Creating custom interactions via plugins

Custom interactions (i.e., interactions other than 12-6 Lennard-Jones, harmonic bonds, or harmonic angles) can be introduced into the OpenFF stack via plugin interfaces. To create a plugin, create a subclass(s) of both ParameterHandler and SMIRNOFFCollection for each new type of physical interaction in the model, then expose them to Interchange via the openff.toolkit.plugins.handlers and openff.interchange.plugins.collections SetupTools entry points, respectively.

Parameter handlers are responsible for the system- and engine-independent aspects of parametrization; in other words, they define the force field itself. By contrast, a SMIRNOFF collection handles the parametrization of a particular system and the preparation of that system for simulation with an external MD engine. The base classes for parameter handlers are defined in the OpenFF Toolkit, while collections are defined in Interchange. Most use cases involve one parameter handler and one collection, though a collection can process multiple parameter handlers.

Currently, systems using custom interactions can only be exported to OpenMM. There are two routes for this export: one using existing Interchange machinery and another that allows for completely custom behavior.

Creating a custom ParameterHandler

There is no formal specification for a ParameterHandler as processed by the OpenFF Toolkit, but there are some guidelines that are expected to be followed. A parameter handler requires both a ParameterHandler class, which performs parametrization, and a ParameterType class, which stores the corresponding data. For more information, see the Toolkit documentation.

The high-level objectives of a parameter handler are to:

  • store force field parameters

  • assign parameters via SMIRKS

  • enable construction and modification of parameters via the Python API

  • enable serialization and deserialization of parameters

  • The handler class should

    • inherit from ParameterHandler

    • be available in the openff.toolkit.plugins.handlers entry point group

    • contain a class that inherits from ParameterType (a “type class”)

    • define a class attribute _TAGNAME: str that is used for serialization and handy lookups

    • define a class attribute _INFOTYPE that specifies the handler’s “type class”

  • The handler class may

    • define a method check_handler_compatibility that is called when combining instances of this class

    • define other attributes for specific behavior, i.e. scale14 for non-bonded interactions

    • override methods like __init__ for custom behavior if required (this should be avoided if possible)

  • The “type class” should

    • inherit from ParameterType

    • define a class attribute _ELEMENT_NAME: str used for serialization

    • include attributes defining each numerical value associated with a single parameter

      • Each of these attributes should be tagged with units and have default values (which can be None)

  • The “type class” may

    • override methods like __init__ for custom behavior if required (this should be avoided if possible)

    • define its own properties, class methods, etc. as needed

    • define optional attributes such as id

Creating a custom SMIRNOFFCollection

There is similarly no specification for these plugins yet, but some guidelines that should be followed.

A SMIRNOFFCollection is a subclass of Collection specific to SMIRNOFF force fields. The objectives of a collection are to:

  • store a system’s parameters, as assigned by SMIRKS-based typing of chemical topologies

  • provide an interface for exporting these parameters to MD engines (i.e. creating an openmm.Force)

  • The class should

    • inherit from SMIRNOFFCollection and therefore be written in the style of a Pydantic model.

    • define a field is_plugin: bool = True

    • be available in the openff.interchange.plugins.collections entry point group

    • define a field type: str, which we suggest match the corresponding ParameterHandler._TAGNAME

    • define a field expression: str, a mathematical formula defining how it contributes to the overall potential energy

    • define a class method allowed_parameter_handlers that returns an iterable of the ParameterHandler subclasses that it can process

    • define a class method supported_parameters that returns an iterable of parameters that it expects to store (i.e. "smirks", "k", "length", etc.)

    • override other methods of SMIRNOFFCollection and Collection (store_matches, create) as needed

      • The argument parameter_handler to create can either be of type ParameterHandler or List[ParameterHandler]. If the collection can take multiple handlers (a case probably associated with allowed_parameter_handlers returning an iterable longer than 1) then create should assume the argument is a list containing multiple handlers. Otherwise, it will be passed a single handler.

  • The class may

    • define other optional fields, similar to optional attributes on its corresponding parameter handler

    • define other methods and fields as needed


Bootstrapping existing Interchange machinery

For example, here are two custom handlers. One defines a Buckingham potential which can be used in place of a 12-6 Lennard-Jones potential.

from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff.parameters import (

class BuckinghamHandler(ParameterHandler):
    class BuckinghamType(ParameterType):
        _VALENCE_TYPE = "Atom"
        _ELEMENT_NAME = "Atom"

        a = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.kilojoule_per_mole)
        b = ParameterAttribute(default=None, unit=unit.nanometer**-1)
        c = ParameterAttribute(
            unit=unit.kilojoule_per_mole * unit.nanometer**6,

    _TAGNAME = "Buckingham"
    _INFOTYPE = BuckinghamType

    scale12 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0, converter=float)
    scale13 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.0, converter=float)
    scale14 = ParameterAttribute(default=0.5, converter=float)
    scale15 = ParameterAttribute(default=1.0, converter=float)

    cutoff = ParameterAttribute(default=9.0 * unit.angstroms, unit=unit.angstrom)
    switch_width = ParameterAttribute(default=1.0 * unit.angstroms, unit=unit.angstrom)
    method = ParameterAttribute(
        converter=_allow_only(["cutoff", "PME"]),

    combining_rules = ParameterAttribute(

Notice that

  • BuckinghamHandler (the “handler class”) is a subclass of ParameterHandler

  • BuckinghamType (the “type class”)

    • is a subclass of ParameterType

    • defines "Atom" as its _VALENCE_TYPE, or chemical environment

    • defines "Atom" as its _ELEMENT_TYPE, which defines how it is serialized

    • has unit-tagged attributes a, b, and c, corresponding to particular values for each parameter

