Source code for openff.evaluator.protocols.paprika.restraints

import abc
import json
import os

from openff.evaluator.attributes import UNDEFINED
from openff.evaluator.forcefield.system import ParameterizedSystem
from openff.evaluator.workflow import Protocol, workflow_protocol
from openff.evaluator.workflow.attributes import InputAttribute, OutputAttribute

class _GenerateRestraints(Protocol, abc.ABC):
    """The base class which will generate a set of restraint values from their
    respective schemas and for a specific APR phase.

    restraint_schemas = InputAttribute(
        docstring="The full set of restraint schemas.",

    restraints_path = OutputAttribute(
        docstring="The file path to the `paprika` generated restraints JSON file.",

    def _restraints_to_dict(cls, restraints):
        """Converts a list of ``paprika`` restraint objects to
        a list of JSON compatible dictionary representations
        from import NumpyEncoder

        return [
            json.loads(json.dumps(restraint.__dict__, cls=NumpyEncoder))
            for restraint in restraints

    def _save_restraints(
        directory: str,
        """Saves the restraints to a convenient JSON file."""

        symmetry_restraints = [] if symmetry_restraints is None else symmetry_restraints
        wall_restraints = [] if wall_restraints is None else wall_restraints
        guest_restraints = [] if guest_restraints is None else guest_restraints

        restraints_dictionary = {
            "static": self._restraints_to_dict(static_restraints),
            "conformational": self._restraints_to_dict(conformational_restraints),
            "symmetry": self._restraints_to_dict(symmetry_restraints),
            "wall": self._restraints_to_dict(wall_restraints),
            "guest": self._restraints_to_dict(guest_restraints),

        self.restraints_path = os.path.join(directory, "restraints.json")

        with open(self.restraints_path, "w") as file:
            json.dump(restraints_dictionary, file)

