Source code for openff.qcsubmit.results.filters

import abc
import copy
import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import numpy
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
from openff.toolkit.utils import (
from openff.units import unit
from openff.utilities import requires_package
from qcelemental.molutil import guess_connectivity
from qcportal.optimization import OptimizationRecord
from qcportal.record_models import BaseRecord, RecordStatusEnum
from qcportal.singlepoint import SinglepointRecord
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.qcsubmit._pydantic import (
from openff.qcsubmit.results.results import (
from openff.qcsubmit.validators import SYMBOLS_TO_ELEMENTS, check_allowed_elements

T = TypeVar("T", bound=_BaseResultCollection)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ResultFilter(BaseModel, abc.ABC): """The base class for a filter which will retain selection of QC records based on a specific criterion. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": """The internal implementation of the ``apply`` method which should apply this filter to a results collection and return a new collection containing only the retained entries. Notes: The ``result_collection`` passed to this function will be a copy and so can be modified in place if needed. Args: result_collection: The collection to apply the filter to. Returns: The collection containing only the retained entries. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": """Apply this filter to a results collection, returning a new collection containing only the retained entries. Args: result_collection: The collection to apply the filter to. Returns: The collection containing only the retained entries. .. seealso:: :meth:`openff.qcsubmit.results.BasicResultCollection.filter` """ filtered_collection = self._apply(result_collection.copy(deep=True)) filtered_collection.entries = { address: entries for address, entries in filtered_collection.entries.items() if len(entries) > 0 } f"{abs(filtered_collection.n_results - result_collection.n_results)} " f"results were removed after applying a {self.__class__.__name__} filter." ) if "applied-filters" not in filtered_collection.provenance: filtered_collection.provenance["applied-filters"] = {} n_existing_filters = len(filtered_collection.provenance["applied-filters"]) filter_name = f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{n_existing_filters}" filtered_collection.provenance["applied-filters"][filter_name] = {**self.dict()} return filtered_collection
[docs]class CMILESResultFilter(ResultFilter, abc.ABC): """The base class for a filter which will retain selection of QC records based solely on the CMILES ( / InChI key) associated with the record itself, and not the actual record. If the filter needs to access information from the QC record itself the ``SinglepointRecordFilter`` class should be used instead as it more efficiently retrieves the records and associated molecule objects from the QCFractal instances. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _filter_function(self, result: "_BaseResult") -> bool: """A method which should return whether to retain a particular result based on some property of the result object. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": result_collection.entries = { address: [*filter(self._filter_function, entries)] for address, entries in result_collection.entries.items() } return result_collection
class SinglepointRecordFilter(ResultFilter, abc.ABC): """The base class for filters which will operate on QC records and their corresponding molecules directly.""" @abc.abstractmethod def _filter_function( self, result: "_BaseResult", record: BaseRecord, molecule: Molecule ) -> bool: """A method which should return whether to retain a particular result based on some property of the associated QC record. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": all_records_and_molecules = defaultdict(list) for record, molecule in result_collection.to_records(): all_records_and_molecules[record._client.address].append((record, molecule)) filtered_results = {} for address, entries in result_collection.entries.items(): entries_by_id = {entry.record_id: entry for entry in entries} records_and_molecules = all_records_and_molecules[address] filtered_ids = [ for record, molecule in records_and_molecules if self._filter_function(entries_by_id[], record, molecule) ] filtered_results[address] = [ entry for entry in entries if entry.record_id in filtered_ids ] result_collection.entries = filtered_results return result_collection class SinglepointRecordGroupFilter(ResultFilter, abc.ABC): """The base class for filters which reduces repeated molecule entries down to a single entry. Notes: * This filter will only be applied to basic and optimization datasets. Torsion drive datasets / entries will be skipped. