Source code for openff.recharge.esp.qcresults

"""Reconstruct ESP and electric field data from existing QC records"""

import json
import logging
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple

import numpy
from openff.units import unit, Quantity
from openff.utilities import requires_package
from openff.recharge._pydantic import ValidationError

from openff.recharge.esp import ESPSettings, PCMSettings
from import MoleculeESPRecord
from openff.recharge.grids import GridGenerator, GridSettingsType
from openff.recharge.utilities.exceptions import RechargeException
from openff.recharge.utilities.molecule import extract_conformers

    import qcelemental.models
    import qcelemental.models.results
    import qcportal.models

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MissingQCWaveFunctionError(RechargeException): """An exception raised when a result does not store the required information about a computed QM wavefunction.""" def __init__(self, result_id: str): super().__init__( f"The result with id={result_id} does not store the required wavefunction." f"Make sure to use at minimum the 'orbitals_and_eigenvalues' wavefunction " f"protocol when computing the data set." ) self.result_id = result_id
[docs]class InvalidPCMKeywordError(RechargeException): """An exception raised when the PCM settings found in the 'pcm__input' entry of an entries keywords cannot be safely parsed.""" def __init__(self, input_string: str): super().__init__(f"The PCM settings could not be safely parsed: {input_string}")
def _parse_pcm_input(input_string: str) -> PCMSettings: """Attempts to parse a set of PCM settings from a PSI4 keyword string.""" # Convert the string to a JSON like string. value = input_string.replace(" ", "").replace("=", ":").replace("{", ":{") value = re.sub(r"(\d*[a-z][a-z\d]*)", r'"\1"', value) value = re.sub(r'(["\d}])"', r'\1,"', value.replace("\n", "")) value = value.replace('"true"', "true") value = value.replace('"false"', "false") solvent_map = {"H2O": "Water"} radii_map = {"BONDI": "Bondi", "UFF": "UFF", "ALLINGER": "Allinger"} try: # Load the string into a dictionary. pcm_dict = json.loads(f"{{{value}}}") # Validate some of the settings which we do not store in the settings # object yet. assert pcm_dict["cavity"]["type"].upper() == "GEPOL" assert pcm_dict["cavity"]["mode"].upper() == "IMPLICIT" assert numpy.isclose(pcm_dict["cavity"]["minradius"], 52.917721067) assert pcm_dict["units"].upper() == "ANGSTROM" assert pcm_dict["codata"] == 2010 assert pcm_dict["medium"]["nonequilibrium"] is False assert pcm_dict["medium"]["matrixsymm"] is True assert numpy.isclose(pcm_dict["medium"]["diagonalscaling"], 1.07) assert numpy.isclose(pcm_dict["medium"]["proberadius"], 0.52917721067) assert numpy.isclose(pcm_dict["medium"]["correction"], 0.0) # noinspection PyTypeChecker pcm_settings = PCMSettings( solver=pcm_dict["medium"]["solvertype"].upper(), solvent=solvent_map[pcm_dict["medium"]["solvent"].upper()], radii_model=radii_map[pcm_dict["cavity"]["radiiset"].upper()], radii_scaling=pcm_dict["cavity"]["scaling"], cavity_area=pcm_dict["cavity"]["area"], ) except (AssertionError, ValidationError) as error: raise InvalidPCMKeywordError(input_string) from error except Exception as e: raise e from None return pcm_settings
[docs]def reconstruct_density( wavefunction: "qcelemental.models.results.WavefunctionProperties", n_alpha: int ) -> numpy.ndarray: """Reconstructs a density matrix from a QCFractal wavefunction, making sure to order the entries in the ordering that psi4 expects (e.g. spherical, cartesian). Parameters ---------- wavefunction The wavefunction return by QCFractal. n_alpha The number of alpha electrons in the computation. Returns ------- The reconstructed density. """ # Reconstruct the density in CCA order orbitals = wavefunction.scf_orbitals_a density =[:, :n_alpha], orbitals[:, :n_alpha].T) # Re-order the density matrix to match the ordering expected by psi4. angular_momenta = { angular_momentum for atom in wavefunction.basis.atom_map for shell in wavefunction.basis.center_data[atom].electron_shells for angular_momentum in shell.angular_momentum } spherical_maps = { L: numpy.array( list(range(L * 2 - 1, 0, -2)) + [0] + list(range(2, L * 2 + 1, 2)) ) for L in angular_momenta } # Build a flat index that we can transform the AO quantities ao_map = [] counter = 0 for atom in wavefunction.basis.atom_map: center = wavefunction.basis.center_data[atom] for shell in center.electron_shells: if shell.harmonic_type == "cartesian": ao_map.append(numpy.arange(counter, counter + shell.nfunctions())) else: smap = spherical_maps[shell.angular_momentum[0]] ao_map.append(smap + counter) counter += shell.nfunctions() ao_map = numpy.hstack(ao_map) reverse_ao_map = {map_index: i for i, map_index in enumerate(ao_map)} reverse_ao_map = numpy.array([reverse_ao_map[i] for i in range(len(ao_map))]) reordered_density = density[reverse_ao_map[:, None], reverse_ao_map] return reordered_density
