Source code for openff.recharge.utilities.pydantic

"""Common utilities and types for when building pydantic models.

Most of the classes in the module are based off of the discussion here:

from typing import Any, cast

import numpy
from openff.units import unit, Quantity
from openff.recharge._pydantic import validator

[docs]class ArrayMeta(type): def __getitem__(self, t): return type("Array", (Array,), {"__dtype__": t})
[docs]class Array(numpy.ndarray, metaclass=ArrayMeta): @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls.validate_type
[docs] @classmethod def validate_type(cls, val): dtype = getattr(cls, "__dtype__", Any) if dtype is Any: return numpy.array(val) else: return numpy.array(val, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def wrapped_float_validator(field_name: str, expected_units: unit.Unit) -> validator: def validate_unit(cls, value): if isinstance(value, str): return float(value) elif value is None or isinstance(value, float): return value assert isinstance(value, Quantity) return cast(Quantity, value).to(expected_units).m return validator(field_name, allow_reuse=True, pre=True)(validate_unit)
[docs]def wrapped_array_validator(field_name: str, expected_units: unit.Unit) -> validator: def validate_unit(cls, value): if isinstance(value, str): raise NotImplementedError() elif value is None or isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): return value assert isinstance(value, Quantity) return cast(Quantity, value).to(expected_units).m return validator(field_name, allow_reuse=True, pre=True)(validate_unit)