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _filter_function( self, entries: List[Tuple["_BaseResult", BaseRecord, Molecule, str]] ) -> List[Tuple["_BaseResult", str]]: """A method which should reduce a set of results down to a single entry based on some property of the QC calculation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": # do nothing for torsiondrives if isinstance(result_collection, TorsionDriveResultCollection): return result_collection all_records_and_molecules = { [record, molecule, record._client.address] for record, molecule in result_collection.to_records() } entries_by_inchikey = defaultdict(list) for entries in result_collection.entries.values(): for entry in entries: entries_by_inchikey[entry.inchi_key].append(entry) filtered_results = defaultdict(list) for entries in entries_by_inchikey.values(): results_and_addresses = self._filter_function( [ (entry, *all_records_and_molecules[entry.record_id]) for entry in entries ] ) for result, address in results_and_addresses: filtered_results[address].append(result) result_collection.entries = filtered_results return result_collection
[docs]class LowestEnergyFilter(SinglepointRecordGroupFilter): """Filter the results collection and only keep the lowest energy entries. Notes: * This filter will only be applied to basic and optimization datasets. Torsion drive datasets / entries will be skipped. """ def _filter_function( self, entries: List[ Tuple[ "_BaseResult", Union[SinglepointRecord, OptimizationRecord], Molecule, str, ] ], ) -> List[Tuple["_BaseResult", str]]: """Only return the lowest energy entry or final molecule.""" low_entry, low_energy, low_address = None, 99999999999, "" for entry, rec, _, address in entries: try: # energy = rec.get_final_energy() energy = rec.energies[-1] except AttributeError: energy = if energy < low_energy: low_entry = entry low_energy = energy low_address = address return [(low_entry, low_address)]
[docs]class ConformerRMSDFilter(SinglepointRecordGroupFilter): """A filter which will retain up to a maximum number of conformers for each unique molecule (as determined by an entries InChI key) which are distinct to within a specified RMSD tolerance. Notes: * This filter will only be applied to basic and optimization datasets. Torsion drive datasets / entries will be skipped. * A greedy selection algorithm is used to select conformers which are most distinct in terms of their RMSD values. """ max_conformers: int = Field( 10, description="The maximum number of conformers to retain for each unique molecule.", ) rmsd_tolerance: float = Field( 0.5, description="The minimum RMSD [A] between two conformers for them to be " "considered distinct.", ) heavy_atoms_only: bool = Field( True, description="Whether to only consider heavy atoms when computing the RMSD " "between two conformers.", ) check_automorphs: bool = Field( True, description="Whether to consider automorphs when computing the RMSD between two " "conformers. Setting this option to ``True`` may slow down the filter " "considerably if ``heavy_atoms_only`` is set to ``False``.", ) def _compute_rmsd_matrix_rd(self, molecule: Molecule) -> numpy.ndarray: """Computes the RMSD between all conformers stored on a molecule using an RDKit backend.""" from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import AllChem rdkit_molecule: Chem.RWMol = molecule.to_rdkit() if self.heavy_atoms_only: rdkit_molecule = Chem.RemoveHs(rdkit_molecule) n_conformers = len(molecule.conformers) conformer_ids = [conf.GetId() for conf in rdkit_molecule.GetConformers()] rmsd_matrix = numpy.zeros((n_conformers, n_conformers)) for i, j in itertools.combinations(conformer_ids, 2): if self.check_automorphs: rmsd_matrix[i, j] = AllChem.GetBestRMS( rdkit_molecule, rdkit_molecule, conformer_ids[i], conformer_ids[j], ) else: rmsd_matrix[i, j] = AllChem.GetConformerRMS( rdkit_molecule, conformer_ids[i], conformer_ids[j], ) rmsd_matrix += rmsd_matrix.T return rmsd_matrix def _compute_rmsd_matrix_oe(self, molecule: Molecule) -> numpy.ndarray: """Computes the RMSD between all conformers stored on a molecule using an OpenEye backend.""" from openeye import oechem oe_molecule: oechem.OEMol = molecule.to_openeye() oe_conformers = { i: oe_conformer for i, oe_conformer