  • the handler class also

    • defines a _TAGNAME for lookup and serialization

    • linkts itself with BuckinghamType via its _INFOTYPE

    • includes several optional attributes that are used in non-bonded interactions

      • scale12 through scale15

      • the cutoff distance

      • the switch width

      • the method used to compute these interactions

      • the combining rules (which will not be used with water)

From here we can instantiate this handler inside of a ForceField object, add some parameters (here, dummy values for water), and serialize it out to disk:

from openff.toolkit import ForceField, Molecule

handler = BuckinghamHandler(version="0.3")

        "smirks": "[#1:1]-[#8X2H2+0]-[#1]",
        "a": 1.0 * unit.kilojoule_per_mole,
        "b": 2.0 / unit.nanometer,
        "c": 3.0 * unit.kilojoule_per_mole * unit.nanometer**6,

        "smirks": "[#1]-[#8X2H2+0:1]-[#1]",
        "a": 4.0 * unit.kilojoule_per_mole,
        "b": 4.0 / unit.nanometer,
        "c": 4.0 * unit.kilojoule_per_mole * unit.nanometer**6,

force_field = ForceField(load_plugins=True)


topology = Molecule.from_mapped_smiles("[H:2][O:1][H:3]").to_topology()

matches = force_field.label_molecules(topology)

# the matches of the 0th molecule in the handler tagged "Buckingham"
# printed as key-val pairs of atom indices and parameter types

Which should output something like:

  <BuckinghamType with smirks: [#1]-[#8X2H2+0:1]-[#1]  a: 4.0 kilojoule_per_mole  b: 4.0 / nanometer  c: 4.0 kilojoule_per_mole * nanometer ** 6  >),
  <BuckinghamType with smirks: [#1:1]-[#8X2H2+0]-[#1]  a: 1.0 kilojoule_per_mole  b: 2.0 / nanometer  c: 3.0 kilojoule_per_mole * nanometer ** 6  >),
  <BuckinghamType with smirks: [#1:1]-[#8X2H2+0]-[#1]  a: 1.0 kilojoule_per_mole  b: 2.0 / nanometer  c: 3.0 kilojoule_per_mole * nanometer ** 6  >)]

This class should be registered as a plugin via the entry_points system by adding something like this to your or analogous setup file.

entry_points = {
    "openff.toolkit.plugins.handlers": [
        "BuckinghamHandler =",

At this point, we have created a class that can parse sections of a custom OFFXML file (or create this handler from the Python API). We next need to create a custom SMIRNOFFCollection to process these parameters. In this case, we are using a shortcut by inheriting from _SMIRNOFFNonbondedCollection, which itself inherits from SMIRNOFFCollection and adds in some default fields for non-bonded interactions.

from openff.toolkit import Topology

from typing import Literal, Type
from openff.models.types import FloatQuantity
from openff.interchange.smirnoff._nonbonded import _SMIRNOFFNonbondedCollection
from openff.interchange.components.potentials import Potential

class SMIRNOFFBuckinghamCollection(_SMIRNOFFNonbondedCollection):
    type: Literal["Buckingham"] = "Buckingham"

    expression: str = "a*exp(-b*r)-c/r**6"

    method: str = "cutoff"

    mixing_rule: str = "Buckingham"

    switch_width: FloatQuantity["angstrom"] = unit.Quantity(1.0, unit.angstrom)

    def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls):
        return [BuckinghamHandler]

    def supported_parameters(cls):
        return ["smirks", "id", "a", "b", "c"]

    def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: BuckinghamHandler) -> None:
        self.method = parameter_handler.method.lower()
        self.cutoff = parameter_handler.cutoff

        for potential_key in self.key_map.values():
            smirks =
            parameter = parameter_handler.parameters[smirks]

            self.potentials[potential_key] = Potential(
                    "a": parameter.a,
                    "b": parameter.b,
                    "c": parameter.c,

    def create(
        parameter_handler: BuckinghamHandler,
        topology: Topology,
        handler = cls(
        handler.store_matches(parameter_handler=parameter_handler, topology=topology)

        return handler

One last piece of housekeeping: because we are defining these plugins as one-off classes in an interactive session, some steps in the plugin loading machinery were skipped over. To get this to work without creating a separate module, we need to monkey-patch two private classes; one that tracks which SMIRNOFF sections are supported, and another that maps handlers to collection classes:

from openff.interchange.smirnoff._create import (

_PLUGIN_CLASS_MAPPING[BuckinghamHandler] = SMIRNOFFBuckinghamCollection

With everything registered and still in memory, we can create an Interchange using it and a simple water Topology:

from openff.interchange import Interchange

Interchange.from_smirnoff(force_field, topology)

Creating completely custom behavior

For cases in which custom behavior has no analog in existing Interchange functionality, another route is available. Define on the collection the modify_openmm_forces method as follows:

class MySMIRNOFFCollection(SMIRNOFFCollection):
    def modify_openmm_forces(
        interchange: Interchange,
        system: openmm.System,
        add_constrained_forces: bool,
        constrained_pairs: Set[Tuple[int, ...]],
        particle_map: Dict[Union[int, "VirtualSiteKey"], int],

This provides complete access to the contents of the Interchange object and the flexibility to modify the openmm.System as desired - modifying, adding, deleting, etc. existing particles, forces, exclusions, etc. This method is internally called on each plugin collection when calling Interchange.to_openmm() via a code block like:

def to_openmm(
    combine_nonbonded_forces: bool = False,
    add_constrained_forces: bool = False,
) -> openmm.System:
    # Process in-spec SMIRNOFF sections

    for collection in interchange.collections.values():
        if collection.is_plugin:
            except NotImplementedError:

    return system