Source code for openff.interchange.components.mdconfig

"""Runtime settings for MD simulations."""

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

from openff.models.models import DefaultModel
from openff.models.types import FloatQuantity
from openff.toolkit import Quantity, unit

from openff.interchange._pydantic import Field
from openff.interchange.constants import _PME
from openff.interchange.exceptions import (
from openff.interchange.warnings import SwitchingFunctionNotImplementedWarning

    from openff.interchange import Interchange

nsteps                   = 0
nstenergy                = 1000
continuation             = yes
cutoff-scheme            = verlet

DispCorr                 = Ener

[docs]class MDConfig(DefaultModel): """A partial superset of runtime configurations for MD engines.""" periodic: bool = Field( True, description="Whether or not the system is periodic.", ) constraints: str = Field( "none", description="The type of constraints to be used in the simulation.", ) vdw_method: Literal["cutoff", "pme", "no-cutoff"] = Field( "cutoff", description="The method used to calculate the vdW interactions.", ) vdw_cutoff: FloatQuantity["angstrom"] = Field( Quantity(9.0, unit.angstrom), description="The distance at which pairwise interactions are truncated", ) mixing_rule: str = Field( "lorentz-berthelot", description="The mixing rule (combination rule, combining rule) used in computing pairwise vdW interactions", ) switching_function: bool = Field( False, description="Whether or not to use a switching function for the vdw interactions", ) switching_distance: FloatQuantity["angstrom"] = Field( Quantity(0.0, unit.angstrom), description="The distance at which the switching function is applied", ) coul_method: str = Field( None, description="The method used to compute pairwise electrostatic interactions", ) coul_cutoff: FloatQuantity["angstrom"] = Field( Quantity(9.0, unit.angstrom), description=( "The distance at which electrostatic interactions are truncated or transition from " "short- to long-range." ), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_interchange(cls, interchange: "Interchange") -> "MDConfig": """Generate a MDConfig object from an Interchange object.""" mdconfig = cls( is not None, constraints=_infer_constraints(interchange), ) if "vdW" in interchange.collections: vdw_collection = interchange["vdW"] if is None: mdconfig.vdw_method = vdw_collection.nonperiodic_method else: mdconfig.vdw_method = vdw_collection.periodic_method mdconfig.vdw_cutoff = vdw_collection.cutoff mdconfig.mixing_rule = vdw_collection.mixing_rule if vdw_collection.switch_width is not None: if vdw_collection.switch_width.m == 0: mdconfig.switching_function = False else: mdconfig.switching_function = True mdconfig.switching_distance = ( mdconfig.vdw_cutoff - vdw_collection.switch_width ) else: mdconfig.switching_function = False if "Electrostatics" in interchange.collections: mdconfig.coul_method = getattr( interchange["Electrostatics"], "periodic_potential" if mdconfig.periodic else "nonperiodic_potential", ) mdconfig.coul_cutoff = interchange["Electrostatics"].cutoff return mdconfig
