Source code for openff.recharge.utilities.toolkits

"""Uniform API for performing common cheminformatics tasks / queries"""

from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Tuple, cast

import numpy
from openff.toolkit.utils import ToolkitUnavailableException
from openff.units import unit
from openff.units.elements import SYMBOLS
from openff.utilities import MissingOptionalDependencyError, requires_package
from openff.utilities.utilities import requires_oe_module

    from openff.toolkit import Molecule

[docs]class VdWRadiiType(Enum): Bondi = "Bondi"
def _bond_key(index_a: int, index_b: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: return cast(Tuple[int, int], tuple(sorted((index_a, index_b)))) @requires_oe_module("oechem") def _oe_match_smirks( smirks: str, molecule: "Molecule", is_atom_aromatic: Dict[int, bool], is_bond_aromatic: Dict[Tuple[int, int], bool], unique: bool, kekulize: bool = False, ) -> List[Dict[int, int]]: from openeye import oechem oe_molecule = molecule.to_openeye() oe_atoms = {oe_atom.GetIdx(): oe_atom for oe_atom in oe_molecule.GetAtoms()} oe_bonds = { _bond_key(bond.GetBgnIdx(), bond.GetEndIdx()): bond for bond in oe_molecule.GetBonds() } for index, is_aromatic in is_atom_aromatic.items(): oe_atoms[index].SetAromatic(is_aromatic) for indices, is_aromatic in is_bond_aromatic.items(): oe_bonds[_bond_key(*indices)].SetAromatic(is_aromatic) query = oechem.OEQMol() assert oechem.OEParseSmarts(query, smirks), f"failed to parse {smirks}" substructure_search = oechem.OESubSearch(query) substructure_search.SetMaxMatches(0) matches = [] for match in substructure_search.Match(oe_molecule, unique): matched_indices = { atom_match.pattern.GetMapIdx() - 1: for atom_match in match.GetAtoms() if atom_match.pattern.GetMapIdx() != 0 } matches.append(matched_indices) return matches @requires_package("rdkit") def _rd_match_smirks( smirks: str, molecule: "Molecule", is_atom_aromatic: Dict[int, bool], is_bond_aromatic: Dict[Tuple[int, int], bool], unique: bool, kekulize: bool = False, ) -> List[Dict[int, int]]: from rdkit import Chem rd_molecule: Chem.Mol = molecule.to_rdkit() Chem.SanitizeMol(rd_molecule, Chem.SANITIZE_ALL ^ Chem.SANITIZE_SETAROMATICITY) if kekulize: Chem.Kekulize(rd_molecule) rd_atoms = {rd_atom.GetIdx(): rd_atom for rd_atom in rd_molecule.GetAtoms()} rd_bonds = { _bond_key(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()): bond for bond in rd_molecule.GetBonds() } for index, is_aromatic in is_atom_aromatic.items(): rd_atoms[index].SetIsAromatic(is_aromatic) for indices, is_aromatic in is_bond_aromatic.items(): rd_bonds[_bond_key(*indices)].SetIsAromatic(is_aromatic) query = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smirks) assert query is not None, f"failed to parse {smirks}" max_matches = numpy.iinfo(numpy.uintc).max full_matches = rd_molecule.GetSubstructMatches( query, uniquify=unique, maxMatches=max_matches, useChirality=True ) matches = [ { query_atom.GetAtomMapNum() - 1: index for index, query_atom in zip(match, query.GetAtoms()) if query_atom.GetAtomMapNum() != 0 } for match in full_matches ] return matches
[docs]def match_smirks( smirks: str, molecule: "Molecule", is_atom_aromatic: Dict[int, bool], is_bond_aromatic: Dict[Tuple[int, int], bool], unique: bool = False, kekulize: bool = False, ) -> List[Dict[int, int]]: """Attempt to find the indices (optionally unique) of all atoms which match a particular SMIRKS pattern. Parameters ---------- smirks The SMIRKS pattern to match. molecule The molecule to match against. is_atom_aromatic A dictionary of the form ``is_atom_aromatic[atom_index] = is_aromatic``. is_bond_aromatic A dictionary of the form ``is_bond_aromatic[(atom_index_a, atom_index_b)] = is_aromatic``. unique Whether to return only unique matches. kekulize Whether to kekulize the molecule before matching. Returns ------- A list of all the matches where each match is stored as a dictionary of the smirks indices and their corresponding matched atom indices. """ try: return _oe_match_smirks( smirks, molecule, is_atom_aromatic, is_bond_aromatic, unique, kekulize ) except ( ModuleNotFoundError, MissingOptionalDependencyError, ToolkitUnavailableException, ): return _rd_match_smirks( smirks, molecule, is_atom_aromatic, is_bond_aromatic, unique, kekulize )
[docs]def compute_vdw_radii( molecule: "Molecule", radii_type: VdWRadiiType = VdWRadiiType.Bondi ) -> unit.Quantity: """Computes the vdW radii of each atom in a molecule Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule containing the atoms radii_type The type of vdW radii to compute. Returns ------- A list of the vdW radii [A] of each atom. """ if radii_type == VdWRadiiType.Bondi: _BONDI_RADII = { "H": 1.20, "C": 1.70, "N": 1.55, "O": 1.52, "F": 1.47, "P": 1.80, "S": 1.80, "Cl": 1.75, "Br": 1.85, "I": 1.98, "He": 1.40, "Ar": 1.88, "Na": 2.27, "K": 1.75, } return [ _BONDI_RADII[SYMBOLS[atom.atomic_number]] for atom in molecule.atoms ] * unit.angstrom else: raise NotImplementedError()