[docs]@workflow_protocol() class GenerateAttachRestraints(_GenerateRestraints): """Generates the restraint values to apply during the 'attach' phase from a set of restraint schema definitions and makes them easily accessible for the protocols which will apply them to the parameterized system.""" complex_coordinate_path = InputAttribute( docstring="The file path to a coordinate file which contains the solvated" "host-guest complex and has the anchor dummy atoms added.", type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) attach_lambdas = InputAttribute( docstring="The values of lambda to use for the attach phase. These must" "start from 0.0 and increase monotonically to and include 1.0.", type_hint=list, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) def _execute(self, directory, available_resources): from paprika.evaluator import Setup # Construct the restraints to keep the host in place and # with an open cavity. static_restraints = Setup.build_static_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, len(self.attach_lambdas), None, None, self.restraint_schemas.get("static", []), ) conformational_restraints = Setup.build_conformational_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, self.attach_lambdas, None, None, self.restraint_schemas.get("conformational", []), ) # Construct the restraints to keep the guest at the correct # distance and orientation relative to the host. symmetry_restraints = Setup.build_symmetry_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, len(self.attach_lambdas), self.restraint_schemas.get("symmetry", []), ) wall_restraints = Setup.build_wall_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, len(self.attach_lambdas), self.restraint_schemas.get("wall", []), ) guest_restraints = Setup.build_guest_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, self.attach_lambdas, None, self.restraint_schemas.get("guest", []), ) self._save_restraints( directory, static_restraints, conformational_restraints, symmetry_restraints, wall_restraints, guest_restraints, )
[docs]@workflow_protocol() class GeneratePullRestraints(GenerateAttachRestraints): """Generates the restraint values to apply during the 'pull' phase from a set of restraint schema definitions and makes them easily accessible for the protocols which will apply them to the parameterized system.""" n_pull_windows = InputAttribute( docstring="The number of lambda to use for the pull phase.", type_hint=int, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) def _execute(self, directory, available_resources): from paprika.evaluator import Setup # Construct the restraints to keep the host in place and # with an open cavity. static_restraints = Setup.build_static_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, len(self.attach_lambdas), self.n_pull_windows, None, self.restraint_schemas.get("static", []), ) conformational_restraints = Setup.build_conformational_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, self.attach_lambdas, self.n_pull_windows, None, self.restraint_schemas.get("conformational", []), ) # Construct the restraints to keep the guest at the correct # distance to the host. guest_restraints = Setup.build_guest_restraints( self.complex_coordinate_path, self.attach_lambdas, self.n_pull_windows, self.restraint_schemas.get("guest", []), ) # Remove the attach phases from the restraints as these restraints are # only being used for the pull phase. for restraint in ( static_restraints + conformational_restraints + guest_restraints ): for key in restraint.phase["attach"]: restraint.phase["attach"][key] = None self._save_restraints( directory, static_restraints, conformational_restraints, None, None, guest_restraints, )
[docs]@workflow_protocol() class GenerateReleaseRestraints(_GenerateRestraints): """Generates the restraint values to apply during the 'release' phase from a set of restraint schema definitions and makes them easily accessible for the protocols which will apply them to the parameterized system.""" host_coordinate_path = InputAttribute( docstring="The file path to a coordinate file which contains the solvated" "host molecule and has the anchor dummy atoms added.", type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) release_lambdas = InputAttribute( docstring="The values of lambda to use for the release phase. These must" "start from 1.0 and decrease monotonically to and include 0.0.", type_hint=list, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) def _execute(self, directory, available_resources): from paprika.evaluator import Setup # Construct the restraints to keep the host in place and # with an open cavity. static_restraints = Setup.build_static_restraints( self.host_coordinate_path, None, None, len(self.release_lambdas), self.restraint_schemas.get("static", []), ) conformational_restraints = Setup.build_conformational_restraints( self.host_coordinate_path, None, None, self.release_lambdas, self.restraint_schemas.get("conformational", []), ) self._save_restraints( directory, static_restraints, conformational_restraints, )
[docs]@workflow_protocol() class ApplyRestraints(Protocol): """A protocol which will apply the restraints defined in a restraints JSON file to a specified system. """ restraints_path = InputAttribute( docstring="The file path to the JSON file which contains the restraint " "definitions. This will usually have been generated by a " "`GenerateXXXRestraints` protocol.", type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) phase = InputAttribute( docstring="The APR phase to take the restraints from.", type_hint=str, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) window_index = InputAttribute( docstring="The index of the window to take the restraints from.", type_hint=int, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) input_system = InputAttribute( docstring="The parameterized system which the restraints should be added " "to.", type_hint=ParameterizedSystem, default_value=UNDEFINED, ) output_system = OutputAttribute( docstring="The parameterized system which now includes the added restraints.", type_hint=ParameterizedSystem, ) @classmethod def _parse_restraints(cls, restraint_dictionaries): """Parses the dictionary representations of a list of `paprika` restraint objects into a list of full restraint objects.""" from paprika.restraints import DAT_restraint restraints = [] for restraint_dictionary in restraint_dictionaries: restraint = DAT_restraint() restraint.__dict__ = restraint_dictionary properties = [ "mask1", "mask2", "mask3", "mask4", "topology", "instances", "custom_restraint_values", "auto_apr", "continuous_apr", "attach", "pull", "release", "amber_index", ] for class_property in properties: if f"_{class_property}" in restraint.__dict__.keys(): restraint.__dict__[class_property] = restraint.__dict__[ f"_{class_property}" ] restraints.append(restraint) return restraints
[docs] @classmethod def load_restraints(cls, file_path: str): """Loads a set of `paprika` restraint objects from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- file_path The path to the JSON serialized restraints. Returns ------- The loaded `paprika` restraint objects. """ from import json_numpy_obj_hook with open(file_path) as file: restraints_dictionary = json.load(file, object_hook=json_numpy_obj_hook) restraints = { restraint_type: cls._parse_restraints(restraints_dictionary[restraint_type]) for restraint_type in restraints_dictionary } return restraints
def _execute(self, directory, available_resources): from openmm import XmlSerializer from paprika.restraints.openmm import ( apply_dat_restraint, apply_positional_restraints, ) # Load in the system to add the restraints to. system = self.input_system.system # Define a custom force group per type of restraint to help # with debugging / analysis. force_groups = { "static": 10, "conformational": 11, "guest": 12, "symmetry": 13, "wall": 14, } # Apply the serialized restraints. restraints = self.load_restraints(self.restraints_path) for restraint_type in force_groups: if restraint_type not in restraints: continue for restraint in restraints[restraint_type]: apply_dat_restraint( system, restraint, self.phase, self.window_index, flat_bottom=restraint_type in ["symmetry", "wall"], force_group=force_groups[restraint_type], ) # Apply the positional restraints to the dummy atoms. apply_positional_restraints( self.input_system.topology_path, system, force_group=15 ) output_system_path = os.path.join(directory, "output.xml") with open(output_system_path, "w") as file: file.write(XmlSerializer.serialize(system)) self.output_system = ParameterizedSystem( substance=self.input_system.substance, force_field=self.input_system.force_field, topology_path=self.input_system.topology_path, system_path=output_system_path, )