[docs] def apply(self, interchange: "Interchange"): """Attempt to apply these settings to an Interchange object.""" if self.periodic: if is None: = [10, 10, 10] * unit.nanometer else: = None if "vdW" in interchange.collections: vdw_collection = interchange["vdW"] if is None: vdw_collection.nonperiodic_method = self.vdw_method else: vdw_collection.periodic_method = self.vdw_method vdw_collection.cutoff = self.vdw_cutoff vdw_collection.mixing_rule = self.mixing_rule if self.switching_function: vdw_collection.switch_width = self.vdw_cutoff - self.switching_distance else: vdw_collection.switch_width = 0.0 * unit.angstrom if "Electrostatics" in interchange.collections: electrostatics = interchange["Electrostatics"] if self.coul_method.lower() == "pme": electrostatics.periodic_potential = _PME # type: ignore[assignment] else: electrostatics.periodic_potential = self.coul_method # type: ignore[assignment] electrostatics.cutoff = self.coul_cutoff
[docs] def write_mdp_file(self, mdp_file: str = "auto_generated.mdp") -> None: """Write a GROMACS `.mdp` file for running single-point energies.""" with open(mdp_file, "w") as mdp: mdp.write(MDP_HEADER) if self.periodic: mdp.write("pbc = xyz\n") else: mdp.write("pbc = no\n") mdp.write(f"constraints = {self.constraints}\n") coul_cutoff = round(self.coul_cutoff.m_as(unit.nanometer), 4) if self.coul_method == "cutoff": mdp.write("coulombtype = Cut-off\n") mdp.write("coulomb-modifier = None\n") mdp.write(f"rcoulomb = {coul_cutoff}\n") elif self.coul_method in (_PME, "PME", "pme"): if not self.periodic: raise UnsupportedCutoffMethodError( "PME is not valid with a non-periodic system.", ) mdp.write("coulombtype = PME\n") mdp.write(f"rcoulomb = {coul_cutoff}\n") mdp.write("coulomb-modifier = None\n") mdp.write("fourier-spacing = 0.12\n") # TODO: Wire this through like `ewald_tolerance` in `to_openmm` mdp.write("ewald-rtol = 1e-4\n") elif self.coul_method == "reactionfield": mdp.write("coulombtype = Reaction-field\n") mdp.write(f"rcoulomb = {coul_cutoff}\n") else: raise UnsupportedExportError( f"Electrostatics method {self.coul_method} not supported", ) if self.vdw_method == "cutoff": mdp.write("vdwtype = cutoff\n") elif self.vdw_method in ("Ewald3D", "pme", "PME", _PME): mdp.write("vdwtype = PME\n") # TODO: Wire this through like `ewald_tolerance` in `to_openmm` # TODO: Should this match electrostatics PME tolerance? mdp.write("ewald-rtol-lj = 1e-4\n") mdp.write("lj-pme-comb-rule = geometric\n") else: raise UnsupportedExportError( f"vdW method {self.vdw_method} not supported", ) vdw_cutoff = round(self.vdw_cutoff.m_as(unit.nanometer), 4) mdp.write(f"rvdw = {vdw_cutoff}\n") if self.switching_function and self.vdw_method == "cutoff": mdp.write("vdw-modifier = Potential-switch\n") distance = round(self.switching_distance.m_as(unit.nanometer), 4) mdp.write(f"rvdw-switch = {distance}\n") else: mdp.write("vdw-modifier = None\n") mdp.write("rvdwswitch = 0\n")
[docs] def write_lammps_input( self, interchange: "Interchange", input_file: str = "", ) -> None: """Write a LAMMPS input file for running single-point energies.""" # TODO: Get constrained angles # TODO: Process rigid water def _get_coeffs_of_constrained_bonds_and_angles( interchange: "Interchange", ) -> tuple[set[int], set[int]]: """ Get coefficients of bonds and angles that appear to be constrained. Refactor this when LAMMPS export uses a dedicated class. * Coefficients are matched by stored SMIRKS * Coefficients are ints associated with Bond Coeffs / Angle Coeffs section * Coefficients are zero-indexed """ constraint_styles = { key.associated_handler for key in interchange["Constraints"].potentials } if len(constraint_styles.difference({"Bonds", "Angles"})) > 0: raise NotImplementedError( "Found unsupported constraints case in LAMMPS input writer.", ) constrained_bond_smirks = { for key in interchange["Constraints"].potentials if key.associated_handler == "Bonds" } constrained_angle_smirks = { for key in interchange["Constraints"].potentials if key.associated_handler == "Angles" } return ( { key for