Source code for openff.interchange.drivers.gromacs

"""Functions for running energy evluations with GROMACS."""

import subprocess
import tempfile
from importlib import resources
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which

from openff.toolkit import Quantity, unit
from openff.utilities.utilities import requires_package, temporary_cd

from openff.interchange import Interchange
from openff.interchange.components.mdconfig import MDConfig
from openff.interchange.constants import kj_mol
from import EnergyReport
from openff.interchange.exceptions import (

def _find_gromacs_executable(raise_exception: bool = False) -> str | None:
    """Attempt to locate a GROMACS executable based on commonly-used names."""
    gromacs_executable_names = ["gmx", "gmx_mpi", "gmx_d", "gmx_mpi_d"]

    for name in gromacs_executable_names:
        if which(name):
            return name

    if raise_exception:
        raise GMXNotFoundError
        return None

def _get_mdp_file(key: str = "auto") -> str:
    mapping = {
        "default": "default.mdp",
        "cutoff": "cutoff.mdp",
        "cutoff_hbonds": "cutoff_hbonds.mdp",
        "cutoff_buck": "cutoff_buck.mdp",

    dir_path = resources.files("")
    return str(dir_path / mapping[key])

[docs]def get_gromacs_energies( interchange: Interchange, mdp: str = "auto", round_positions: int = 8, detailed: bool = False, ) -> EnergyReport: """ Given an OpenFF Interchange object, return single-point energies as computed by GROMACS. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. Parameters ---------- interchange : openff.interchange.Interchange An OpenFF Interchange object to compute the single-point energy of mdp : str, default="cutoff" A string key identifying the GROMACS `.mdp` file to be used. See `_get_mdp_file`. round_positions: int, default=8 A decimal precision for the positions in the `.gro` file. detailed : bool, default=False If True, return a detailed report containing the energies of each term. Returns ------- report : EnergyReport An `EnergyReport` object containing the single-point energies. """ return _process( _get_gromacs_energies( interchange=interchange, mdp=mdp, round_positions=round_positions, ), detailed=detailed, )
def _get_gromacs_energies( interchange: Interchange, mdp: str = "auto", round_positions: int = 8, ) -> dict[str, unit.Quantity]: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: with temporary_cd(tmpdir): prefix = "_tmp" interchange.to_gromacs(prefix=prefix, decimal=round_positions) if mdp == "auto": mdconfig = MDConfig.from_interchange(interchange) mdp_file = "tmp.mdp" mdconfig.write_mdp_file(mdp_file) else: mdp_file = _get_mdp_file(mdp) return _run_gmx_energy( top_file="", gro_file="_tmp.gro", mdp_file=mdp_file, maxwarn=2, ) def _run_gmx_energy( top_file: Path | str, gro_file: Path | str, mdp_file: Path | str, maxwarn: int = 1, ) -> dict[str, unit.Quantity]: """ Given GROMACS files, return single-point energies as computed by GROMACS. Parameters ---------- top_file : str or pathlib.Path The path to a GROMACS topology (`.top`) file. gro_file : str or pathlib.Path The path to a GROMACS coordinate (`.gro`) file. mdp_file : str or pathlib.Path The path to a GROMACS molecular dynamics parameters (`.mdp`) file. maxwarn : int, default=1 The number of warnings to allow when `gmx grompp` is called (via the `-maxwarn` flag). Returns ------- energies: Dict[str, unit.Quantity] A dictionary of energies, keyed by the GROMACS energy term name. """ gmx = _find_gromacs_executable(raise_exception=True) grompp_cmd = f"{gmx} grompp --maxwarn {maxwarn} -o out.tpr" grompp_cmd += f" -f {mdp_file} -c {gro_file} -p {top_file}" grompp = subprocess.Popen( grompp_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) _, err = grompp.communicate() if grompp.returncode: raise GMXGromppError(err) # Some GROMACS builds will want `-ntmpi` instead of `ntomp` mdrun_cmd = f"{gmx} mdrun -s out.tpr -e out.edr -ntomp 1" mdrun = subprocess.Popen( mdrun_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) _, err = mdrun.communicate() if mdrun.returncode: raise GMXMdrunError(err) return _parse_gmx_energy("out.edr") def _get_gmx_energy_vdw(gmx_energies: dict) -> Quantity: """Get the total nonbonded energy from a set of GROMACS energies.""" gmx_vdw = 0.0 * kj_mol for key in ["LJ (SR)", "LJ recip.", "LJ-14", "Disper. corr.", "Buck.ham (SR)"]: if key in gmx_energies: gmx_vdw += gmx_energies[key] return gmx_vdw def _get_gmx_energy_coul(gmx_energies: dict) -> Quantity: gmx_coul = 0.0 * kj_mol for key in ["Coulomb (SR)", "Coul. recip.", "Coulomb-14"]: if key in gmx_energies: gmx_coul += gmx_energies[key] return gmx_coul def _get_gmx_energy_torsion(gmx_energies: dict) -> Quantity: """Canonicalize torsion energies from a set of GROMACS energies.""" gmx_torsion = 0.0 * kj_mol for key in ["Torsion", "Proper Dih.", "Per. Imp. Dih."]: if key in gmx_energies: gmx_torsion += gmx_energies[key] return gmx_torsion @requires_package("panedr") def _parse_gmx_energy(edr_path: str) -> dict[str, unit.Quantity]: """Parse an `.edr` file written by `gmx energy`.""" import panedr parsed_energies = panedr.edr_to_df(edr_path).to_dict("index")[0.0] parsed_energies.pop("Time") # for key in energies: # energies[key] *= kj_mol # # TODO: Better way of filling in missing fields # # GROMACS may not populate all keys # for required_key in ["Bond", "Angle", "Proper Dih."]: # if required_key not in energies: # energies[required_key] = 0.0 * kj_mol keys_to_drop = [ "Kinetic En.", "Temperature", "Pres. DC", "Pressure", "Vir-XX", "Vir-YY", "Vir-ZZ", "Vir-YX", "Vir-XY", "Vir-YZ", "Vir-XZ", ] for key in keys_to_drop: if key in parsed_energies: parsed_energies.pop(key) return {key: val * kj_mol for key, val in parsed_energies.items()} def _process( energies: dict[str, unit.Quantity], detailed: bool = False, ) -> EnergyReport: """Process energies from GROMACS into a standardized format.""" if detailed: return EnergyReport(energies=energies) return EnergyReport( energies={ "Bond": energies.get("Bond", 0.0 * kj_mol), "Angle": energies.get("Angle", 0.0 * kj_mol), "Torsion": _get_gmx_energy_torsion(energies), "RBTorsion": energies.get("Ryckaert-Bell.", 0.0 * kj_mol), "vdW": _get_gmx_energy_vdw(energies), "Electrostatics": _get_gmx_energy_coul(energies), }, )