Source code for openff.qcsubmit.workflow_components.filters

File containing the filters workflow components.

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from openff.toolkit.utils import (
from openff.units import unit
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolAlign import AlignMol
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.qcsubmit._pydantic import Field, root_validator, validator
from openff.qcsubmit.common_structures import ComponentProperties
from openff.qcsubmit.validators import (
from openff.qcsubmit.workflow_components.base_component import (
from openff.qcsubmit.workflow_components.utils import ComponentResult

[docs]class MolecularWeightFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Filters molecules based on the minimum and maximum allowed molecular weights. """ type: Literal["MolecularWeightFilter"] = "MolecularWeightFilter" minimum_weight: int = Field( 130, description="The minimum allowed molecule weight default value taken from the openeye blockbuster filter", ) maximum_weight: int = Field( 781, description="The maximum allow molecule weight, default taken from the openeye blockbuster filter.", )
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Molecules are filtered based on the allowed molecular weights."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "Molecule weight was not in the specified region."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ The common entry point of all workflow components which applies the workflow component to the given list of molecules. Parameters: molecules: The list of molecules the component should be applied on. toolkit_registry: The openff.toolkit.utils.ToolkitRegistry which declares the available toolkits. Returns: A [ComponentResult][qcsubmit.datasets.ComponentResult] instance containing information about the molecules that passed and were filtered by the component and details about the component which generated the result. """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) # work out the weight function for toolkit in toolkit_registry.registered_toolkits: if isinstance(toolkit, OpenEyeToolkitWrapper): weight_func = self._get_openeye_weight break elif isinstance(toolkit, RDKitToolkitWrapper): weight_func = self._get_rdkit_weight break else: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Either openeye or rdkit must be registered with the toolkit registry to use" "the weight filter." ) for molecule in molecules: total_weight = weight_func(molecule) if self.minimum_weight < total_weight < self.maximum_weight: result.add_molecule(molecule) else: result.filter_molecule(molecule) return result def _get_rdkit_weight(self, molecule: Molecule) -> float: """ Calculate the weight of the molecule using rdkit. """ from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors return Descriptors.ExactMolWt(molecule.to_rdkit()) def _get_openeye_weight(self, molecule: Molecule) -> float: """ Calculate the weight of the molecule using openeye. """ from openeye import oechem return oechem.OECalculateMolecularWeight(molecule.to_openeye())
[docs]class ElementFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Filter the molecules based on a list of allowed elements. Note: The `allowed_elements` attribute can take a list of either symbols or atomic numbers and will resolve them to a common internal format as required. Example: Using atomic symbols or atomic numbers in components. ```python >>> from openff.qcsubmit.workflow_components import ElementFilter >>> efil = ElementFilter() # set the allowed elements to H,C,N,O >>> efil.allowed_elements = ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O'] >>> efil.allowed_elements = [1, 6, 7, 8] ``` """ type: Literal["ElementFilter"] = "ElementFilter" allowed_elements: List[Union[int, str]] = Field( [ "H", "C", "N", "O", "F", "P", "S", "Cl", "Br", "I", ], description="The list of allowed elements as symbols or atomic number ints.", ) _check_elements = validator("allowed_elements", each_item=True, allow_reuse=True)( check_allowed_elements )
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return ( "Filter out molecules who contain elements not in the allowed element list." )
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "Molecules contained elements not in the allowed elements list."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
def _apply_init(self, result: ComponentResult) -> None: self._cache["elements"]: list[Union[str, int]] = [ SYMBOLS_TO_ELEMENTS.get(element, element) for element in self.allowed_elements ] def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ The common entry point of all workflow components which applies the workflow component to the given list of molecules. Parameters: molecules: The list of molecules the component should be applied on. toolkit_registry: The openff.toolkit.utils.ToolkitRegistry which declares the avilable toolkits. Returns: A [ComponentResult][qcsubmit.datasets.ComponentResult] instance containing information about the molecules that passed and were filtered by the component and details about the component which generated the result. """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) # First lets convert the allowed_elements list to ints as this is what is stored in the atom object _allowed_elements = self._cache["elements"] # now apply the filter for molecule in molecules: for atom in molecule.atoms: if atom.atomic_number not in _allowed_elements: result.filter_molecule(molecule) break else: result.add_molecule(molecule) return result
[docs] def provenance(self, toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry) -> Dict: """ Generate version information for all of the software used during the running of this component. Returns: A dictionary of all of the software used in the component along wither their version numbers. Note: The element class in OpenMM is used to match the elements so the OpenMM version is given. """ import openff.units provenance = super().provenance(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) provenance["openff-units_elements"] = openff.units.__version__ return provenance
[docs]class CoverageFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Filters molecules based on the requested force field parameter ids. Note: * The options ``allowed_ids`` and ``filtered_ids`` are mutually exclusive. """ type: Literal["CoverageFilter"] = "CoverageFilter" allowed_ids: Optional[Set[str]] = Field( None, description="The SMIRKS parameter ids of the parameters which are allowed to be exercised by the molecules. " "Molecules should use at least one of these ids to be passed by the component.", ) filtered_ids: Optional[Set[str]] = Field( None, description="The SMIRKS parameter ids of the parameters which are not allowed to be exercised by the molecules.", ) forcefield: str = Field( "openff_unconstrained-1.0.0.offxml", description="The name of the force field which we want to filter against.", )
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Filter the molecules based on the requested FF allowed parameters."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "The molecule was typed with disallowed parameters."