key, val in dict( enumerate(interchange["Bonds"].potentials), ).items() if in constrained_bond_smirks }, { key for key, val in dict( enumerate(interchange["Angles"].potentials), ).items() if in constrained_angle_smirks }, ) # zero-indexed here ( constrained_bond_coeffs, constrained_angle_coeffs, ) = _get_coeffs_of_constrained_bonds_and_angles(interchange) with open(input_file, "w") as lmp: if self.switching_function is not None: if self.switching_distance.m > 0.0: warnings.warn( f"A switching distance {self.switching_distance} was specified by the " "force field, but LAMMPS may not implement a switching function as " "specified by SMIRNOFF. Using a hard cut-off instead. Non-bonded " "interactions will be affected.", SwitchingFunctionNotImplementedWarning, ) lmp.write( "units real\n" "atom_style full\n" "\n" "dimension 3\nboundary p p p\n\n", ) if len(interchange["Bonds"].key_map) > 0: lmp.write("bond_style hybrid harmonic\n") if len(interchange["Angles"].key_map) > 0: lmp.write("angle_style hybrid harmonic\n") try: if len(interchange["ProperTorsions"].key_map) > 0: lmp.write("dihedral_style hybrid fourier\n") except LookupError: # no torsions here pass try: if len(interchange["ImproperTorsions"].key_map) > 0: lmp.write("improper_style cvff\n") except LookupError: # no impropers here pass # TODO: LAMMPS puts this information in the "run" file. Should it live in MDConfig or not? scale_factors = { "vdW": { "1-2": 0.0, "1-3": 0.0, "1-4": 0.5, "1-5": 1, }, "Electrostatics": { "1-2": 0.0, "1-3": 0.0, "1-4": 0.8333333333, "1-5": 1, }, } lmp.write( "special_bonds lj " f"{scale_factors['vdW']['1-2']} " f"{scale_factors['vdW']['1-3']} " f"{scale_factors['vdW']['1-4']} " "coul " f"{scale_factors['Electrostatics']['1-2']} " f"{scale_factors['Electrostatics']['1-3']} " f"{scale_factors['Electrostatics']['1-4']} " "\n", ) vdw_cutoff = round(self.vdw_cutoff.m_as(unit.angstrom), 4) coul_cutoff = round(self.coul_cutoff.m_as(unit.angstrom), 4) if self.coul_method == _PME: lmp.write(f"pair_style lj/cut/coul/long {vdw_cutoff} {coul_cutoff}\n") elif self.coul_method == "cutoff": lmp.write(f"pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut {vdw_cutoff} {coul_cutoff}\n") else: raise UnsupportedExportError( f"Unsupported electrostatics method {self.coul_method}", ) if self.mixing_rule == "lorentz-berthelot": lmp.write("pair_modify mix arithmetic tail yes\n\n") elif self.mixing_rule == "geometric": lmp.write("pair_modify mix geometric tail yes\n\n") else: raise UnsupportedExportError( f"Mixing rule {self.mixing_rule} not supported", ) lmp.write("read_data out.lmp\n\n") lmp.write( "thermo_style custom ebond eangle edihed eimp epair evdwl ecoul elong etail pe\n\n", ) if len(constrained_bond_coeffs.union(constrained_angle_coeffs)) > 0: # # TODO: Apply fix to just a group (sub-group)? lmp.write( "fix 100 all shake 0.0001 20 10 ", ) if constrained_bond_coeffs: lmp.write( f"b {' '.join([str(val + 1) for val in constrained_bond_coeffs])}", ) if constrained_angle_coeffs: lmp.write( f"a {' '.join([str(val + 1) for val in constrained_angle_coeffs])}", ) lmp.write("\n") if self.coul_method == _PME: # Note: LAMMPS will error out if using kspace on something with all zero charges, # so this may not work if all partial charges are zero lmp.write("kspace_style pppm 1e-4\n") lmp.write("run 0\n")
