Source code for openff.recharge.esp._esp

import abc
import os
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Optional, Tuple

from openff.units import Quantity
from openff.recharge._pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from openff.recharge.grids import GridGenerator, GridSettingsType

    from openff.toolkit import Molecule

    PositiveFloat = float
    from openff.recharge._pydantic import PositiveFloat

[docs]class DFTGridSettings(Enum): """An enumeration of the possible DFT grid settings to use when computing properties using PSI4. * Default - The values of `dft_spherical_points`, `dft_radial_points`, and `dft_pruning_scheme` are not explicitly set and are left for Psi4 to select. * Medium - `dft_spherical_points=434`, `dft_radial_points=85`, `dft_pruning_scheme=robust` [1]_. * Fine - `dft_spherical_points=590`, `dft_radial_points=99`, `dft_pruning_scheme=robust` [2]_. References ---------- [1] (accessed 22/09/2020) [2] (accessed 22/09/2020) """ Default = "default" Medium = "medium" Fine = "fine"
[docs]class PCMSettings(BaseModel): """A class which describes the polarizable continuum model (PCM) to include in the calculation of an ESP. """ solver: Literal["CPCM", "IEFPCM"] = Field("CPCM", description="The solver to use.") solvent: Literal["Water"] = Field( "Water", description="The solvent to simulate. This controls the dielectric constant " "of the model.", ) radii_model: Literal["Bondi", "UFF", "Allinger"] = Field( "Bondi", description="The type of atomic radii to use when computing the molecular " "cavity.", ) radii_scaling: bool = Field( True, description="Whether to scale the atomic radii by a factor of 1.2." ) cavity_area: PositiveFloat = Field( 0.3, description="The average area of the surface partition for the cavity." )
[docs]class ESPSettings(BaseModel): """A class which contains the settings to use in an ESP calculation.""" basis: str = Field( "6-31g*", description="The basis set to use in the ESP calculation." ) method: str = Field("hf", description="The method to use in the ESP calculation.") grid_settings: GridSettingsType = Field( ..., description="The settings to use when generating the grid to generate the " "electrostatic potential on.", ) pcm_settings: Optional[PCMSettings] = Field( None, description="The settings to use if including a polarizable continuum " "model in the ESP calculation.", ) psi4_dft_grid_settings: DFTGridSettings = Field( DFTGridSettings.Default, description="The DFT grid settings to use when performing computations with " "Psi4.", )
[docs]class ESPGenerator(abc.ABC): """A base class for classes which are able to generate the electrostatic potential of a molecule on a specified grid. """ @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _generate( cls, molecule: "Molecule", conformer: Quantity, grid: Quantity, settings: ESPSettings, directory: str, minimize: bool, compute_esp: bool, compute_field: bool, n_threads: int, ) -> Tuple[Quantity, Optional[Quantity], Optional[Quantity]]: """The implementation of the public ``generate`` function which should return the ESP for the provided conformer. Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule to generate the ESP for. conformer The conformer of the molecule to generate the ESP for. grid The grid to generate the ESP on with shape=(n_grid_points, 3). settings The settings to use when generating the ESP. directory The directory to run the calculation in. If none is specified, a temporary directory will be created and used. minimize Whether to energy minimize the conformer prior to computing the ESP using the same level of theory that the ESP will be computed at. compute_esp Whether to compute the ESP at each grid point. compute_field Whether to compute the field at each grid point. Returns ------- The final conformer [A] which will be identical to ``conformer`` if ``minimize=False``, ESP [Hartree / e] at each grid point with shape=(n_grid_points, 1) and the electric field [Hartree / (e . a0)] with shape=(n_grid_points, 3). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def generate( cls, molecule: "Molecule", conformer: Quantity, settings: ESPSettings, directory: str = None, minimize: bool = False, compute_esp: bool = True, compute_field: bool = True, n_threads: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[Quantity, Quantity, Optional[Quantity], Optional[Quantity]]: """Generate the electrostatic potential (ESP) on a grid defined by a provided set of settings. Parameters ---------- molecule The molecule to generate the ESP for. conformer The molecule conformer to generate the ESP of. settings The settings to use when generating the ESP. directory The directory to run the calculation in. If none is specified, a temporary directory will be created and used. minimize Whether to energy minimize the conformer prior to computing the ESP using the same level of theory that the ESP will be computed at. compute_esp Whether to compute the ESP at each grid point. compute_field Whether to compute the field at each grid point. Returns ------- The final conformer [A] which will be identical to ``conformer`` if ``minimize=False``, the grid [Angstrom] which the ESP was generated on with shape=(n_grid_points, 3), the ESP [Hartree / e] with shape=(n_grid_points, 1) and the electric field [Hartree / (e . a0)] with shape=(n_grid_points, 3) at each grid point with for each conformer present on the specified molecule. """ if directory is not None and len(directory) > 0: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) grid = GridGenerator.generate(molecule, conformer, settings.grid_settings) conformer, esp, electric_field = cls._generate( molecule, conformer, grid, settings, directory, minimize, compute_esp, compute_field, n_threads, ) return conformer, grid, esp, electric_field