
pydantic model openff.interchange.components.foyer.FoyerElectrostaticsHandler[source]

Handler storing electrostatics potentials as produced by a Foyer force field.

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • json_encoders: dict = {<class ‘openff.units.units.Quantity’>: <function custom_quantity_encoder at 0x7fdff3466f70>}

  • json_loads: function = <function json_loader at 0x7fdff3459280>

  • validate_assignment: bool = True

field type: str = 'Electrostatics'
field method: str = 'pme'
field expression: str = 'coul'
field charges: Dict[openff.interchange.models.TopologyKey, float] = {}
field scale_13: float = 0.0
field scale_14: float = 0.5
field scale_15: float = 1.0
field cutoff: openff.interchange.types.FloatQuantity = <Quantity(9.0, 'angstrom')>
property charges_with_virtual_sites

Get the total partial charge on each atom, including virtual sites.

store_charges(atom_slots: Dict[openff.interchange.models.TopologyKey, openff.interchange.models.PotentialKey], force_field: Forcefield)[source]

Look up fixed charges (a.k.a. library charges) from the force field and store them in self.charges.