[docs] def write_sander_input_file(self, input_file: str = "") -> None: """Write a Sander input file for running single-point energies.""" with open(input_file, "w") as sander: sander.write("single-point energy\n&cntrl\nimin=1,\nmaxcyc=0,\nntb=1,\n") if self.switching_function is not None: if self.switching_distance.m > 0.0: warnings.warn( f"A switching distance {self.switching_distance} was specified by the " "force field, but Amber does not implement a switching function. Using a " "hard cut-off instead. Non-bonded interactions will be affected.", SwitchingFunctionNotImplementedWarning, ) # Whether this is stored as zero or positive distance, pass a # negative value to ensure it's turned off. sander.write(f"fswitch={-1.0},\n") if self.constraints in ["none", None]: sander.write("ntc=1,\nntf=1,\n") # TODO: This is an approximation, but most of the time these will be set to 2 # Amber cannot ignore H-O-H angle energy without ignoring all H-X-X angles, # See 21.7.1. in Amber22 manual elif self.constraints in ("h-bonds", "all-bonds", "all-angles"): sander.write( "ntc=1,\n" # do NOT perform shake, since it will modify positions, but ... "ntf=2,\n", # ... ignore interactions of bonds including hydrogen atoms ) # TODO: Cover other cases, though hard to reach with mainline OpenFF force fields else: raise UnsupportedExportError( f"Unclear how to apply {self.constraints} with sander", ) if self.vdw_method == "cutoff": vdw_cutoff = round(self.vdw_cutoff.m_as(unit.angstrom), 4) sander.write(f"cut={vdw_cutoff},\n") else: raise UnsupportedExportError( f"vdW method {self.vdw_method} not supported", ) if self.coul_method == _PME: sander.write("/\n&ewald\norder=4\nskinnb=1.0\n/") sander.write("/\n")
def _infer_constraints(interchange: "Interchange") -> str: if "Constraints" not in interchange.collections: return "none" elif "Bonds" not in interchange.collections: return "none" else: num_constraints = len(interchange["Constraints"].key_map) if num_constraints == 0: return "none" else: from openff.interchange.components.toolkit import _get_num_h_bonds num_h_bonds = _get_num_h_bonds(interchange.topology) num_bonds = len(interchange["Bonds"].key_map) num_angles = len(interchange["Angles"].key_map) if num_constraints == num_h_bonds: return "h-bonds" elif num_constraints == len(interchange["Bonds"].key_map): return "all-bonds" elif num_constraints == (num_bonds + num_angles): return "all-angles" else: warnings.warn( "Ambiguous failure while processing constraints. Constraining h-bonds as a stopgap.", ) return "h-bonds"
[docs]def get_smirnoff_defaults(periodic: bool = False) -> MDConfig: """Return an `MDConfig` object that matches settings used in SMIRNOFF force fields (through Sage).""" return MDConfig( periodic=periodic, constraints="h-bonds", vdw_method="cutoff", vdw_cutoff=0.9 * unit.nanometer, mixing_rule="lorentz-berthelot", switching_function=True, switching_distance=0.8 * unit.nanometer, coul_method="PME" if periodic else "Coulomb", )
[docs]def get_intermol_defaults(periodic: bool = False) -> MDConfig: """ Return an `MDConfig` object that attempts to match settings used in InterMol tests. These settings are poor choices for production but can be useful for testing. See also - 10.1007/s10822-016-9977-1 - /gromacs/grompp_vacuum.mdp /lammps/unit_tests/atom_style-full_vacuum/atom_style-full-data_vacuum.input /amber/ Parameters ---------- periodic: bool, default=False Whether to use periodic boundary conditions. Returns ------- config: MDConfig An `MDConfig` object with settings that match those used in InterMol tests. """ return MDConfig( periodic=periodic, constraints="none", vdw_method="cutoff", vdw_cutoff=0.9 * unit.nanometer, mixing_rule="lorentz-berthelot", switching_function=False, switching_distance=0.0, coul_method="PME" if periodic else "cutoff", coul_cutoff=(0.9 * unit.nanometer if periodic else 2.0 * unit.nanometer), )