Source code for openff.recharge.utilities.tensors

"""Utilities for manipulating numpy and pytorch tensors using a consistent API."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, overload

import numpy
from openff.utilities import requires_package

    import torch

TensorType = Union[numpy.ndarray, "torch.Tensor"]

_ZERO = None

def to_numpy(tensor: None) -> None: ...

def to_numpy(tensor: TensorType) -> numpy.ndarray: ...

[docs]def to_numpy(tensor): """Converts an array-like object (either numpy or pytorch) into a numpy array.""" if tensor is None: return None elif isinstance(tensor, numpy.ndarray): return tensor return tensor.detach().numpy()
@overload def to_torch(tensor: None) -> None: ... @overload def to_torch(tensor: TensorType) -> "torch.Tensor": ...
[docs]@requires_package("torch") def to_torch(tensor): """Converts an array-like object (either numpy or pytorch) into a pytorch tensor.""" import torch if tensor is None: return None elif isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): return tensor torch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(tensor) if torch_tensor.dtype == torch.float64: torch_tensor = torch_tensor.type(torch.float32) return torch_tensor
@overload def cdist(a: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray: ... @overload def cdist(a: "torch.Tensor", b: "torch.Tensor") -> "torch.Tensor": ...
[docs]def cdist(a, b): assert type(a) is type(b) if isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray): return numpy.linalg.norm(a[:, None, :] - b[None, :, :], axis=-1) elif a.__module__.startswith("torch"): import torch return torch.cdist(a, b) raise NotImplementedError()
@overload def inverse_cdist(a: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray: ... @overload def inverse_cdist(a: "torch.Tensor", b: "torch.Tensor") -> "torch.Tensor": ...
[docs]def inverse_cdist(a, b): assert type(a) is type(b) if isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray): return 1.0 / cdist(a, b) elif a.__module__.startswith("torch"): return cdist(a, b).reciprocal() raise NotImplementedError()
@overload def pairwise_differences(a: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray: ... @overload def pairwise_differences(a: "torch.Tensor", b: "torch.Tensor") -> "torch.Tensor": ...
[docs]def pairwise_differences(a, b): """Returns a tensor containing the vectors which point from all of the points (with dimension of ``n_dim``) in tensor ``a`` to all of the points in tensor ``b``. Parameters ---------- a The first tensor of points with shape=(n_a, n_dim). b The second tensor of points with shape=(n_b, n_dim). Returns ------- The vector field tensor with shape=(n_points_b, n_dim, n_points_a) and where ``tensor[i, :, j] = (b_i - a_j)`` """ assert type(a) is type(b) if isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray): return numpy.einsum("ijk->jki", b[None, :, :] - a[:, None, :]) elif a.__module__.startswith("torch"): import torch return torch.einsum("ijk->jki", b[None, :, :] - a[:, None, :]) raise NotImplementedError()
@overload def append_zero(a: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray: ... @overload def append_zero(a: "torch.Tensor") -> "torch.Tensor": ...
[docs]def append_zero(a): if isinstance(a, numpy.ndarray): return numpy.hstack([a, 0.0]) elif a.__module__.startswith("torch"): import torch return[a, torch.zeros(1, dtype=a.dtype)]) raise NotImplementedError()
@overload def concatenate(*arrays: None, dimension: int = 0) -> None: ... @overload def concatenate(*arrays: numpy.ndarray, dimension: int = 0) -> numpy.ndarray: ... @overload def concatenate(*arrays: "torch.Tensor", dimension: int = 0) -> "torch.Tensor": ...
[docs]def concatenate(*arrays, dimension: int = 0): """Concatenate multiple arrays along a specified dimension.""" if len(arrays) == 0: raise NotImplementedError() if all(array is None for array in arrays): return None elif isinstance(arrays[0], numpy.ndarray): return numpy.concatenate([*arrays], axis=dimension) elif arrays[0].__module__.startswith("torch"): import torch return[*arrays], dim=dimension) raise NotImplementedError()