[docs]@requires_package("psi4") def compute_esp( qc_molecule: "qcelemental.models.Molecule", density: numpy.ndarray, esp_settings: ESPSettings, grid: Quantity, compute_field: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Quantity, Optional[Quantity]]: """Computes the ESP and electric field for a particular molecule on a specified grid and using the specified settings. Parameters ---------- qc_molecule The molecule to compute the ESP / electric field of. density The electron density of the molecule. esp_settings The settings to use when computing the ESP / electric field. grid The grid to evaluate the ESP and electric field on. compute_field Whether to compute the electric field in addition to the ESP. Returns ------- A tuple of the evaluated ESP with shape=(n_grid_points, 1) and the electric field with shape=(n_grid_points, 3) """ import psi4 psi4.core.be_quiet() psi4_molecule = psi4.geometry(qc_molecule.to_string("psi4", "angstrom")) psi4_molecule.reset_point_group("c1") psi4_wavefunction = psi4.core.RHF(, esp_settings.basis), psi4.core.SuperFunctional(), ) psi4_wavefunction.Da().copy(psi4.core.Matrix.from_array(density)) psi4_calculator = psi4.core.ESPPropCalc(psi4_wavefunction) psi4_grid = psi4.core.Matrix.from_array( esp = numpy.array( psi4_calculator.compute_esp_over_grid_in_memory(psi4_grid) ).reshape(-1, 1) field = None if compute_field: field = ( numpy.array(psi4_calculator.compute_field_over_grid_in_memory(psi4_grid)) * unit.hartree / (unit.bohr * unit.e) ) return esp * unit.hartree / unit.e, field
[docs]@requires_package("qcportal") def from_qcportal_results( qc_result: "qcportal.record_models.BaseRecord", qc_molecule: "qcelemental.models.Molecule", qc_keyword_set: dict, grid_settings: GridSettingsType, compute_field: bool = True, ) -> MoleculeESPRecord: """A function which will re-construct the ESP and optionally the electric field from a set of wavefunctions that have been computed by a QCFractal instance using the Psi4 package. Parameters ---------- qc_result The QCFractal result record which encodes the wavefunction qc_molecule The QC molecule corresponding to the result record. qc_keyword_set The keyword set used when computing the result record. grid_settings The settings which define the grid to evaluate the electronic properties on. compute_field Whether to compute the electric field in addition to the ESP. Returns ------- The values of the ESP and (optionally) the electric field stored in a storable record object. """ from openff.toolkit import Molecule # Compute and store the ESP and electric field for each result. if qc_result.wavefunction is None: raise MissingQCWaveFunctionError( # Retrieve the wavefunction and use it to reconstruct the electron density. density = reconstruct_density( wavefunction=qc_result.wavefunction,["calcinfo_nalpha"], ) # Convert the OE molecule to a QC molecule and extract the conformer of # interest. molecule = Molecule.from_qcschema( qc_molecule.dict(encoding="json"), allow_undefined_stereo=True ) conformers = extract_conformers(molecule) assert len(conformers) == 1 conformer = conformers[0] # Construct the grid to evaluate the ESP / electric field on. grid = GridGenerator.generate(molecule, conformer, grid_settings) # Retrieve the ESP settings from the record. enable_pcm = bool(qc_keyword_set.get("pcm")) esp_settings = ESPSettings( basis=qc_result.specification.basis, method=qc_result.specification.method, grid_settings=grid_settings, pcm_settings=( None if not enable_pcm else _parse_pcm_input(qc_keyword_set["pcm__input"]) ), ) # Reconstruct the ESP and field from the density. esp, electric_field = compute_esp( qc_molecule, density, esp_settings, grid, compute_field ) return MoleculeESPRecord.from_molecule( molecule, conformer=conformer, grid_coordinates=grid, esp=esp, electric_field=electric_field, esp_settings=esp_settings, )