Source code for openff.interchange.models

"""Custom Pydantic models."""

import abc
from typing import Any, Literal

from openff.models.models import DefaultModel

from openff.interchange._pydantic import Field

[docs]class TopologyKey(DefaultModel, abc.ABC): """ A unique identifier of a segment of a chemical topology. These refer to a single portion of a chemical graph, i.e. a single valence term, (a bond, angle, or dihedral) or a single atom. These target only the information in the chemical graph and do not store physics parameters. For example, a TopologyKey corresponding to a bond would store the indices of the two atoms that compose the bond, but not the force constant or equilibrium bond length as determined by the force field. Examples -------- Create a TopologyKey identifying some speicfic angle .. code-block:: pycon >>> from openff.interchange.models import TopologyKey >>> this_angle = TopologyKey(atom_indices=(2, 1, 3)) >>> this_angle TopologyKey with atom indices (2, 1, 3) Create a TopologyKey indentifying just one atom .. code-block:: pycon >>> this_atom = TopologyKey(atom_indices=(4,)) >>> this_atom TopologyKey with atom indices (4,) """ # TODO: Swith to `pydantic.contuple` once 1.10.3 or 2.0.0 is released atom_indices: tuple[int, ...] = Field( description="The indices of the atoms occupied by this interaction", ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(tuple(self.atom_indices)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} with atom indices {self.atom_indices}"
[docs]class BondKey(TopologyKey): """ A unique identifier of the atoms associated in a bond potential. """ atom_indices: tuple[int, ...] = Field( description="The indices of the atoms occupied by this interaction", ) bond_order: float | None = Field( None, description=( "If this key represents as topology component subject to interpolation between " "multiple parameters(s), the bond order determining the coefficients of the wrapped " "potentials." ), ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((tuple(self.atom_indices), self.bond_order)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__} with atom indices {self.atom_indices}" f"{'' if self.bond_order is None else ', bond order ' + str(self.bond_order)}" )
[docs]class AngleKey(TopologyKey): """ A unique identifier of the atoms associated in an angle potential. """ atom_indices: tuple[int, ...] = Field( description="The indices of the atoms occupied by this interaction", )
[docs]class ProperTorsionKey(TopologyKey): """ A unique identifier of the atoms associated in a proper torsion potential. """ atom_indices: tuple[int, ...] = Field( description="The indices of the atoms occupied by this interaction", ) mult: int | None = Field( None, description="The index of this duplicate interaction", ) phase: float | None = Field( None, description="If this key represents as topology component subject to interpolation between " "multiple parameters(s), the phase determining the coefficients of the wrapped " "potentials.", ) bond_order: float | None = Field( None, description=( "If this key represents as topology component subject to interpolation between " "multiple parameters(s), the bond order determining the coefficients of the wrapped " "potentials." ), ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((tuple(self.atom_indices), self.mult, self.bond_order, self.phase)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__} with atom indices {self.atom_indices}" f"{'' if self.mult is None else ', mult ' + str(self.mult)}" f"{'' if self.bond_order is None else ', bond order ' + str(self.bond_order)}" )
[docs]class ImproperTorsionKey(ProperTorsionKey): """ A unique identifier of the atoms associated in an improper torsion potential. The central atom is the second atom in the `atom_indices` tuple, or accessible via `get_central_atom_index`. """
[docs] def get_central_atom_index(self) -> int: """Get the index of the central atom of this improper torsion.""" return self.atom_indices[1]
[docs]class LibraryChargeTopologyKey(DefaultModel): """ A unique identifier of the atoms associated with a library charge. """ # TODO: Store all atoms associated with this charge? # TODO: Is there an upper bound on the number of atoms that can be associated with a LibraryChargeType? # TODO: Eventually rename this for coherence with `TopologyKey` this_atom_index: int @property def atom_indices(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Alias for `this_atom_index`.""" return (self.this_atom_index,) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.this_atom_index,))