in enumerate(oe_molecule.GetConfs()) } n_conformers = len(molecule.conformers) rmsd_matrix = numpy.zeros((n_conformers, n_conformers)) for i, j in itertools.combinations([*oe_conformers], 2): rmsd_matrix[i, j] = oechem.OERMSD( oe_conformers[i], oe_conformers[j], self.check_automorphs, self.heavy_atoms_only, True, ) rmsd_matrix += rmsd_matrix.T return rmsd_matrix def _compute_rmsd_matrix(self, molecule: Molecule) -> numpy.ndarray: """Computes the RMSD between all conformers stored on a molecule.""" try: rmsd_matrix = self._compute_rmsd_matrix_rd(molecule) except ModuleNotFoundError: rmsd_matrix = self._compute_rmsd_matrix_oe(molecule) return rmsd_matrix def _filter_function( self, entries: List[ Tuple[ "_BaseResult", Union[SinglepointRecord, OptimizationRecord], Molecule, str, ] ], ) -> List[Tuple["_BaseResult", str]]: # Sanity check that all molecules look as we expect. assert all(molecule.n_conformers == 1 for _, _, molecule, _ in entries) # Condense the conformers into a single molecule. conformers = [ molecule.canonical_order_atoms().conformers[0] for _, _, molecule, _ in entries ] [_, _, molecule, _] = entries[0] molecule = copy.deepcopy(molecule) molecule._conformers = conformers rmsd_matrix = self._compute_rmsd_matrix(molecule) # Select a set N maximally diverse conformers which are distinct in terms # of the RMSD tolerance. # Apply the greedy selection process. closed_list = numpy.zeros(self.max_conformers).astype(int) closed_mask = numpy.zeros(rmsd_matrix.shape[0], dtype=bool) n_selected = 1 for i in range(min(molecule.n_conformers, self.max_conformers - 1)): distances = rmsd_matrix[closed_list[: i + 1], :].sum(axis=0) # Exclude already selected conformers or conformers which are too similar # to those already selected. closed_mask[ numpy.any( rmsd_matrix[closed_list[: i + 1], :] < self.rmsd_tolerance, axis=0 ) ] = True if numpy.all(closed_mask): # Stop of there are no more distinct conformers to select from. break distant_index =, mask=closed_mask).argmax() closed_list[i + 1] = distant_index n_selected += 1 return [ (entries[i.item()][0], entries[i.item()][-1]) for i in closed_list[:n_selected] ]
[docs]class MinimumConformersFilter(SinglepointRecordGroupFilter): """A filter that will only retain molecules that have at least a specified number of conformers present in the result collection. Notes: * This filter will only be applied to basic and optimization datasets. Torsion drive datasets / entries will be skipped. """ min_conformers: int = Field( 2, description="The minimum number of conformers that must be found in order to " "retain a molecule and it's associated records.", ) def _filter_function( self, entries: List[ Tuple[ "_BaseResult", Union[SinglepointRecord, OptimizationRecord], Molecule, str, ] ], ) -> List[Tuple["_BaseResult", str]]: # Sanity check that all molecules look as we expect. assert all(molecule.n_conformers == 1 for _, _, molecule, _ in entries) if len(entries) < self.min_conformers: return [] return [(entry, address) for entry, _, _, address in entries]
[docs]class SMILESFilter(CMILESResultFilter): """A filter which will remove or retain records which were computed for molecules described by specific SMILES patterns. """ _inchi_keys_to_include: Optional[Set[str]] = PrivateAttr(None) _inchi_keys_to_exclude: Optional[Set[str]] = PrivateAttr(None) smiles_to_include: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="Only QC records computed for molecules whose SMILES representation " "appears in this list will be retained. This option is mutually exclusive with " "``smiles_to_exclude``.", ) smiles_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="Any QC records computed for molecules whose SMILES representation " "appears in this list will be discarded. This option is mutually exclusive with " "``smiles_to_include``.", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): smiles_to_include = values.get("smiles_to_include") smiles_to_exclude = values.get("smiles_to_exclude") message = ( "exactly one of `smiles_to_include` and `smiles_to_exclude` must be " "specified" ) assert smiles_to_include is not None or smiles_to_exclude is not None, message assert smiles_to_include is None or smiles_to_exclude is None, message return values @staticmethod def _smiles_to_inchi_key(smiles: str) -> str: return Molecule.from_smiles(smiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True).to_inchikey( fixed_hydrogens=True ) def _filter_function(self, entry: "_BaseResult") -> bool: return ( entry.inchi_key in self._inchi_keys_to_include if self._inchi_keys_to_include is not None else entry.inchi_key not in self._inchi_keys_to_exclude ) def _apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": self._inchi_keys_to_include = ( None if self.smiles_to_include is None else { self._smiles_to_inchi_key(smiles) for smiles in self.smiles_to_include } ) self._inchi_keys_to_exclude = ( None if self.smiles_to_exclude is None else { self._smiles_to_inchi_key(smiles) for smiles in self.smiles_to_exclude } ) return super(SMILESFilter, self)._apply(result_collection)
