Source code for openff.interchange.components.smirnoff

"""Models and utilities for processing SMIRNOFF data."""
import abc
import copy
import functools
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff.parameters import (
from openff.units import unit
from openff.units.openmm import from_openmm
from openmm import unit as omm_unit
from pydantic import Field
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.interchange.components.potentials import (
from openff.interchange.exceptions import (
from openff.interchange.models import PotentialKey, TopologyKey, VirtualSiteKey
from openff.interchange.types import FloatQuantity

kcal_mol = omm_unit.kilocalorie_per_mole
kcal_mol_angstroms = kcal_mol / omm_unit.angstrom ** 2
kcal_mol_radians = kcal_mol / omm_unit.radian ** 2

    from openff.toolkit.topology import Topology

    from openff.interchange.components.mdtraj import _OFFBioTop

    ElectrostaticsHandlerType = Union[

T = TypeVar("T", bound="SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler")
TP = TypeVar("TP", bound="PotentialHandler")

[docs]class SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler(PotentialHandler, abc.ABC): """Base class for handlers storing potentials produced by SMIRNOFF force fields."""
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of parameter attributes supported by this handler.""" raise NotImplementedError()
# @classmethod # @abc.abstractmethod # def valence_terms(cls, topology): # """Return an interable of all of one type of valence term in this topology.""" # raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def check_supported_parameters(cls, parameter_handler: ParameterHandler): """Verify that a parameter handler is in an allowed list of handlers.""" for parameter in parameter_handler.parameters: for parameter_attribute in parameter._get_defined_parameter_attributes(): if parameter_attribute not in cls.supported_parameters(): raise SMIRNOFFParameterAttributeNotImplementedError( parameter_attribute, )
[docs] def store_matches( self, parameter_handler: ParameterHandler, topology: Union["Topology", "_OFFBioTop"], ) -> None: """Populate self.slot_map with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey].""" parameter_handler_name = getattr(parameter_handler, "_TAGNAME", None) if self.slot_map: # TODO: Should the slot_map always be reset, or should we be able to partially # update it? Also Note the duplicated code in the child classes self.slot_map = dict() matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for key, val in matches.items(): topology_key = TopologyKey(atom_indices=key) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=val.parameter_type.smirks, associated_handler=parameter_handler_name ) self.slot_map[topology_key] = potential_key if self.__class__.__name__ in ["SMIRNOFFBondHandler", "SMIRNOFFAngleHandler"]: valence_terms = self.valence_terms(topology) # type: ignore[attr-defined] parameter_handler._check_all_valence_terms_assigned( assigned_terms=matches, valence_terms=valence_terms, exception_cls=UnassignedValenceParameterException, )
@classmethod def _from_toolkit( cls: Type[T], parameter_handler: TP, topology: "Topology", ) -> T: """ Create a SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler from toolkit data. """ if type(parameter_handler) not in cls.allowed_parameter_handlers(): raise InvalidParameterHandlerError(type(parameter_handler)) handler = cls() if hasattr(handler, "fractional_bond_order_method"): if getattr(parameter_handler, "fractional_bondorder_method", None): handler.fractional_bond_order_method = ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] parameter_handler.fractional_bondorder_method # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) handler.fractional_bond_order_interpolation = ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] parameter_handler.fractional_bondorder_interpolation # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) handler.store_matches(parameter_handler=parameter_handler, topology=topology) handler.store_potentials(parameter_handler=parameter_handler) return handler
[docs]class SMIRNOFFBondHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler): """Handler storing bond potentials as produced by a SMIRNOFF force field.""" type: Literal["Bonds"] = "Bonds" expression: Literal["k/2*(r-length)**2"] = "k/2*(r-length)**2" fractional_bond_order_method: Literal["AM1-Wiberg"] = "AM1-Wiberg" fractional_bond_order_interpolation: Literal["linear"] = "linear"
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [BondHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attribute names.""" return ["smirks", "id", "k", "length", "k_bondorder", "length_bondorder"]
[docs] @classmethod def valence_terms(cls, topology): """Return all bonds in this topology.""" return [list(b.atoms) for b in topology.topology_bonds]