@root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): ids_to_include = values.get("allowed_ids") ids_to_exclude = values.get("filtered_ids") message = "exactly one of ``allowed_ids` and `filtered_ids` must specified." assert ids_to_include is not None or ids_to_exclude is not None, message assert ids_to_include is None or ids_to_exclude is None, message return values
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
def _apply_init(self, result: ComponentResult) -> None: self._cache["forcefield"] = ForceField(self.forcefield) def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ Apply the filter to the list of molecules to remove any molecules typed by an id that is not allowed, i.e. not included in the allowed list. Args: molecules: The list of molecules the component should be applied on. toolkit_registry: The openff.toolkit.utils.ToolkitRegistry which declares the available toolkits. Returns: A [ComponentResult][qcsubmit.datasets.ComponentResult] instance containing information about the molecules that passed and were filtered by the component and details about the component which generated the result. """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) forcefield: ForceField = self._cache["forcefield"] # type the molecules for molecule in molecules: labels = forcefield.label_molecules(molecule.to_topology())[0] # format the labels into a set covered_types = set( [ for types in labels.values() for label in types.values()] ) # use set intersection to check coverage for unwanted and wanted types unwanted_types = covered_types.intersection(self.filtered_ids or set()) common_types = covered_types.intersection(self.allowed_ids or set()) if self.filtered_ids is not None and unwanted_types: # the molecule has an unwanted parameter id result.filter_molecule(molecule=molecule) elif self.allowed_ids is not None and not common_types: # the molecule does not contain the wanted parameter id result.filter_molecule(molecule=molecule) else: # the molecule contains a wanted or does not contain a filtered parameter id result.add_molecule(molecule=molecule) return result
[docs] def provenance(self, toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry) -> Dict: """ Generate version information for all of the software used during the running of this component. Returns: A dictionary of all of the software used in the component along wither their version numbers. """ import openforcefields provenance = super().provenance(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) provenance["openforcefields"] = openforcefields.__version__ return provenance
[docs]class RotorFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Filters molecules based on the maximum and or minimum allowed number of rotatable bonds. Note: Rotatable bonds are torsions found using the `find_rotatable_bonds` method of the openforcefield.topology.Molecule class. """ type: Literal["RotorFilter"] = "RotorFilter" maximum_rotors: Optional[int] = Field( 4, description="The maximum number of rotatable bonds allowed in the molecule, if `None` the molecule has no maximum limit on rotatable bonds.", ) minimum_rotors: Optional[int] = Field( None, description="The minimum number of rotatble bonds allowed in the molecule, if `None` the molecule has no limit to the minimum number of rotatble bonds.", )
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Filter the molecules based on the maximum number of allowed rotatable bonds."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "The molecule has too many rotatable bonds."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
def _apply_init(self, result: ComponentResult) -> None: """ Validate the choice of minimum and maximum rotators. """ if self.maximum_rotors and self.minimum_rotors: if self.maximum_rotors < self.minimum_rotors: raise ValueError( "The maximum number of rotors should >= the minimum to ensure some molecules pass." ) def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ Apply the filter to the list of molecules to remove any molecules with more rotors then the maximum allowed number. Args: molecules: The list of molecules the component should be applied on. toolkit_registry: The openff.toolkit.utils.ToolkitRegistry which declares the avilable toolkits. Returns: A [ComponentResult][qcsubmit.datasets.ComponentResult] instance containing information about the molecules that passed and were filtered by the component and details about the component which generated the result. """ # create the return result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) for molecule in molecules: # cache the rotatable bonds calc and only check fail conditions rotatable_bonds = molecule.find_rotatable_bonds( toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry ) if self.maximum_rotors and len(rotatable_bonds) > self.maximum_rotors: result.filter_molecule(molecule) elif self.minimum_rotors and len(rotatable_bonds) < self.minimum_rotors: result.filter_molecule(molecule) else: result.add_molecule(molecule) return result