[docs]class SMARTSFilter(CMILESResultFilter): """A filter which will remove or retain records which were computed for molecules which match specific SMARTS patterns. """ smarts_to_include: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="Only QC records computed for molecules that match one or more of " "the SMARTS patterns in this list will be retained. This option is mutually " "exclusive with ``smarts_to_exclude``.", ) smarts_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="Any QC records computed for molecules that match one or more of " "the SMARTS patterns in this list will be discarded. This option is mutually " "exclusive with ``smarts_to_include``.", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): smarts_to_include = values.get("smarts_to_include") smarts_to_exclude = values.get("smarts_to_exclude") message = ( "exactly one of `smarts_to_include` and `smarts_to_exclude` must be " "specified" ) assert smarts_to_include is not None or smarts_to_exclude is not None, message assert smarts_to_include is None or smarts_to_exclude is None, message return values def _filter_function(self, entry: "_BaseResult") -> bool: molecule: Molecule = Molecule.from_mapped_smiles( entry.cmiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True ) if self.smarts_to_include is not None: return any( len(molecule.chemical_environment_matches(smarts)) > 0 for smarts in self.smarts_to_include ) return all( len(molecule.chemical_environment_matches(smarts)) == 0 for smarts in self.smarts_to_exclude )
[docs]class ChargeFilter(CMILESResultFilter): """A filter which will only retain records if their formal charge matches allowed values or is not in the exclude list.""" charges_to_include: Optional[List[int]] = Field( None, description="Only molecules with a net formal charge in this list will be kept. " "This option is mutually exclusive with ``charges_to_exclude``.", ) charges_to_exclude: Optional[List[int]] = Field( None, description="Any molecules with a net formal charge which matches any of these values will be removed. " "This option is mutually exclusive with ``charges_to_include``.", ) @root_validator def _validate_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): charges_to_include = values.get("charges_to_include") charges_to_exclude = values.get("charges_to_exclude") message = ( "exactly one of `charges_to_include` and `charges_to_exclude` must be " "specified" ) assert charges_to_include is not None or charges_to_exclude is not None, message assert charges_to_include is None or charges_to_exclude is None, message return values def _filter_function(self, entry: "_BaseResult") -> bool: molecule: Molecule = Molecule.from_mapped_smiles( entry.cmiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True ) total_charge = molecule.total_charge.m_as(unit.elementary_charge) if self.charges_to_include is not None: return total_charge in self.charges_to_include return total_charge not in self.charges_to_exclude
[docs]class ElementFilter(CMILESResultFilter): """A filter which will only retain records that contain the requested elements.""" _allowed_atomic_numbers: Optional[Set[int]] = PrivateAttr(None) allowed_elements: List[Union[int, str]] = Field( ..., description="The list of allowed elements as symbols or atomic number ints.", ) _check_elements = validator("allowed_elements", each_item=True, allow_reuse=True)( check_allowed_elements ) def _filter_function(self, entry: "_BaseResult") -> bool: molecule: Molecule = Molecule.from_mapped_smiles( entry.cmiles, allow_undefined_stereo=True ) # get a set of atomic numbers mol_atoms = {atom.atomic_number for atom in molecule.atoms} # get the difference between mol atoms and allowed atoms return not bool(mol_atoms.difference(self._allowed_atomic_numbers)) def _apply(self, result_collection: "T") -> "T": self._allowed_atomic_numbers: set[Union[int, str]] = { SYMBOLS_TO_ELEMENTS.get(element, element) for element in self.allowed_elements } return super(ElementFilter, self)._apply(result_collection)