[docs] def store_matches( self, parameter_handler: ParameterHandler, topology: Union["Topology", "_OFFBioTop"], ) -> None: """ Populate self.slot_map with key-val pairs of slots and unique potential identifiers. """ parameter_handler_name = getattr(parameter_handler, "_TAGNAME", None) if self.slot_map: # TODO: Should the slot_map always be reset, or should we be able to partially # update it? Also Note the duplicated code in the child classes self.slot_map = dict() matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for key, val in matches.items(): param = val.parameter_type if param.k_bondorder or param.length_bondorder: top_bond = topology.get_bond_between(*key) fractional_bond_order = if not fractional_bond_order: raise RuntimeError( "Bond orders should already be assigned at this point" ) else: fractional_bond_order = None topology_key = TopologyKey( atom_indices=key, bond_order=fractional_bond_order ) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=val.parameter_type.smirks, associated_handler=parameter_handler_name, bond_order=fractional_bond_order, ) self.slot_map[topology_key] = potential_key valence_terms = self.valence_terms(topology) parameter_handler._check_all_valence_terms_assigned( assigned_terms=matches, valence_terms=valence_terms, exception_cls=UnassignedValenceParameterException, )
[docs] def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: "BondHandler") -> None: """ Populate self.potentials with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. """ if self.potentials: self.potentials = dict() for topology_key, potential_key in self.slot_map.items(): smirks = parameter = parameter_handler.get_parameter({"smirks": smirks})[0] if topology_key.bond_order: # type: ignore[union-attr] bond_order = topology_key.bond_order # type: ignore[union-attr] if parameter.k_bondorder: data = parameter.k_bondorder else: data = parameter.length_bondorder coeffs = _get_interpolation_coeffs( fractional_bond_order=bond_order, data=data, ) pots = [] map_keys = [*data.keys()] for map_key in map_keys: pots.append( Potential( parameters={ "k": parameter.k_bondorder[map_key], "length": parameter.length_bondorder[map_key], }, map_key=map_key, ) ) potential = WrappedPotential( {pot: coeff for pot, coeff in zip(pots, coeffs)} ) else: potential = Potential( # type: ignore[assignment] parameters={ "k": parameter.k, "length": parameter.length, }, ) self.potentials[potential_key] = potential
@classmethod def _from_toolkit( cls: Type[T], parameter_handler: "BondHandler", topology: "Topology", ) -> T: """ Create a SMIRNOFFBondHandler from toolkit data. """ # TODO: This method overrides SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler.from_toolkit in order to gobble up # a ConstraintHandler. This seems like a good solution for the interdependence, but is also # not a great practice. A better solution would involve not overriding the method with a # different function signature. if type(parameter_handler) not in cls.allowed_parameter_handlers(): raise InvalidParameterHandlerError handler: T = cls(type="Bonds", expression="k/2*(r-length)**2") if ( any( getattr(p, "k_bondorder", None) is not None for p in parameter_handler.parameters ) ) or ( any( getattr(p, "length_bondorder", None) is not None for p in parameter_handler.parameters ) ): for ref_mol in topology.reference_molecules: # TODO: expose conformer generation and fractional bond order assigment # knobs to user via API ref_mol.generate_conformers(n_conformers=1) ref_mol.assign_fractional_bond_orders( bond_order_model=handler.fractional_bond_order_method.lower(), # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) handler.store_matches(parameter_handler=parameter_handler, topology=topology) handler.store_potentials(parameter_handler=parameter_handler) return handler
[docs]class SMIRNOFFConstraintHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler): """Handler storing constraint potentials as produced by a SMIRNOFF force field.""" type: Literal["Constraints"] = "Constraints" expression: Literal[""] = "" constraints: Dict[ PotentialKey, bool ] = dict() # should this be named potentials for consistency?
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [BondHandler, ConstraintHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attribute names.""" return ["smirks", "id", "k", "length", "distance"]
@classmethod def _from_toolkit( # type: ignore[override] cls: Type[T], parameter_handler: List, topology: "Topology", ) -> T: """ Create a SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler from toolkit data. """ if isinstance(parameter_handler, list): parameter_handlers = parameter_handler else: parameter_handlers = [parameter_handler] for parameter_handler in parameter_handlers: if type(parameter_handler) not in cls.allowed_parameter_handlers(): raise InvalidParameterHandlerError(type(parameter_handler)) handler = cls() handler.store_constraints( # type: ignore[attr-defined] parameter_handlers=parameter_handlers, topology=topology ) return handler
[docs] def store_constraints( self, parameter_handlers: Any, topology: "_OFFBioTop", ) -> None: """Store constraints.""" if self.slot_map: self.slot_map = dict() constraint_handler = [ p for p in parameter_handlers if type(p) == ConstraintHandler ][0] constraint_matches = constraint_handler.find_matches(topology) if any([type(p) == BondHandler for p in parameter_handlers]): bond_handler = [p for p in parameter_handlers if type(p) == BondHandler][0] bonds = SMIRNOFFBondHandler._from_toolkit( parameter_handler=bond_handler, topology=topology, ) else: bond_handler = None bonds = None # type: ignore[assignment] for key, match in constraint_matches.items(): topology_key = TopologyKey(atom_indices=key) smirks = match.parameter_type.smirks distance = match.parameter_type.distance if distance is not None: # This constraint parameter is fully specified