkitUnavailableException(msg) for toolkit_to_remove in toolkits_to_remove: self._toolkits.remove(toolkit_to_remove)
[docs] def add_toolkit(self, toolkit_wrapper): """ Append a ToolkitWrapper onto the list of toolkits in this ToolkitRegistry .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- toolkit_wrapper : openff.toolkit.utils.ToolkitWrapper The ToolkitWrapper object to add to the list of registered toolkits Raises ------ InvalidToolkitError If toolkit_wrapper is not a ToolkitWrapper or subclass """ if not isinstance(toolkit_wrapper, ToolkitWrapper): msg = "Something other than a ToolkitWrapper object was passed to ToolkitRegistry.add_toolkit()\n" msg += "Given object {} of type {}".format( toolkit_wrapper, type(toolkit_wrapper) ) raise InvalidToolkitError(msg) self._toolkits.append(toolkit_wrapper)
# TODO: Can we automatically resolve calls to methods that are not explicitly defined using some Python magic?
[docs] def resolve(self, method_name): """ Resolve the requested method name by checking all registered toolkits in order of precedence for one that provides the requested method. Parameters ---------- method_name : str The name of the method to resolve Returns ------- method The method of the first registered toolkit that provides the requested method name Raises ------ NotImplementedError if the requested method cannot be found among the registered toolkits Examples -------- Create a molecule, and call the toolkit ``to_smiles()`` method directly >>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule >>> molecule = Molecule.from_smiles('Cc1ccccc1') >>> toolkit_registry = ToolkitRegistry([OpenEyeToolkitWrapper, RDKitToolkitWrapper, AmberToolsToolkitWrapper]) >>> method = toolkit_registry.resolve('to_smiles') >>> smiles = method(molecule) .. todo :: Is there a better way to figure out which toolkits implement given methods by introspection? """ for toolkit in self._toolkits: if hasattr(toolkit, method_name): method = getattr(toolkit, method_name) return method # No toolkit was found to provide the requested capability # TODO: Can we help developers by providing a check for typos in expected method names? msg = 'No registered toolkits can provide the capability "{}".\n'.format( method_name ) msg += "Available toolkits are: {}\n".format(self.registered_toolkits) raise NotImplementedError(msg)
# TODO: Can we instead register available methods directly with `ToolkitRegistry`, # so we can just use `ToolkitRegistry.method()`?
[docs] def call(self, method_name, *args, raise_exception_types=None, **kwargs): """ Execute the requested method by attempting to use all registered toolkits in order of precedence. ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed to the desired method, and return values of the method are returned This is a convenient shorthand for ``toolkit_registry.resolve_method(method_name)(*args, **kwargs)`` Parameters ---------- method_name : str The name of the method to execute raise_exception_types : list of Exception subclasses, default=None A list of exception-derived types to catch and raise immediately. If None, this will be set to [Exception], which will raise an error immediately if the first ToolkitWrapper in the registry fails. To try each ToolkitWrapper that provides a suitably-named method, set this to the empty list ([]). If all ToolkitWrappers run without raising any exceptions in this list, a single ValueError will be raised containing the each ToolkitWrapper that was tried and the exception it raised. Raises ------ NotImplementedError if the requested method cannot be found among the registered toolkits ValueError if no exceptions in the raise_exception_types list were raised by ToolkitWrappers, and all ToolkitWrappers in the ToolkitRegistry were tried. Other forms of exceptions are possible if raise_exception_types is specified. These are defined by the ToolkitWrapper method being called. Examples -------- Create a molecule, and call the toolkit ``to_smiles()`` method directly >>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule >>> molecule = Molecule.from_smiles('Cc1ccccc1') >>> toolkit_registry = ToolkitRegistry([OpenEyeToolkitWrapper, RDKitToolkitWrapper]) >>> smiles ='to_smiles', molecule) """ if raise_exception_types is None: raise_exception_types = [Exception] errors = list() for toolkit in self._toolkits: if hasattr(toolkit, method_name): method = getattr(toolkit, method_name) try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: for exception_type in raise_exception_types: if isinstance(e, exception_type): raise e errors.append((toolkit, e)) # No toolkit was found to provide the requested capability # TODO: Can we help developers by providing a check for typos in expected method names? msg = ( f'No registered toolkits can provide the capability "{method_name}" ' f'for args "{args}" and kwargs "{kwargs}"\n' ) msg += "Available toolkits are: {}\n".format(self.registered_toolkits) # Append information about toolkits that implemented the method, but could not handle the provided parameters for toolkit, error in errors: msg += " {} {} : {}\n".format(toolkit, type(error), error) raise ValueError(msg)
def __repr__(self): return "ToolkitRegistry containing " + ", ".join( [tk.toolkit_name for tk in self._toolkits] )