[docs]class HydrogenBondFilter(SinglepointRecordFilter): """A filter which will remove or retain records which were computed for molecules which match specific SMARTS patterns. Notes: * For ``BasicResultCollection`` objects the single conformer associated with each result record will be checked for hydrogen bonds. * For ``OptimizationResultCollection`` objects the minimum energy conformer associated with each optimization record will be checked for hydrogen bonds. * For ``TorsionDriveResultCollection`` objects the minimum energy conformer at each grid angle will be checked for hydrogen bonds. """ method: Literal["baker-hubbard"] = Field( "baker-hubbard", description="The method to use to detect any hydrogen bonds." ) @requires_package("mdtraj") @requires_package("openmm") def _filter_function( self, result: "_BaseResult", record: BaseRecord, molecule: Molecule ) -> bool: import mdtraj conformers = numpy.array( [ conformer.m_as(unit.nanometers).tolist() for conformer in molecule.conformers ] ) mdtraj_topology = mdtraj.Topology.from_openmm( molecule.to_topology().to_openmm() ) mdtraj_trajectory = mdtraj.Trajectory( conformers * unit.nanometers, mdtraj_topology ) if self.method == "baker-hubbard": h_bonds = mdtraj.baker_hubbard(mdtraj_trajectory, freq=0.0, periodic=False) else: raise NotImplementedError() return len(h_bonds) == 0
[docs]class ConnectivityFilter(SinglepointRecordFilter): """A filter which will remove records whose corresponding molecules changed their connectivity during the computation, e.g. a proton transfer occurred. The connectivity will be percived from the 'final' conformer (see the Notes section) using the ``qcelemental.molutil.guess_connectivity`` function. Notes: * For ``BasicResultCollection`` objects no filtering will occur. * For ``OptimizationResultCollection`` objects the molecules final connectivity will be perceived using the minimum energy conformer. * For ``TorsionDriveResultCollection`` objects the connectivty will be will be perceived using the minimum energy conformer conformer at each grid angle. """ tolerance: float = Field( 1.2, description="Tunes the covalent radii metric safety factor." ) def _filter_function( self, result: "_BaseResult", record: BaseRecord, molecule: Molecule ) -> bool: qc_molecules = [ molecule.to_qcschema(conformer=i) for i in range(molecule.n_conformers) ] expected_connectivity = { tuple(sorted([bond.atom1_index, bond.atom2_index])) for bond in molecule.bonds } for qc_molecule in qc_molecules: actual_connectivity = { tuple(sorted(connection)) for connection in guess_connectivity( qc_molecule.symbols, qc_molecule.geometry, self.tolerance ) } if actual_connectivity == expected_connectivity: continue return False return True
[docs]class RecordStatusFilter(SinglepointRecordFilter): """A filter which will only retain records if their status matches a specified value. """ status: RecordStatusEnum = Field( RecordStatusEnum.complete, description="Records whose status match this value will be retained.", ) def _filter_function( self, result: "_BaseResult", record: BaseRecord, molecule: Molecule ) -> bool: return record.status.value.upper() == self.status.value.upper()
[docs]class UnperceivableStereoFilter(SinglepointRecordFilter): """A filter which will drop any records computed for molecules whose stereochemistry cannot be perceived from the associated 3D conformers when re-loading the molecule from an SDF file using the OpenFF toolkit. This filter is mainly useful for catching edge cases whereby the stereochemistry perceived by an underlying cheminformatics toolkit does not match what the OpenFF toolkit expects. """ toolkits: List[Literal["openeye", "rdkit"]] = Field( ["openeye", "rdkit"], description="The OpenFF toolkit registries that should be able to perceive " "the stereochemistry of each conformer.", ) def _filter_function(self, result, record, molecule) -> bool: has_stereochemistry = True try: for toolkit_name in self.toolkits: if toolkit_name == "openeye": toolkit_registry = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper() elif toolkit_name == "rdkit": toolkit_registry = RDKitToolkitWrapper() else: raise NotImplementedError() for conformer in molecule.conformers: stereo_molecule = copy.deepcopy(molecule) stereo_molecule._conformers = [conformer] with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".sdf") as file: stereo_molecule.to_file(, "SDF", toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry ) stereo_molecule.from_file(, toolkit_registry=toolkit_registry ) except UndefinedStereochemistryError: has_stereochemistry = False return has_stereochemistry