potential_key = PotentialKey( id=smirks, associated_handler="Constraints" ) distance = match.parameter_type.distance else: # This constraint parameter depends on the BondHandler ... if bond_handler is None: raise MissingParametersError( f"Constraint with SMIRKS pattern {smirks} found with no distance " "specified, and no corresponding bond parameters were found. The distance " "of this constraint is not specified." ) # ... so use the same PotentialKey instance as the BondHandler to look up the distance potential_key = bonds.slot_map[topology_key] self.slot_map[topology_key] = potential_key distance = bonds.potentials[potential_key].parameters["length"] potential = Potential( parameters={ "distance": distance, } ) self.constraints[potential_key] = potential # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs]class SMIRNOFFAngleHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler): """Handler storing angle potentials as produced by a SMIRNOFF force field.""" type: Literal["Angles"] = "Angles" expression: Literal["k/2*(theta-angle)**2"] = "k/2*(theta-angle)**2"
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [AngleHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attributes.""" return ["smirks", "id", "k", "angle"]
[docs] @classmethod def valence_terms(cls, topology): """Return all angles in this topology.""" return list(topology.angles)
[docs] def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: "AngleHandler") -> None: """ Populate self.potentials with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. """ for potential_key in self.slot_map.values(): smirks = # ParameterHandler.get_parameter returns a list, although this # should only ever be length 1 parameter = parameter_handler.get_parameter({"smirks": smirks})[0] potential = Potential( parameters={ "k": parameter.k, "angle": parameter.angle, }, ) self.potentials[potential_key] = potential
[docs] @classmethod def f_from_toolkit( cls: Type[T], parameter_handler: "AngleHandler", topology: "Topology", ) -> T: """ Create a SMIRNOFFAngleHandler from toolkit data. """ handler = cls() handler.store_matches(parameter_handler=parameter_handler, topology=topology) handler.store_potentials(parameter_handler=parameter_handler) return handler
[docs]class SMIRNOFFProperTorsionHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler): """Handler storing proper torsions potentials as produced by a SMIRNOFF force field.""" type: Literal["ProperTorsions"] = "ProperTorsions" expression: Literal[ "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))" ] = "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))" fractional_bond_order_method: Literal["AM1-Wiberg"] = "AM1-Wiberg" fractional_bond_order_interpolation: Literal["linear"] = "linear"
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [ProperTorsionHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attribute names.""" return ["smirks", "id", "k", "periodicity", "phase", "idivf", "k_bondorder"]
[docs] def store_matches( self, parameter_handler: "ProperTorsionHandler", topology: "_OFFBioTop", ) -> None: """ Populate self.slot_map with key-val pairs of slots and unique potential identifiers. """ if self.slot_map: self.slot_map = dict() matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for key, val in matches.items(): param = val.parameter_type n_terms = len(val.parameter_type.phase) for n in range(n_terms): smirks = param.smirks if param.k_bondorder: # The relevant bond order is that of the _central_ bond in the torsion top_bond = topology.get_bond_between(key[1], key[2]) fractional_bond_order = if not fractional_bond_order: raise RuntimeError( "Bond orders should already be assigned at this point" ) else: fractional_bond_order = None topology_key = TopologyKey( atom_indices=key, mult=n, bond_order=fractional_bond_order ) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=smirks, mult=n, associated_handler="ProperTorsions", bond_order=fractional_bond_order, ) self.slot_map[topology_key] = potential_key parameter_handler._check_all_valence_terms_assigned( assigned_terms=matches, valence_terms=list(topology.propers), exception_cls=UnassignedProperTorsionParameterException, )
[docs] def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: "ProperTorsionHandler") -> None: """ Populate self.potentials with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. """ for topology_key, potential_key in self.slot_map.items(): smirks = n = potential_key.mult parameter = parameter_handler.get_parameter({"smirks": smirks})[0] # n_terms = len(parameter.k) if topology_key.bond_order: # type: ignore[union-attr] bond_order = topology_key.bond_order # type: ignore[union-attr] data = parameter.k_bondorder[n] coeffs = _get_interpolation_coeffs( fractional_bond_order=bond_order, data=data, ) pots = [] map_keys = [*data.keys()] for map_key in map_keys: parameters = { "k": parameter.k_bondorder[n][map_key], "periodicity": parameter.periodicity[n] * unit.dimensionless, "phase": parameter.phase[n], "idivf": parameter.idivf[n] * unit.dimensionless, } pots.append( Potential( parameters=parameters, map_key=map_key, ) ) potential = WrappedPotential( {pot: coeff for pot, coeff in zip(pots, coeffs)} ) else: parameters = { "k": parameter.k[n], "periodicity": parameter.periodicity[n] * unit.dimensionless, "phase": parameter.phase[n], "idivf": parameter.idivf[n] * unit.dimensionless, } potential = Potential(parameters=parameters) # type: ignore[assignment] self.potentials[potential_key] = potential
[docs]class SMIRNOFFImproperTorsionHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler): """Handler storing improper torsions potentials as produced by a SMIRNOFF force field.""" type: Literal["ImproperTorsions"] = "ImproperTorsions" expression: Literal[ "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))" ] = "k*(1+cos(periodicity*theta-phase))"
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [ImproperTorsionHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attribute names.""" return ["smirks", "id", "k", "periodicity", "phase", "idivf"]
[docs] def store_matches( self, parameter_handler: "ImproperTorsionHandler", topology: "_OFFBioTop" ) -> None: """ Populate self.slot_map with key-val pairs of slots and unique potential identifiers. """ if self.slot_map: self.slot_map = dict() matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for key, val in matches.items(): parameter_handler._assert_correct_connectivity( val, [ (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), ], ) n_terms = len(val.parameter_type.k) for n in range(n_terms): smirks = val.parameter_type.smirks non_central_indices = [key[0], key[2], key[3]] for permuted_key in [ ( non_central_indices[i], non_central_indices[j], non_central_indices[k], ) for (i, j, k) in [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 0), (2, 0, 1)] ]: topology_key = TopologyKey( atom_indices=(key[1], *permuted_key), mult=n ) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=smirks, mult=n, associated_handler="ImproperTorsions" ) self.slot_map[topology_key] = potential_key
[docs] def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: "ImproperTorsionHandler") -> None: """ Populate self.potentials with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. """ for potential_key in self.slot_map.values(): smirks = n = potential_key.mult parameter = parameter_handler.get_parameter({"smirks": smirks})[0] parameters = { "k": parameter.k[n], "periodicity": parameter.periodicity[n] * unit.dimensionless, "phase": parameter.phase[n], "idivf": 3.0 * unit.dimensionless, } potential = Potential(parameters=parameters) self.potentials[potential_key] = potential
class _SMIRNOFFNonbondedHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler, abc.ABC): """Base class for handlers storing non-bonded potentials produced by SMIRNOFF force fields.""" type: Literal["nonbonded"] = "nonbonded" cutoff: FloatQuantity["angstrom"] = Field( # type: ignore 9.0 * unit.angstrom, description="The distance at which pairwise interactions are truncated", ) scale_13: float = Field( 0.0, description="The scaling factor applied to 1-3 interactions" ) scale_14: float = Field( 0.5, description="The scaling factor applied to 1-4 interactions" ) scale_15: float = Field( 1.0, description="The scaling factor applied to 1-5 interactions" )
[docs]class SMIRNOFFvdWHandler(_SMIRNOFFNonbondedHandler): """Handler storing vdW potentials as produced by a SMIRNOFF force field.""" type: Literal["vdW"] = "vdW" # type: ignore[assignment] expression: Literal[ "4*epsilon*((sigma/r)**12-(sigma/r)**6)" ] = "4*epsilon*((sigma/r)**12-(sigma/r)**6)" method: Literal["cutoff", "pme", "no-cutoff"] = Field("cutoff") mixing_rule: Literal["lorentz-berthelot", "geometric"] = Field( "lorentz-berthelot", description="The mixing rule (combination rule) used in computing pairwise vdW interactions", ) switch_width: FloatQuantity["angstrom"] = Field( # type: ignore 1.0 * unit.angstrom, description="The width over which the switching function is applied", )
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [vdWHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attributes.""" return ["smirks", "id", "sigma", "epsilon", "rmin_half"]
[docs] def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: vdWHandler) -> None: """ Populate self.potentials with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. """ self.method = parameter_handler.method.lower() self.cutoff = parameter_handler.cutoff for potential_key in self.slot_map.values(): smirks = parameter = parameter_handler.get_parameter({"smirks": smirks})[0] try: potential = Potential( parameters={ "sigma": parameter.sigma, "epsilon": parameter.epsilon, }, ) except AttributeError: # Handle rmin_half pending potential = Potential( parameters={ "sigma": parameter.sigma, "epsilon": parameter.epsilon, }, ) self.potentials[potential_key] = potential
@classmethod def _from_toolkit( cls: Type[T], parameter_handler: "vdWHandler", topology: "Topology", ) -> T: """ Create a SMIRNOFFvdWHandler from toolkit data. """ if isinstance(parameter_handler, list): parameter_handlers = parameter_handler else: parameter_handlers = [parameter_handler] for parameter_handler in parameter_handlers: if type(parameter_handler) not in cls.allowed_parameter_handlers(): raise InvalidParameterHandlerError( f"Found parameter handler type {type(parameter_handler)}, which is not " f"supported by potential type {type(cls)}" ) handler = cls( scale_13=parameter_handler.scale13, scale_14=parameter_handler.scale14, scale_15=parameter_handler.scale15, cutoff=parameter_handler.cutoff, mixing_rule=parameter_handler.combining_rules.lower(), method=parameter_handler.method.lower(), switch_width=parameter_handler.switch_width, ) handler.store_matches(parameter_handler=parameter_handler, topology=topology) handler.store_potentials(parameter_handler=parameter_handler) return handler
