Source code for openff.interchange.interop.lammps.export.export

"""Export to LAMMPS."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import IO

import numpy
from openff.toolkit.topology.molecule import Atom, unit

from openff.interchange import Interchange
from openff.interchange.exceptions import UnsupportedExportError
from openff.interchange.models import PotentialKey

[docs]def to_lammps(interchange: Interchange, file_path: Path | str): """Write an Interchange object to a LAMMPS data file.""" if isinstance(file_path, str): path = Path(file_path) if isinstance(file_path, Path): path = file_path n_atoms = interchange.topology.n_atoms if "Bonds" in interchange.collections: n_bonds = len(interchange["Bonds"].key_map.keys()) else: n_bonds = 0 if "Angles" in interchange.collections: n_angles = len(interchange["Angles"].key_map.keys()) else: n_angles = 0 if "ProperTorsions" in interchange.collections: n_propers = len(interchange["ProperTorsions"].key_map.keys()) else: n_propers = 0 if "ImproperTorsions" in interchange.collections: n_impropers = len(interchange["ImproperTorsions"].key_map.keys()) else: n_impropers = 0 with open(path, "w") as lmp_file: lmp_file.write("Title\n\n") lmp_file.write(f"{n_atoms} atoms\n") lmp_file.write(f"{n_bonds} bonds\n") lmp_file.write(f"{n_angles} angles\n") lmp_file.write(f"{n_propers} dihedrals\n") lmp_file.write(f"{n_impropers} impropers\n") lmp_file.write(f"\n{len(interchange['vdW'].potentials)} atom types") if n_bonds > 0: lmp_file.write(f"\n{len(interchange['Bonds'].potentials)} bond types") if n_angles > 0: lmp_file.write(f"\n{len(interchange['Angles'].potentials)} angle types") if n_propers > 0: lmp_file.write( f"\n{len(interchange['ProperTorsions'].potentials)} dihedral types", ) if n_impropers > 0: lmp_file.write( f"\n{len(interchange['ImproperTorsions'].potentials)} improper types", ) lmp_file.write("\n") # write types section x_min, y_min, z_min = numpy.min(, axis=0, ).magnitude if is None: L_x, L_y, L_z = 100, 100, 100 elif ( == numpy.diag(numpy.diagonal( L_x, L_y, L_z = numpy.diag( else: raise NotImplementedError( "Interchange does not yet support exporting non-rectangular boxes to LAMMPS", ) lmp_file.write( "{:.10g} {:.10g} xlo xhi\n" "{:.10g} {:.10g} ylo yhi\n" "{:.10g} {:.10g} zlo zhi\n".format( x_min, x_min + L_x, y_min, y_min + L_y, z_min, z_min + L_z, ), ) lmp_file.write("0.0 0.0 0.0 xy xz yz\n") lmp_file.write("\nMasses\n\n") vdw_handler = interchange["vdW"] atom_type_map = dict(enumerate(vdw_handler.potentials)) key_map_inv = dict({v: k for k, v in vdw_handler.key_map.items()}) for atom_type_idx, smirks in atom_type_map.items(): # Find just one topology atom matching this SMIRKS by vdW matched_atom_idx = key_map_inv[smirks].atom_indices[0] matched_atom = interchange.topology.atom(matched_atom_idx) mass = matched_atom.mass.m lmp_file.write(f"{atom_type_idx + 1:d}\t{mass:.8g}\n") lmp_file.write("\n\n") _write_pair_coeffs( lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange, atom_type_map=atom_type_map, ) if n_bonds > 0: _write_bond_coeffs(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) if n_angles > 0: _write_angle_coeffs(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) if n_propers > 0: _write_proper_coeffs(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) if n_impropers > 0: _write_improper_coeffs(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) _write_atoms( lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange, atom_type_map=atom_type_map, ) if n_bonds > 0: _write_bonds(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) if n_angles > 0: _write_angles(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) if n_propers > 0: _write_propers(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange) if n_impropers > 0: _write_impropers(lmp_file=lmp_file, interchange=interchange)