[docs]class SingleAtomChargeTopologyKey(LibraryChargeTopologyKey): """ Shim class for storing the result of charge_from_molecules. """
[docs]class ChargeModelTopologyKey(DefaultModel): """Subclass of `TopologyKey` for use with charge models only.""" this_atom_index: int partial_charge_method: str @property def atom_indices(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Alias for `this_atom_index`.""" return (self.this_atom_index,) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.this_atom_index, self.partial_charge_method))
[docs]class ChargeIncrementTopologyKey(DefaultModel): """Subclass of `TopologyKey` for use with charge increments only.""" # TODO: Eventually rename this for coherence with `TopologyKey` this_atom_index: int other_atom_indices: tuple[int, ...] @property def atom_indices(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Alias for `this_atom_index`.""" return (self.this_atom_index,) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.this_atom_index, self.other_atom_indices))
[docs]class VirtualSiteKey(TopologyKey): """A unique identifier of a virtual site in the scope of a chemical topology.""" # TODO: Overriding the attribute of a parent class is clumsy, but less grief than # having this not inherit from `TopologyKey`. It might be useful to just have # orientation_atom_indices point to the same thing. atom_indices: tuple[int] | None = None # type: ignore[assignment] orientation_atom_indices: tuple[int, ...] = Field( description="The indices of the 'orientation atoms' which are used to define the position " "of this virtual site. The first atom is the 'parent atom' which defines which atom the " "virtual site is 'attached' to.", ) type: str = Field(description="The type of this virtual site parameter.") name: str = Field(description="The name of this virtual site parameter.") match: Literal["once", "all_permutations"] = Field( description="The `match` attribute of the associated virtual site type", ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( ( self.orientation_atom_indices,, self.type, self.match, ), )
[docs]class PotentialKey(DefaultModel): """ A unique identifier of an instance of physical parameters as applied to a segment of a chemical topology. These refer to a single term in a force field as applied to a single segment of a chemical topology, i.e. a single atom or dihedral. For example, a PotentialKey corresponding to a bond would store the the force constant and the equilibrium bond length as determined by the force field. These keys to not have direct knowledge of where in a topology they have been applied. Examples -------- Create a PotentialKey corresponding to the parameter with id `b55` in OpenFF "Parsley" 1.0.0 .. code-block:: pycon >>> from openff.interchange.models import PotentialKey >>> from openff.toolkit import ForceField >>> parsley = ForceField("openff-1.0.0.offxml") >>> param = parsley["Bonds"].get_parameter({"id": "b55"})[0] >>> bond_55 = PotentialKey(id=param.smirks) >>> bond_55 PotentialKey associated with handler 'None' with id '[#16X4,#16X3:1]-[#8X2:2]' Create a PotentialKey corresponding to the angle parameters in OPLS-AA defined between atom types opls_135, opls_135, and opls_140 .. code-block:: pycon >>> oplsaa_angle = PotentialKey(id="opls_135-opls_135-opls_140") >>> oplsaa_angle PotentialKey associated with handler 'None' with id 'opls_135-opls_135-opls_140' """ id: str = Field( ..., description="A unique identifier of this potential, i.e. a SMARTS pattern or an atom type", ) mult: int | None = Field( None, description="The index of this duplicate interaction", ) associated_handler: str | None = Field( None, description="The type of handler this potential key is associated with, " "i.e. 'Bonds', 'vdW', or 'LibraryCharges", ) bond_order: float | None = Field( None, description="If this is a key to a WrappedPotential interpolating multiple parameter(s), " "the bond order determining the coefficients of the wrapped potentials.", ) virtual_site_type: str | None = Field( None, description="The 'type' of virtual site (i.e. `BondCharge`) this parameter is associated with.", ) cosmetic_attributes: dict[str, Any] = Field( dict(), description="A dictionary of cosmetic attributes associated with this potential key.", ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((, self.mult, self.associated_handler, self.bond_order)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"PotentialKey associated with handler '{self.associated_handler}' with id '{}'" f"{'' if self.mult is None else ', mult ' + str(self.mult)}" f"{'' if self.bond_order is None else ', bond order ' + str(self.bond_order)}" )