Source code for openff.interchange.interop.gromacs.models.models

"""Classes used to represent GROMACS state."""

from openff.models.models import DefaultModel
from openff.models.types import ArrayQuantity, FloatQuantity
from openff.toolkit import Quantity

from openff.interchange._pydantic import (

[docs]class GROMACSAtomType(DefaultModel): """Base class for GROMACS atom types.""" name: str bonding_type: str = "" atomic_number: int mass: Quantity charge: Quantity particle_type: str
[docs] @validator("particle_type") def validate_particle_type( cls, v: str, values, ) -> str: if values["mass"].m == 0.0: assert v in ("D", "V"), 'Particle type must be "D" or "V" if massless' elif values["mass"].m > 0.0: assert v == "A", 'Particle type must be "A" if it has mass' return v
[docs]class LennardJonesAtomType(GROMACSAtomType): """A Lennard-Jones atom type.""" sigma: Quantity epsilon: Quantity
[docs]class GROMACSAtom(DefaultModel): """Base class for GROMACS atoms.""" index: PositiveInt name: str atom_type: str # Maybe this should point to an object residue_index: PositiveInt residue_name: str charge_group_number: PositiveInt charge: Quantity mass: Quantity
# Should the physical values (distance/angles) be float or Quantity?
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite(DefaultModel): """Base class for storing GROMACS virtual sites.""" type: str name: str header_tag: conint(ge=2) site: PositiveInt func: PositiveInt orientation_atoms: list[int]
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite2(GROMACSVirtualSite): """GROMACS virtual site type 2.""" type: str = "2" header_tag: int = 2 func: int = 1 a: float
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite3(GROMACSVirtualSite): """GROMACS virtual site type 3.""" type: str = "3" header_tag: int = 3 func: int = 1 a: float b: float
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite3fd(GROMACSVirtualSite): """GROMACS virtual site type 3fd.""" type: str = "3fd" header_tag: int = 3 func: int = 2 a: float d: float
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite3fad(GROMACSVirtualSite): """GROMACS virtual site type 3fad.""" type: str = "3fad" header_tag: int = 3 func: int = 3 theta: float d: float
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite3out(GROMACSVirtualSite): """GROMACS virtual site type 3out.""" type: str = "3out" header_tag: int = 3 func: int = 4 a: float b: float c: float
[docs]class GROMACSVirtualSite4fdn(GROMACSVirtualSite): """GROMACS virtual site type 4fdn.""" type: str = "4fdn" header_tag: int = 4 func: int = 2 a: float b: float c: float
[docs]class GROMACSBond(DefaultModel): """A GROMACS bond.""" atom1: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the first atom in the bond.", ) atom2: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the second atom in the bond.", ) function: int = Field(1, const=True, description="The GROMACS bond function type.") length: Quantity k: Quantity
[docs]class GROMACSPair(DefaultModel): """A GROMACS pair.""" atom1: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the first atom in the pair.", ) atom2: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the second atom in the pair.", )
[docs]class GROMACSSettles(DefaultModel): """A settles-style constraint for water.""" first_atom: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the first atom in the water.", ) oxygen_hydrogen_distance: FloatQuantity = Field( description="The fixed distance between the oxygen and hydrogen.", ) hydrogen_hydrogen_distance: FloatQuantity = Field( description="The fixed distance between the oxygen and hydrogen.", )
[docs]class GROMACSExclusion(DefaultModel): """An Exclusion between an atom and other(s).""" # Extra exclusions within a molecule can be added manually in a [ exclusions ] section. Each # line should start with one atom index, followed by one or more atom indices. All non-bonded # interactions between the first atom and the other atoms will be excluded. first_atom: PositiveInt other_atoms: list[PositiveInt]
[docs]class GROMACSAngle(DefaultModel): """A GROMACS angle.""" atom1: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the first atom in the angle.", ) atom2: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the second atom in the angle.", ) atom3: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the third atom in the angle.", ) angle: Quantity k: Quantity
[docs]class GROMACSDihedral(DefaultModel): """A GROMACS dihedral.""" atom1: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the first atom in the dihedral.", ) atom2: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the second atom in the dihedral.", ) atom3: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the third atom in the dihedral.", ) atom4: PositiveInt = Field( description="The GROMACS index of the fourth atom in the dihedral.", )
# TODO: Subclasses could define their allowed "function type" as an extra runtime safeguard?
[docs]class PeriodicProperDihedral(GROMACSDihedral): """A type 1 dihedral in GROMACS.""" phi: Quantity k: Quantity multiplicity: PositiveInt
[docs]class RyckaertBellemansDihedral(GROMACSDihedral): """A type 3 dihedral in GROMACS.""" c0: Quantity c1: Quantity c2: Quantity c3: Quantity c4: Quantity c5: Quantity