def _write_pair_coeffs(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange, atom_type_map: dict): """Write the Pair Coeffs section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("Pair Coeffs\n\n") vdw_handler = interchange["vdW"] for atom_type_idx, smirks in atom_type_map.items(): params = vdw_handler.potentials[smirks].parameters sigma = params["sigma"].to(unit.angstrom).magnitude epsilon = params["epsilon"].to(unit.Unit("kilocalorie / mole")).magnitude lmp_file.write(f"{atom_type_idx + 1:d}\t{epsilon:.8g}\t{sigma:.8g}\n") lmp_file.write("\n") def _write_bond_coeffs(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Bond Coeffs section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("Bond Coeffs\n\n") bond_handler = interchange["Bonds"] bond_type_map = dict(enumerate(bond_handler.potentials)) for bond_type_idx, smirks in bond_type_map.items(): params = bond_handler.potentials[smirks].parameters k = params["k"].to(unit.Unit("kilocalorie / mole / angstrom ** 2")).magnitude k = k * 0.5 # Account for LAMMPS wrapping 1/2 into k length = params["length"].to(unit.angstrom).magnitude lmp_file.write(f"{bond_type_idx + 1:d} harmonic\t{k:.16g}\t{length:.16g}\n") lmp_file.write("\n") def _write_angle_coeffs(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Angle Coeffs section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nAngle Coeffs\n\n") angle_handler = interchange["Angles"] angle_type_map = dict(enumerate(angle_handler.potentials)) for angle_type_idx, smirks in angle_type_map.items(): params = angle_handler.potentials[smirks].parameters k = params["k"].to(unit.Unit("kilocalorie / mole / radian ** 2")).magnitude k = k * 0.5 # Account for LAMMPS wrapping 1/2 into k theta = params["angle"].to( lmp_file.write(f"{angle_type_idx + 1:d} harmonic\t{k:.16g}\t{theta:.16g}\n") lmp_file.write("\n") def _write_proper_coeffs(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Dihedral Coeffs section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nDihedral Coeffs\n\n") proper_handler = interchange["ProperTorsions"] proper_type_map = dict(enumerate(proper_handler.potentials)) for proper_type_idx, smirks in proper_type_map.items(): params = proper_handler.potentials[smirks].parameters k = params["k"].to(unit.Unit("kilocalorie / mole")).magnitude n = int(params["periodicity"]) phase = params["phase"].to( idivf = int(params["idivf"]) k = k / idivf lmp_file.write( f"{proper_type_idx + 1:d} fourier 1\t{k:.16g}\t{n:d}\t{phase:.16g}\n", ) lmp_file.write("\n") def _write_improper_coeffs(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Improper Coeffs section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nImproper Coeffs\n\n") improper_handler = interchange["ImproperTorsions"] improper_type_map = dict(enumerate(improper_handler.potentials)) for improper_type_idx, smirks in improper_type_map.items(): params = improper_handler.potentials[smirks].parameters k = params["k"].to(unit.Unit("kilocalorie / mole")).magnitude n = int(params["periodicity"]) phase = params["phase"].to( idivf = int(params["idivf"]) k = k / idivf # See # E_periodic = k * (1 + cos(n * theta - phase)) # E_cvff = k * (1 + d * cos(n * theta)) # k_periodic = k_cvff # if phase = 0, # d_cvff = 1 # n_periodic = n_cvff # if phase = 180, # cos(n * x - pi) == - cos(n * x) # d_cvff = -1 # n_periodic = n_cvff # k * (1 + cos(n * phi - pi / 2)) == k * (1 - cos(n * phi)) if phase == 0: k_cvff = k d_cvff = 1 n_cvff = n elif phase == 180: k_cvff = k d_cvff = -1 n_cvff = n else: raise UnsupportedExportError( "Improper exports to LAMMPS are funky and not well-supported, the only compatibility" "found between periodidic impropers is with improper_style cvff when phase = 0 or 180 degrees", ) lmp_file.write( f"{improper_type_idx + 1:d} {k_cvff:.16g}\t{d_cvff:d}\t{n_cvff:.16g}\n", ) lmp_file.write("\n") def _write_atoms(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange, atom_type_map: dict): """Write the Atoms section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nAtoms\n\n") atom_type_map_inv = dict({v: k for k, v in atom_type_map.items()}) vdw_handler = interchange["vdW"] charges = interchange["Electrostatics"].charges positions = interchange.positions.m_as(unit.angstrom) """ for molecule_index, molecule in enumerate(interchange.topology.molecules): for atom in molecule.atoms: atom._molecule_index = molecule_index """ # Looking up an atom in a topology is slow, so establish a mapping between # atom and molecule indices by iterating through the topology once beforehand atom_map: dict[int, Atom] = dict() # the molecule is hashed for speed (bypassing an RDKit/OpenEye conversion) # didn't look into