
class openff.evaluator.workflow.attributes.InputAttribute(docstring, type_hint, default_value, optional=False, merge_behavior=MergeBehavior.ExactlyEqual)[source]

A descriptor used to mark an attribute of an object as an input to that object.

An attribute can either be set with a value directly, or it can also be set to a ProtocolPath to be set be the workflow manager.


To mark an attribute as an input:

>>> from openff.evaluator.attributes import AttributeClass
>>> from openff.evaluator.workflow.attributes import InputAttribute
>>> class MyObject(AttributeClass):
>>>     my_input = InputAttribute(
>>>         docstring='An input will be used.',
>>>         type_hint=float,
>>>         default_value=0.1
>>>     )
__init__(docstring, type_hint, default_value, optional=False, merge_behavior=MergeBehavior.ExactlyEqual)[source]

Initializes a new InputAttribute object.


merge_behavior (BaseMergeBehavior) – An enum describing how this input should be handled when considering whether to, and actually merging two different objects.


__init__(docstring, type_hint, default_value)

Initializes a new InputAttribute object.