[docs] @classmethod def parameter_handler_precedence(cls) -> List[str]: """ Return the order in which parameter handlers take precedence when computing charges. """ return ["vdw", "VirtualSites"]
def _from_toolkit_virtual_sites( self, parameter_handler: "VirtualSiteHandler", topology: "Topology", ): # TODO: Merge this logic into _from_toolkit if not all( isinstance( p, ( VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteBondChargeType, VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteMonovalentLonePairType, VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteDivalentLonePairType, VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteTrivalentLonePairType, ), ) for p in parameter_handler.parameters ): raise NotImplementedError("Found unsupported virtual site types") matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for atoms, parameter_match in matches.items(): virtual_site_type = parameter_match[0].parameter_type top_key = VirtualSiteKey( atom_indices=atoms, type=virtual_site_type.type, match=virtual_site_type.match, ) pot_key = PotentialKey( id=virtual_site_type.smirks, associated_handler=virtual_site_type.type ) pot = Potential( parameters={ "sigma": virtual_site_type.sigma, "epsilon": virtual_site_type.epsilon, # "distance": virtual_site_type.distance, } ) # if virtual_site_type.type in {"MonovalentLonePair", "DivalentLonePair"}: # pot.parameters.update( # { # "outOfPlaneAngle": virtual_site_type.outOfPlaneAngle, # } # ) # if virtual_site_type.type in {"MonovalentLonePair"}: # pot.parameters.update( # { # "inPlaneAngle": virtual_site_type.inPlaneAngle, # } # ) self.slot_map.update({top_key: pot_key}) self.potentials.update({pot_key: pot})
[docs]class SMIRNOFFElectrostaticsHandler(_SMIRNOFFNonbondedHandler): """ A handler which stores any electrostatic parameters applied to a topology. This handler is responsible for grouping together * global settings for the electrostatic interactions such as the cutoff distance and the intramolecular scale factors. * partial charges which have been assigned by a ``ToolkitAM1BCC``, ``LibraryCharges``, or a ``ChargeIncrementModel`` parameter handler. * charge corrections applied by a ``SMIRNOFFChargeIncrementHandler``. rather than having each in their own handler. """ type: Literal["Electrostatics"] = "Electrostatics" # type: ignore[assignment] expression: Literal["coul"] = "coul" method: Literal["pme", "cutoff", "reaction-field", "no-cutoff"] = Field("pme")
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [ LibraryChargeHandler, ChargeIncrementModelHandler, ToolkitAM1BCCHandler, ElectrostaticsHandler, ]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of supported parameter attribute names.""" pass
@property def charges(self) -> Dict[Union[TopologyKey, VirtualSiteKey], unit.Quantity]: """Get the total partial charge on each atom, excluding virtual sites.""" return self.get_charges(include_virtual_sites=False) @property def charges_with_virtual_sites( self, ) -> Dict[Union[VirtualSiteKey, TopologyKey], unit.Quantity]: """Get the total partial charge on each atom, including virtual sites.""" return self.get_charges(include_virtual_sites=True)
[docs] def get_charges( self, include_virtual_sites=False ) -> Dict[Union[VirtualSiteKey, TopologyKey], unit.Quantity]: """Get the total partial charge on each atom or particle.""" charges: DefaultDict[ Union[TopologyKey, VirtualSiteKey], FloatQuantity ] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0 * unit.e) for topology_key, potential_key in self.slot_map.items(): potential = self.potentials[potential_key] for parameter_key, parameter_value in potential.parameters.items(): if parameter_key == "charge_increments": if type(topology_key) != VirtualSiteKey: raise RuntimeError charge = -1.0 * np.sum(parameter_value) # assumes virtual sites can only have charges determined in one step # also, topology_key is actually a VirtualSiteKey charges[topology_key] = charge elif parameter_key in ["charge", "charge_increment"]: charge = parameter_value charges[topology_key.atom_indices[0]] += charge # type: ignore else: raise NotImplementedError() returned_charges: Dict[ Union[VirtualSiteKey, TopologyKey], unit.Quantity ] = dict() for index, charge in charges.items(): if isinstance(index, int): returned_charges[TopologyKey(atom_indices=(index,))] = charge else: if include_virtual_sites: returned_charges[index] = charge return returned_charges
[docs] @classmethod def parameter_handler_precedence(cls) -> List[str]: """ Return the order in which parameter handlers take precedence when computing charges. """ return ["LibraryCharges", "ChargeIncrementModel", "ToolkitAM1BCC"]
