Source code for openff.nagl.nn.gcn._base

import abc
from typing import ClassVar, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar

import torch.nn
import torch.nn.functional

from openff.nagl._base.metaregistry import create_registry_metaclass
from openff.nagl.nn.activation import ActivationFunction
from openff.nagl.nn._base import ContainsLayersMixin

GCNLayerType = TypeVar("GCNLayerType", bound=torch.nn.Module)

# class GCNStackMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
#     """A metaclass for GCN stacks.

#     This metaclass is used to register GCN layers by name.
#     """

#     registry: ClassVar[Dict[str, Type]] = {}

#     def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
#         super().__init__(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
#         if hasattr(cls, "name") and
#             cls.registry[] = cls

#     @classmethod
#     def get_gcn_class(cls, class_name: str):
#         if isinstance(class_name, cls):
#             return class_name
#         if isinstance(type(class_name), cls):
#             return type(class_name)
#         try:
#             return cls.registry[class_name]
#         except KeyError:
#             raise ValueError(
#                 f"Unknown GCN layer type: {class_name}. "
#                 f"Supported types: {list(cls.registry.keys())}"
#             )

class BaseConvModule(torch.nn.Module):

class _GCNStackMeta(abc.ABCMeta, create_registry_metaclass("name")):

[docs]class BaseGCNStack( torch.nn.ModuleList, Generic[GCNLayerType], ContainsLayersMixin, abc.ABC, metaclass=_GCNStackMeta, ): """A wrapper around a stack of GCN graph convolutional layers. Note: This class is based on the ``dgllife.model.SAGEConv`` module. """ # hidden_feature_sizes: List[GCNLayerType] @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def name(cls) -> str: pass @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def available_aggregator_types(cls) -> str: """The aggregator options to use for the GCN layers.""" @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def default_aggregator_type(cls) -> str: """The aggregator options to use for the GCN layers.""" @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def default_dropout(cls) -> str: """The aggregator options to use for the GCN layers.""" @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def default_activation_function(cls) -> str: """The aggregator options to use for the GCN layers.""" @classmethod def _check_input_lengths( cls, n_layers: int, layer_activation_functions: Optional[List[ActivationFunction]] = None, layer_dropout: Optional[List[float]] = None, layer_aggregator_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): layer_activation_functions, layer_dropout = super()._check_input_lengths( n_layers, layer_activation_functions, layer_dropout, ) if layer_aggregator_types is None: layer_aggregator_types = cls.default_aggregator_type layer_aggregator_types = cls._check_argument_input_length( n_layers, layer_aggregator_types, "layer_aggregator_types", ) return layer_activation_functions, layer_dropout, layer_aggregator_types
[docs] @classmethod def with_layers( cls, n_input_features: int, hidden_feature_sizes: List[int], layer_activation_functions: Optional[List[ActivationFunction]] = None, layer_dropout: Optional[List[float]] = None, layer_aggregator_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Create this model with layers with the specified parameters.""" obj = cls() n_layers = len(hidden_feature_sizes) ( layer_activation_functions, layer_dropout, layer_aggregator_types, ) = cls._check_input_lengths( n_layers, layer_activation_functions, layer_dropout, layer_aggregator_types, ) for i in range(n_layers): n_output_features = hidden_feature_sizes[i] activation_function = layer_activation_functions[i] dropout = layer_dropout[i] aggregator_type = layer_aggregator_types[i] obj.append_gcn_layer( n_input_features=n_input_features, n_output_features=n_output_features, activation_function=activation_function, aggregator_type=aggregator_type, dropout=dropout, ) n_input_features = n_output_features return obj
def __init__(self, *args, _is_dgl: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.hidden_feature_sizes = []
[docs] def append_gcn_layer( self, n_output_features: int, n_input_features: Optional[int] = None, aggregator_type: Optional[str] = None, dropout: Optional[float] = None, activation_function: Optional[ActivationFunction] = None, ): """Add a new layer to the stack.""" if n_input_features is None: try: n_input_features = self.hidden_feature_sizes[-1] except IndexError: raise ValueError( "Must specify n_input_features if no layers have been created yet." ) self.hidden_feature_sizes.append(n_output_features) self.append( self.create_gcn_layer( n_input_features, n_output_features, aggregator_type, dropout, activation_function, ) )
[docs] @classmethod def create_gcn_layer( cls, n_input_features: int, n_output_features: int, aggregator_type: Optional[str] = None, dropout: Optional[float] = None, activation_function: Optional[ActivationFunction] = None, **kwargs, ) -> GCNLayerType: """Create a new GCN layer.""" if aggregator_type is None: aggregator_type = cls.default_aggregator_type if dropout is None: dropout = cls.default_dropout if activation_function is None: activation_function = cls.default_activation_function activation = ActivationFunction.get_value(activation_function) # activation = ActivationFunction.get_function(activation_function) return cls._create_gcn_layer( n_input_features=n_input_features, n_output_features=n_output_features, aggregator_type=aggregator_type, dropout=dropout, activation_function=activation, **kwargs, )
@classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _create_gcn_layer( cls, n_input_features: int, n_output_features: int, aggregator_type: str, dropout: float, activation_function: ActivationFunction, **kwargs, ) -> GCNLayerType: """A function which returns an instantiated GCN layer. Args: in_feats: Number of input node features. out_feats: Number of output node features. activation_function: The activation_function function to. dropout: `The dropout probability. aggregator_type: The aggregator type, which can be one of ``"sum"``, ``"max"``, ``"mean"``. init_eps: The initial value of epsilon. learn_eps: If True epsilon will be a learnable parameter. Returns: The instantiated GCN layer. """
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): """Reinitialize model parameters.""" for gnn in self: gnn.reset_parameters()
[docs] def forward(self, graph, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Update node representations. Args: graph: The batch of graphs to operate on. inputs: The inputs to the layers with shape=(n_nodes, in_feats). Returns The output hidden features with shape=(n_nodes, hidden_feats[-1]). """ for gnn in self: inputs: torch.Tensor = gnn(graph, inputs) return inputs
@property def _is_dgl(self): return not isinstance(self[0], BaseConvModule)