[docs]class SmartsFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Filters molecules based on if they contain certain smarts substructures. Note: * The smarts tags used for filtering should be numerically tagged in order to work with the toolkit. * The options ``allowed_substructures`` and ``filtered_substructures`` are mutually exclusive. """ type: Literal["SmartsFilter"] = "SmartsFilter" allowed_substructures: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="The list of allowed substructures which should be tagged with indices.", ) filtered_substructures: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="The list of substructures which should be filtered." )
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Filter molecules based on the given smarts patterns."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "The molecule did/didn't contain the given smarts patterns."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
_check_smarts = validator( "allowed_substructures", "filtered_substructures", each_item=True, allow_reuse=True, )(check_environments) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): allowed_substructures = values.get("allowed_substructures") filtered_substructures = values.get("filtered_substructures") message = "exactly one of ``allowed_substructures` and `filtered_substructures` must specified." assert ( allowed_substructures is not None or filtered_substructures is not None ), message assert allowed_substructures is None or filtered_substructures is None, message return values def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ Apply the filter to the input list of molecules removing those that match the filtered set or do not contain an allowed substructure. Args: molecules: The list of molecules the component should be applied on. toolkit_registry: The openff.toolkit.utils.ToolkitRegistry which declares the avilable toolkits. Returns: A [ComponentResult][qcsubmit.datasets.ComponentResult] instance containing information about the molecules that passed and were filtered by the component and details about the component which generated the result. """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) for molecule in molecules: if self.allowed_substructures is not None: for substructure in self.allowed_substructures: if molecule.chemical_environment_matches( query=substructure, toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry ): result.add_molecule(molecule=molecule) break else: # the molecule does not contain the allowed substructure so remove it result.filter_molecule(molecule=molecule) elif self.filtered_substructures is not None: for substructure in self.filtered_substructures: if molecule.chemical_environment_matches( query=substructure, toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry ): result.filter_molecule(molecule=molecule) break else: # there was no filtered substructure so keep the molecule result.add_molecule(molecule=molecule) return result
[docs]class RMSDCutoffConformerFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Prunes conformers from a molecule that are less than a specified RMSD from all other conformers """ # standard components which must be defined type: Literal["RMSDCutoffConformerFilter"] = "RMSDCutoffConformerFilter" # custom components for this class cutoff: float = Field(-1.0, description="The RMSD cut off in angstroms.")
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Filter conformations for the given molecules using a RMSD cutoff."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "Could not filter the conformers using RMSD."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
def _prune_conformers(self, molecule: Molecule) -> None: no_conformers: int = molecule.n_conformers # This will be used to determined whether it should be pruned # from the RMSD calculations. If we find it should be pruned # just once, it is sufficient to avoid it later in the pairwise # processing. uniq: List = list([True] * no_conformers) # Needed to get the aligned best-fit RMSD rdmol = molecule.to_rdkit() rmsd = [] # This begins the pairwise RMSD pruner if no_conformers > 1 and self.cutoff >= 0.0: # The reference conformer for RMSD calculation for j in range(no_conformers - 1): # A previous loop has determine this specific conformer # is too close to another, so we can entirely skip it if not uniq[j]: continue # since k starts from j+1, we are only looking at the # upper triangle of the comparisons (j < k) for k in range(j + 1, no_conformers): rmsd_i = AlignMol(rdmol, rdmol, k, j) rmsd.append(rmsd_i) # Flag this conformer for pruning, and also # prevent it from being used as a reference in the # future comparisons if rmsd_i < self.cutoff: uniq[k] = False confs = [ molecule.conformers[j] for j, add_bool in enumerate(uniq) if add_bool ] molecule._conformers = confs.copy() def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ Prunes conformers from a molecule that are less than a specified RMSD from all other conformers Args: molecules: The list of molecules the component should be applied on. Returns: A [ComponentResult][qcsubmit.datasets.ComponentResult] instance containing information about the molecules that passed and were filtered by the component and details about the component which generated the result. """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) for molecule in molecules: if molecule.n_conformers == 0: result.filter_molecule(molecule) else: self._prune_conformers(molecule) result.add_molecule(molecule) return result