@classmethod def _from_toolkit( cls: Type[T], parameter_handler: Any, topology: "Topology", ) -> T: """ Create a SMIRNOFFElectrostaticsHandler from toolkit data. """ if isinstance(parameter_handler, list): parameter_handlers = parameter_handler else: parameter_handlers = [parameter_handler] toolkit_handler_with_metadata = [ p for p in parameter_handlers if type(p) == ElectrostaticsHandler ][0] handler = cls( type=toolkit_handler_with_metadata._TAGNAME, scale_13=toolkit_handler_with_metadata.scale13, scale_14=toolkit_handler_with_metadata.scale14, scale_15=toolkit_handler_with_metadata.scale15, cutoff=toolkit_handler_with_metadata.cutoff, method=toolkit_handler_with_metadata.method.lower(), ) handler.store_matches(parameter_handlers, topology) return handler def _from_toolkit_virtual_sites( self, parameter_handler: "VirtualSiteHandler", topology: "Topology", ): # TODO: Merge this logic into _from_toolkit if not all( isinstance( p, ( VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteBondChargeType, VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteMonovalentLonePairType, VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteDivalentLonePairType, VirtualSiteHandler.VirtualSiteTrivalentLonePairType, ), ) for p in parameter_handler.parameters ): raise NotImplementedError("Found unsupported virtual site types") matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for atom_indices, parameter_match in matches.items(): virtual_site_type = parameter_match[0].parameter_type virtual_site_key = VirtualSiteKey( atom_indices=atom_indices, type=virtual_site_type.type, match=virtual_site_type.match, ) virtual_site_potential_key = PotentialKey( id=virtual_site_type.smirks, associated_handler="VirtualSiteHandler", ) virtual_site_potential = Potential( parameters={ "charge_increments": from_openmm( virtual_site_type.charge_increment ), } ) matches = {} potentials = {} self.slot_map.update({virtual_site_key: virtual_site_potential_key}) self.potentials.update({virtual_site_potential_key: virtual_site_potential}) # TODO: Counter-intuitive that toolkit regression tests pass by using the counter # variable i as if it was the atom index - shouldn't it just use atom_index? for i, atom_index in enumerate(atom_indices): # noqa topology_key = TopologyKey(atom_indices=(i,), mult=2) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=virtual_site_type.smirks, mult=i, associated_handler="VirtualSiteHandler", ) charge_increment = getattr( virtual_site_type, f"charge_increment{i + 1}" ) potential = Potential( parameters={"charge_increment": from_openmm(charge_increment)} ) matches[topology_key] = potential_key potentials[potential_key] = potential self.slot_map.update(matches) self.potentials.update(potentials) @classmethod @functools.lru_cache(None) def _compute_partial_charges(cls, molecule: Molecule, method: str) -> unit.Quantity: """Call out to the toolkit's toolkit wrappers to generate partial charges.""" molecule = copy.deepcopy(molecule) molecule.assign_partial_charges(method) return from_openmm(molecule.partial_charges) @classmethod def _library_charge_to_potentials( cls, atom_indices: Tuple[int, ...], parameter: LibraryChargeHandler.LibraryChargeType, ) -> Tuple[Dict[TopologyKey, PotentialKey], Dict[PotentialKey, Potential]]: """ Map a matched library charge parameter to a set of potentials. """ matches = {} potentials = {} for i, (atom_index, charge) in enumerate(zip(atom_indices, parameter.charge)): topology_key = TopologyKey(atom_indices=(atom_index,)) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=parameter.smirks, mult=i, associated_handler="LibraryCharges" ) potential = Potential(parameters={"charge": from_openmm(charge)}) matches[topology_key] = potential_key potentials[potential_key] = potential return matches, potentials @classmethod def _charge_increment_to_potentials( cls, atom_indices: Tuple[int, ...], parameter: ChargeIncrementModelHandler.ChargeIncrementType, ) -> Tuple[Dict[TopologyKey, PotentialKey], Dict[PotentialKey, Potential]]: """ Map a matched charge increment parameter to a set of potentials. """ matches = {} potentials = {} for i, atom_index in enumerate(atom_indices): topology_key = TopologyKey(atom_indices=(atom_index,)) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=parameter.smirks, mult=i, associated_handler="ChargeIncrementModel" ) # TODO: Handle the cases where n - 1 charge increments have been defined, # maybe by implementing this in the TK? charge_increment = getattr(parameter, f"charge_increment{i + 1}") potential = Potential( parameters={"charge_increment": from_openmm(charge_increment)} ) matches[topology_key] = potential_key potentials[potential_key] = potential return matches, potentials @classmethod def _find_slot_matches( cls, parameter_handler: Union["LibraryChargeHandler", "ChargeIncrementModelHandler"], reference_molecule: Molecule, ) -> Tuple[Dict[TopologyKey, PotentialKey], Dict[PotentialKey, Potential]]: """ Construct a slot and potential map for a slot based parameter handler. """ # Ideally this would be made redundant by OpenFF TK #971 unique_parameter_matches = { tuple(sorted(key)): (key, val) for key, val in parameter_handler.find_matches( reference_molecule.to_topology() ).items() } parameter_matches = {key: val for key, val in unique_parameter_matches.values()} matches, potentials = {}, {} for key, val in parameter_matches.items(): parameter = val.parameter_type if isinstance(parameter_handler, LibraryChargeHandler): ( parameter_matches, parameter_potentials, ) = cls._library_charge_to_potentials(key, parameter) elif isinstance(parameter_handler, ChargeIncrementModelHandler): ( parameter_matches, parameter_potentials, ) = cls._charge_increment_to_potentials(key, parameter) else: raise NotImplementedError() matches.update(parameter_matches) potentials.update(parameter_potentials) return matches, potentials @classmethod def _find_am1_matches( cls, parameter_handler: Union["ToolkitAM1BCCHandler", ChargeIncrementModelHandler], reference_molecule: Molecule, ) -> Tuple[Dict[TopologyKey, PotentialKey], Dict[PotentialKey, Potential]]: """Construct a slot and potential map for a charge model based parameter handler.""" reference_molecule = copy.deepcopy(reference_molecule) reference_smiles = reference_molecule.to_smiles( isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True, mapped=True ) method = getattr(parameter_handler, "partial_charge_method", "am1bcc") partial_charges = cls._compute_partial_charges( reference_molecule, method=method ) matches = {} potentials = {} for i, partial_charge in enumerate(partial_charges): potential_key = PotentialKey( id=reference_smiles, mult=i, associated_handler="ToolkitAM1BCC" ) potentials[potential_key] = Potential(parameters={"charge": partial_charge}) matches[TopologyKey(atom_indices=(i,))] = potential_key return matches, potentials @classmethod def _find_reference_matches( cls, parameter_handlers: Dict[str, "ElectrostaticsHandlerType"], reference_molecule: Molecule, ) -> Tuple[Dict[TopologyKey, PotentialKey], Dict[PotentialKey, Potential]]: """ Construct a slot and potential map for a particular reference molecule and set of parameter handlers. """ matches = {} potentials = {} expected_matches = {i for i in range(reference_molecule.n_atoms)} for handler_type in cls.parameter_handler_precedence(): if handler_type not in parameter_handlers: continue parameter_handler = parameter_handlers[handler_type] slot_matches, am1_matches = None, None slot_potentials: Dict = {} am1_potentials: Dict = {} if handler_type in ["LibraryCharges", "ChargeIncrementModel"]: slot_matches, slot_potentials = cls._find_slot_matches( parameter_handler, reference_molecule ) if handler_type in ["ToolkitAM1BCC", "ChargeIncrementModel"]: am1_matches, am1_potentials = cls._find_am1_matches( parameter_handler, reference_molecule ) if slot_matches is None and am1_matches is None: raise NotImplementedError() elif slot_matches is not None and am1_matches is not None: am1_matches = { TopologyKey( atom_indices=topology_key.atom_indices, mult=0 ): potential_key for topology_key, potential_key in am1_matches.items() } slot_matches = { TopologyKey( atom_indices=topology_key.atom_indices, mult=1 ): potential_key for topology_key, potential_key in slot_matches.items() } matched_atom_indices = { index for key in slot_matches for index in key.atom_indices } matched_atom_indices.intersection_update( {index for key in am1_matches for index in key.atom_indices} ) elif slot_matches is not None: matched_atom_indices = { index for key in slot_matches for index in key.atom_indices } else: matched_atom_indices = { index for key in am1_matches for index in key.atom_indices # type: ignore[union-attr] } if matched_atom_indices != expected_matches: # Handle the case where a handler could not fully assign the charges # to the whole molecule. continue matches.update(slot_matches if slot_matches is not None else {}) matches.update(am1_matches if am1_matches is not None else {}) potentials.update(slot_potentials) potentials.update(am1_potentials) break found_matches = {index for key in matches for index in key.atom_indices} if found_matches != expected_matches: raise RuntimeError( f"{reference_molecule.to_smiles(explicit_hydrogens=False)} could " f"not be fully assigned charges." ) return matches, potentials
[docs] def store_matches( self, parameter_handler: Union[ "ElectrostaticsHandlerType", List["ElectrostaticsHandlerType"] ], topology: Union["Topology", "_OFFBioTop"], ) -> None: """ Populate self.slot_map with key-val pairs of slots and unique potential identifiers. """ # Reshape the parameter handlers into a dictionary for easier referencing. parameter_handlers = { handler._TAGNAME: handler for handler in ( parameter_handler if isinstance(parameter_handler, list) else [parameter_handler] ) } self.potentials = dict() self.slot_map = dict() reference_molecules = [*topology.reference_molecules] for reference_molecule in reference_molecules: matches, potentials = self._find_reference_matches( parameter_handlers, reference_molecule ) match_mults = defaultdict(set) for top_key in matches: match_mults[top_key.atom_indices].add(top_key.mult) self.potentials.update(potentials) for top_mol in topology._reference_molecule_to_topology_molecules[ reference_molecule ]: for topology_particle in top_mol.atoms: reference_index = topology_particle.atom.molecule_particle_index topology_index = topology_particle.topology_particle_index for mult in match_mults[(reference_index,)]: top_key = TopologyKey(atom_indices=(topology_index,), mult=mult) self.slot_map[top_key] = matches[ TopologyKey(atom_indices=(reference_index,), mult=mult) ]
[docs] def store_potentials( self, parameter_handler: Union[ "ElectrostaticsHandlerType", List["ElectrostaticsHandlerType"] ], ) -> None: """ Populate self.potentials with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. """ # This logic is handled by ``store_matches`` as we may need to create potentials # to store depending on the handler type. pass