@requires_oe_module("oechem") def _oe_apply_mdl_aromaticity_model( molecule: "Molecule", ) -> Tuple[Dict[int, bool], Dict[Tuple[int, int], bool]]: oe_molecule = molecule.to_openeye() from openeye import oechem oechem.OEClearAromaticFlags(oe_molecule) oechem.OEAssignAromaticFlags(oe_molecule, oechem.OEAroModel_MDL) is_atom_aromatic = { atom.GetIdx(): atom.IsAromatic() for atom in oe_molecule.GetAtoms() } is_bond_aromatic = { (bond.GetBgnIdx(), bond.GetEndIdx()): bond.IsAromatic() for bond in oe_molecule.GetBonds() } return is_atom_aromatic, is_bond_aromatic @requires_package("rdkit") def _rd_apply_mdl_aromaticity_model( molecule: "Molecule", ) -> Tuple[Dict[int, bool], Dict[Tuple[int, int], bool]]: rd_molecule = molecule.to_rdkit() from rdkit import Chem Chem.SetAromaticity(rd_molecule, Chem.AromaticityModel.AROMATICITY_MDL) is_atom_aromatic = { atom.GetIdx(): atom.GetIsAromatic() for atom in rd_molecule.GetAtoms() } is_bond_aromatic = { (bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()): bond.GetIsAromatic() for bond in rd_molecule.GetBonds() } return is_atom_aromatic, is_bond_aromatic
[docs]def apply_mdl_aromaticity_model( molecule: "Molecule", ) -> Tuple[Dict[int, bool], Dict[Tuple[int, int], bool]]: """Returns whether each atom and bond in a molecule is aromatic or not according to the MDL aromaticity model. Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule to generate aromatic flags for. Returns ------- A dictionary of the form ``is_atom_aromatic[atom_index] = is_aromatic`` and ``is_bond_aromatic[(atom_index_a, atom_index_b)] = is_aromatic``. """ try: return _oe_apply_mdl_aromaticity_model(molecule) except ( ModuleNotFoundError, MissingOptionalDependencyError, ToolkitUnavailableException, ): return _rd_apply_mdl_aromaticity_model(molecule)
@requires_oe_module("oechem") def _oe_get_atom_symmetries(molecule: "Molecule") -> List[int]: from openeye import oechem oe_mol = molecule.to_openeye() oechem.OEPerceiveSymmetry(oe_mol) symmetry_classes_by_index = { a.GetIdx(): a.GetSymmetryClass() for a in oe_mol.GetAtoms() } return [symmetry_classes_by_index[i] for i in range(molecule.n_atoms)] @requires_package("rdkit") def _rd_get_atom_symmetries(molecule: "Molecule") -> List[int]: from rdkit import Chem rd_mol = molecule.to_rdkit() return list(Chem.CanonicalRankAtoms(rd_mol, breakTies=False))
[docs]def get_atom_symmetries(molecule: "Molecule") -> List[int]: """Returns indices that describe which atoms in a molecule a topologically symmetrical. Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule of interest. Returns ------- A list of `n_atom` indices, whereby atoms with the same index are considered to be topologically symmetrical. """ try: return _oe_get_atom_symmetries(molecule) except ( ImportError, ToolkitUnavailableException, MissingOptionalDependencyError, ): return _rd_get_atom_symmetries(molecule)
@requires_oe_module("oechem") def _oe_molecule_to_tagged_smiles(molecule: "Molecule", indices: List[int]) -> str: from openeye import oechem oe_mol: oechem.OEMol = molecule.to_openeye() oe_atoms: Dict[int, oechem.OEAtomBase] = { oe_atom.GetIdx(): oe_atom for oe_atom in oe_mol.GetAtoms() } for i, index in enumerate(indices): oe_atoms[i].SetMapIdx(index) return oechem.OEMolToSmiles(oe_mol) @requires_package("rdkit") def _rd_molecule_to_tagged_smiles(molecule: "Molecule", indices: List[int]) -> str: from rdkit import Chem rd_mol: Chem.Mol = molecule.to_rdkit() rd_atoms: Dict[int, Chem.Atom] = { rd_atom.GetIdx(): rd_atom for rd_atom in rd_mol.GetAtoms() } for i, index in enumerate(indices): rd_atoms[i].SetAtomMapNum(index) return Chem.MolToSmiles(rd_mol)
[docs]def molecule_to_tagged_smiles(molecule: "Molecule", indices: List[int]) -> str: """Returns a SMILES pattern whereby each atom has been tagged with a specified index Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule of interest. indices The indices to associate with each atom in the molecule. Returns ------- A list of `n_atom` indices, whereby atoms with the same index are considered to be topologically symmetrical. """ assert ( len(indices) == molecule.n_atoms ), "number of atom indices does not match number of atoms" assert all(index > 0 for index in indices), "all indices must be > 0" try: return _oe_molecule_to_tagged_smiles(molecule, indices) except ( ImportError, ToolkitUnavailableException, MissingOptionalDependencyError, ): return _rd_molecule_to_tagged_smiles(molecule, indices)