[docs]class PeriodicImproperDihedral(GROMACSDihedral): """A type 4 dihedral in GROMACS.""" phi: Quantity k: Quantity multiplicity: PositiveInt
[docs]class GROMACSMolecule(DefaultModel): """Base class for GROMACS molecules.""" name: str nrexcl: int = Field( 3, const=True, description="The farthest neighbor distance whose interactions should be excluded.", ) atoms: list[GROMACSAtom] = Field( list(), description="The atoms in this molecule.", ) pairs: list[GROMACSPair] = Field( list(), description="The pairs in this molecule.", ) settles: list[GROMACSSettles] = Field( list(), description="The settles in this molecule.", ) bonds: list[GROMACSBond] = Field( list(), description="The bonds in this molecule.", ) angles: list[GROMACSAngle] = Field( list(), description="The angles in this molecule.", ) dihedrals: list[GROMACSDihedral] = Field( list(), description="The dihedrals in this molecule.", ) virtual_sites: list[GROMACSVirtualSite] = Field( list(), description="The virtual sites in this molecule.", ) exclusions: list[GROMACSExclusion] = Field( list(), description="The exclusions in this molecule.", ) # TODO: This can desync between system- and molecule-level data, it might be better # to not store atom types at the system level, instead storing them at the # molecule and grouping up to system level at write time _contained_atom_types: dict[str, LennardJonesAtomType] = PrivateAttr()
[docs]class GROMACSSystem(DefaultModel): """A GROMACS system. Adapted from Intermol.""" positions: ArrayQuantity | None = None box: ArrayQuantity | None = None name: str = "" nonbonded_function: int = Field( 1, ge=1, le=1, description="The nonbonded function.", ) combination_rule: int = Field( 2, ge=1, le=3, description="The combination rule.", ) gen_pairs: bool = Field(True, description="Whether or not to generate pairs.") vdw_14: float = Field( 0.5, description="The 1-4 scaling factor for dispersion interactions.", ) coul_14: float = Field( 0.833333, description="The 1-4 scaling factor for electrostatic interactions.", ) atom_types: dict[str, LennardJonesAtomType] = Field( dict(), description="Atom types, keyed by name.", ) molecule_types: dict[str, GROMACSMolecule] = Field( dict(), description="Molecule types, keyed by name.", ) molecules: dict[str, int] = Field( dict(), description="The number of each molecule type in the system, keyed by the name of each molecule.", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, top_file, gro_file): """Parse a GROMACS topology file.""" from openff.interchange.interop.gromacs._import._import import from_files return from_files(top_file, gro_file, cls=cls)
[docs] def to_files(self, prefix: str, decimal: int = 3): """Write a GROMACS topology file.""" from openff.interchange.interop.gromacs.export._export import GROMACSWriter writer = GROMACSWriter( system=self, top_file=f"{prefix}.top", gro_file=f"{prefix}.gro", ) writer.to_top() writer.to_gro(decimal=decimal)
[docs] def to_top(self, file: str): """Write a GROMACS topology file.""" from openff.interchange.interop.gromacs.export._export import GROMACSWriter GROMACSWriter( system=self, top_file=file, gro_file="_.gro", ).to_top()
[docs] def to_gro(self, file: str, decimal: int = 3): """Write a GROMACS coordinate file.""" from openff.interchange.interop.gromacs.export._export import GROMACSWriter GROMACSWriter( system=self, top_file="_.gro", gro_file=file, ).to_gro(decimal=decimal)
[docs] def remove_molecule_type(self, molecule_name: str, n_copies: int = 1): """Remove a molecule type from the system.""" import numpy if molecule_name not in self.molecule_types: raise ValueError( f"The molecule type {molecule_name} is not present in this system.", ) if n_copies > self.molecules[molecule_name]: raise ValueError( f"Cannot remove {n_copies} copies of {molecule_name} from this system " f"because only {self.molecules[molecule_name]} are present.", ) if n_copies != 1 or self.molecules[molecule_name] != 1: raise NotImplementedError() molecule_names = [*self.molecules.keys()] molecules_before = molecule_names[: molecule_names.index(molecule_name)] n_atoms_before = sum( len(self.molecule_types[name].atoms) * self.molecules[name] for name in molecules_before ) if self.positions is not None: row_indices_to_delete = [ *range( n_atoms_before, n_atoms_before + len(self.molecule_types[molecule_name].atoms), ), ] # Pint lacks __array_function__ needed here, so strip and then tag units self.positions = Quantity( numpy.delete(self.positions.m, row_indices_to_delete, axis=0), self.positions.units, ) self.molecule_types.pop(molecule_name) self.molecules[molecule_name] -= n_copies if self.molecules[molecule_name] == 0: self.molecules.pop(molecule_name)
[docs] def add_molecule_type(self, molecule: GROMACSMolecule, n_copies: int): """Add a molecule type to the system.""" if in self.molecule_types: raise ValueError( f"The molecule type {} is already present in this system.", ) if len(molecule._contained_atom_types) == 0: raise ValueError( f"The molecule type {} does not contain any atom types.", ) for atom_type_name, atom_type in molecule._contained_atom_types.items(): if atom_type_name in self.atom_types: raise ValueError( f"An atom type {atom_type_name} is already present in this system.", ) self.atom_types[atom_type_name] = atom_type self.molecule_types[] = molecule self.molecules[] = n_copies