[docs]class SMIRNOFFVirtualSiteHandler(SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler): """ A handler which stores the information necessary to construct virtual sites (virtual particles). """ type: Literal["Bonds"] = "Bonds" expression: Literal[""] = "" virtual_site_key_topology_index_map: Dict["VirtualSiteKey", int] = Field( dict(), description="A mapping between VirtualSiteKey objects (stored analogously to TopologyKey objects" "in other handlers) and topology indices describing the associated virtual site", ) exclusion_policy: Literal["parents"] = "parents"
[docs] @classmethod def allowed_parameter_handlers(cls): """Return a list of allowed types of ParameterHandler classes.""" return [VirtualSiteHandler]
[docs] @classmethod def supported_parameters(cls): """Return a list of parameter attributes supported by this handler.""" return ["distance", "outOfPlaneAngle", "inPlaneAngle"]
[docs] def store_matches( self, parameter_handler: ParameterHandler, topology: Union["Topology", "_OFFBioTop"], ) -> None: """ Populate self.slot_map with key-val pairs of [TopologyKey, PotentialKey]. Differs from SMIRNOFFPotentialHandler.store_matches because each key can point to multiple potentials (?); each value in the dict is a list of parametertypes, whereas conventional handlers don't have lists """ virtual_site_index = topology.n_topology_atoms parameter_handler_name = getattr(parameter_handler, "_TAGNAME", None) if self.slot_map: self.slot_map = dict() matches = parameter_handler.find_matches(topology) for key, val_list in matches.items(): for val in val_list: virtual_site_key = VirtualSiteKey( atom_indices=key, type=val.parameter_type.type, match=val.parameter_type.match, ) potential_key = PotentialKey( id=val.parameter_type.smirks, associated_handler=parameter_handler_name, ) self.slot_map[virtual_site_key] = potential_key self.virtual_site_key_topology_index_map[ virtual_site_key ] = virtual_site_index virtual_site_index += 1
[docs] def store_potentials(self, parameter_handler: ParameterHandler) -> None: """Store VirtualSite-specific parameter-like data.""" if self.potentials: self.potentials = dict() for potential_key in self.slot_map.values(): smirks = parameter_type = parameter_handler.get_parameter({"smirks": smirks})[0] potential = Potential( parameters={ "distance": parameter_type.distance, }, ) for attr in ["outOfPlaneAngle", "inPlaneAngle"]: if hasattr(parameter_type, attr): potential.parameters.update( {attr: from_openmm(getattr(parameter_type, attr))} ) self.potentials[potential_key] = potential
def _get_local_frame_weights(self, virtual_site_key: "VirtualSiteKey"): if virtual_site_key.type == "BondCharge": origin_weight = [1.0, 0.0] x_direction = [-1.0, 1.0] y_direction = [-1.0, 1.0] elif virtual_site_key.type == "MonovalentLonePair": origin_weight = [1, 0.0, 0.0] x_direction = [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0] y_direction = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] elif virtual_site_key.type == "DivalentLonePair": origin_weight = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] x_direction = [0.5, -1.0, 0.5] y_direction = [1.0, -1.0, 1.0] elif virtual_site_key.type == "TrivalentLonePair": origin_weight = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] x_direction = [1 / 3, -1.0, 1 / 3, 1 / 3] y_direction = [1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0] return origin_weight, x_direction, y_direction def _get_local_frame_position(self, virtual_site_key: "VirtualSiteKey"): potential_key = self.slot_map[virtual_site_key] potential = self.potentials[potential_key] if virtual_site_key.type == "BondCharge": distance = potential.parameters["distance"] local_frame_position = np.asarray([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) * distance elif virtual_site_key.type == "MonovalentLonePair": distance = potential.parameters["distance"] theta = potential.parameters["inPlaneAngle"].m_as(unit.radian) # type: ignore[union-attr] psi = potential.parameters["outOfPlaneAngle"].m_as(unit.radian) # type: ignore[union-attr] factor = np.array( [np.cos(theta) * np.cos(psi), np.sin(theta) * np.cos(psi), np.sin(psi)] ) local_frame_position = factor * distance elif virtual_site_key.type == "DivalentLonePair": distance = potential.parameters["distance"] theta = potential.parameters["inPlaneAngle"].m_as(unit.radian) # type: ignore[union-attr] factor = np.asarray([-1.0 * np.cos(theta), 0.0, np.sin(theta)]) local_frame_position = factor * distance elif virtual_site_key.type == "TrivalentLonePair": distance = potential.parameters["distance"] local_frame_position = np.asarray([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) * distance return local_frame_position
[docs]def library_charge_from_molecule( molecule: "Molecule", ) -> LibraryChargeHandler.LibraryChargeType: """Given an OpenFF Molecule with charges, generate a corresponding LibraryChargeType.""" if molecule.partial_charges is None: raise ValueError("Input molecule is missing partial charges.") smirks = molecule.to_smiles(mapped=True) charges = molecule.partial_charges library_charge_type = LibraryChargeHandler.LibraryChargeType( smirks=smirks, charge=charges ) return library_charge_type
def _get_interpolation_coeffs(fractional_bond_order, data): x1, x2 = data.keys() coeff1 = (x2 - fractional_bond_order) / (x2 - x1) coeff2 = (fractional_bond_order - x1) / (x2 - x1) return coeff1, coeff2 SMIRNOFF_POTENTIAL_HANDLERS = [ SMIRNOFFBondHandler, SMIRNOFFConstraintHandler, SMIRNOFFAngleHandler, SMIRNOFFProperTorsionHandler, SMIRNOFFImproperTorsionHandler, SMIRNOFFvdWHandler, SMIRNOFFElectrostaticsHandler, ]