hashing atoms molecule_map: dict[int, int] = dict() atom_molecule_map: dict[Atom, int] = dict() for atom_index, atom in enumerate(interchange.topology.atoms): atom_map[atom_index] = atom for molecule_index, molecule in enumerate(interchange.topology.molecules): molecule_hash = molecule.ordered_connection_table_hash() molecule_map[molecule_hash] = molecule_index for atom in molecule.atoms: atom_molecule_map[atom] = molecule_hash def atom_index_to_molecule_index(atom_index: int) -> int: """Given an atom index (in the topology), return the molecule index.""" return molecule_map[atom_molecule_map[atom_map[atom_index]]] for _, (top_key, pot_key) in enumerate(vdw_handler.key_map.items()): # TODO: Surely there's an easier way to get the molecule # index from an atom index? atom_index = top_key.atom_indices[0] molecule_index = atom_index_to_molecule_index(atom_index) atom_type = atom_type_map_inv[pot_key] charge = charges[top_key].m pos = positions[atom_index] lmp_file.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:.8g}\t{:.8g}\t{:.8g}\t{:.8g}\n".format( atom_index + 1, molecule_index + 1, atom_type + 1, charge, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], ), ) # Note: For this and the other valence writers, a significant portion of runtime # appears to be spent looking up the LAMMPS "type" index from the potential key. # (bond_map[pot_key]). Not sure why - I thought dictionary lookups were always # fast - but it might be worth looking into. def _write_bonds(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Bonds section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nBonds\n\n") bond_handler = interchange["Bonds"] bond_map: dict[PotentialKey, int] = { potential_key: index for index, potential_key in enumerate(bond_handler.potentials) } for bond_index, (top_key, pot_key) in enumerate(bond_handler.key_map.items()): indices = top_key.atom_indices lmp_file.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( bond_index + 1, bond_map[pot_key] + 1, indices[0] + 1, indices[1] + 1, ), ) def _write_angles(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Angles section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nAngles\n\n") angle_handler = interchange["Angles"] angle_map: dict[PotentialKey, int] = { potential_key: index for index, potential_key in enumerate(angle_handler.potentials) } for angle_index, (top_key, pot_key) in enumerate(angle_handler.key_map.items()): indices = top_key.atom_indices lmp_file.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( angle_index + 1, angle_map[pot_key] + 1, indices[0] + 1, indices[1] + 1, indices[2] + 1, ), ) def _write_propers(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Dihedrals section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nDihedrals\n\n") proper_handler = interchange["ProperTorsions"] proper_map: dict[PotentialKey, int] = { potential_key: index for index, potential_key in enumerate(proper_handler.potentials) } for proper_index, (top_key, pot_key) in enumerate(proper_handler.key_map.items()): indices = top_key.atom_indices lmp_file.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( proper_index + 1, proper_map[pot_key] + 1, indices[0] + 1, indices[1] + 1, indices[2] + 1, indices[3] + 1, ), ) def _write_impropers(lmp_file: IO, interchange: Interchange): """Write the Impropers section of a LAMMPS data file.""" lmp_file.write("\nImpropers\n\n") improper_handler = interchange["ImproperTorsions"] improper_map: dict[PotentialKey, int] = { potential_key: index for index, potential_key in enumerate(improper_handler.potentials) } # Molecule/Topology.impropers lists the central atom SECOND, # but the improper collection lists the central atom FIRST, # However, at this point we're not looking in the topology directly, # we're assuming that the contents of the collection is encompassing for improper_index, (top_key, pot_key) in enumerate( improper_handler.key_map.items(), ): indices = top_key.atom_indices # # LAMMPS, at least with `improper_style cvff`, lists the # central atom FIRST, which matches the collection lmp_file.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( improper_index + 1, improper_map[pot_key] + 1, indices[1] + 1, indices[0] + 1, indices[2] + 1, indices[3] + 1, ), )