
model openff.nagl.config.model.ModelConfig[source]

The configuration class for a GNNModel

field atom_features: List[AtomicElement | AtomHybridization | AtomConnectivity | AtomIsAromatic | AtomIsInRing | AtomInRingOfSize | AtomFormalCharge | AtomAverageFormalCharge | AtomGasteigerCharge | AtomElementPeriod | AtomElementGroup | AtomTotalBondOrder | AtomElectronAffinity | AtomElectrophilicity | AtomElectronegativityAllredRochow] [Required]

Atom features to use

field bond_features: List[BondIsAromatic | BondIsInRing | BondInRingOfSize | WibergBondOrder | BondOrder] [Optional]

Bond features to use. Not all architectures support bond features

field convolution: ConvolutionModule [Required]

Convolution config to pass molecular graph through

field readouts: Dict[str, ReadoutModule] [Required]

Readout configs to map convolution representation to output

field version: Literal['0.1'] [Required]

Create a simple dictionary representation of the model config

This simplifies the representation of atom and bond features

property n_atom_features: int

The number of features used to represent an atom