[docs]class ScanFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ A filter to remove/include molecules from the workflow who have scans targeting the specified SMARTS. Important: Currently only checks against 1D scans. """ type: Literal["ScanFilter"] = "ScanFilter" scans_to_include: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="Only molecules with SCANs covering these SMARTs" "patterns should be kept. This option is mutually" "exclusive with ``scans_to_exclude``.", ) scans_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="Any molecules with scans covering these SMARTs will" "be removed from the dataset. This option is mutally" "exclusive with ``scans_to_include``.", ) _check_smarts = validator( "scans_to_include", "scans_to_exclude", each_item=True, allow_reuse=True )(check_environments)
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Filter molecules who have the desired/unwanted scans."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "The molecule contained an unwanted or did not contain a desired dihedral/improper scan."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
@root_validator def _validate_mutally_exclusive(cls, values): scans_to_include = values.get("scans_to_include") scans_to_exclude = values.get("scans_to_exclude") message = ( "exactly one of `scans_to_include` and `scans_to_exclude` must be specified" ) assert scans_to_include is not None or scans_to_exclude is not None, message assert scans_to_include is None or scans_to_exclude is None, message return values def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ Keep or remove scans based on the list of torsions to include or remove. """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) target_environments = self.scans_to_exclude or self.scans_to_include for molecule in molecules: torsion_indexer ="dihedrals", None) # if no dihedrals are tagged remove the molecule if torsion_indexer is None or torsion_indexer.n_torsions == 0: result.filter_molecule(molecule=molecule) continue all_matches = set() for env in target_environments: # get all matches as a list of sorted central bonds as they are stored this way matches = molecule.chemical_environment_matches( query=env, toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry ) for match in matches: match = match if len(match) == 2 else match[1:3] all_matches.add(tuple(sorted(match))) # now we either remove any torsions in this list or any missing from it based on include/exclude to_remove = [] if self.scans_to_include is not None: for center_bond in torsion_indexer.torsions.keys(): if center_bond not in all_matches: to_remove.append(center_bond) else: for center_bond in all_matches: if center_bond in torsion_indexer.torsions.keys(): to_remove.append(center_bond) # now remove for bond in to_remove: del torsion_indexer.torsions[bond] # if we have no torsions left filter the molecule if not torsion_indexer.get_dihedrals: result.filter_molecule(molecule) result.add_molecule(molecule) return result
[docs]class ChargeFilter(ToolkitValidator, CustomWorkflowComponent): """ Filter molecules if their formal charge is not in the `charges_to_include` list or is in the `charges_to_exclude` list. """ type: Literal["ChargeFilter"] = "ChargeFilter" charges_to_include: Optional[List[int]] = Field( None, description="The list of net molecule formal charges which are allowed in the dataset." "This option is mutually exclusive with ``charges_to_exclude``.", ) charges_to_exclude: Optional[List[int]] = Field( None, description="The list of net molecule formal charges which are to be removed from the dataset." "This option is mutually exclusive with ``charges_to_include``.", )
[docs] @classmethod def description(cls) -> str: return "Filter molecules by net formal charge."
[docs] @classmethod def fail_reason(cls) -> str: return "The molecules net formal charge was not requested or was in the `charges_to_exclude`."
[docs] @classmethod def properties(cls) -> ComponentProperties: return ComponentProperties(process_parallel=True, produces_duplicates=False)
@root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): charges_to_include = values.get("charges_to_include") charges_to_exclude = values.get("charges_to_exclude") message = "exactly one of ``charges_to_include` and `charges_to_exclude` must specified." assert charges_to_include is not None or charges_to_exclude is not None, message assert charges_to_include is None or charges_to_exclude is None, message return values def _apply( self, molecules: List[Molecule], toolkit_registry: ToolkitRegistry ) -> ComponentResult: """ Filter molecules based on their net formal charge """ result = self._create_result(toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry) for molecule in molecules: total_charge = molecule.total_charge.m_as(unit.elementary_charge) if ( self.charges_to_include is not None and total_charge not in self.charges_to_include ) or ( self.charges_to_exclude is not None and total_charge in self.charges_to_exclude ): result.filter_molecule(molecule=molecule) else: result.add_molecule(molecule) return result