Source code for openff.evaluator.attributes.attributes

A collection of descriptors used to add meta data to
object attributes.
import copy
import inspect
from import Iterable, Mapping
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, IntFlag

from openff.evaluator import unit
from openff.evaluator.attributes.typing import is_instance_of_type, is_supported_type
from openff.evaluator.utils.serialization import TypedBaseModel

class UndefinedAttribute:
    """A custom type used to differentiate between ``None`` values,
    and an undeclared optional value."""

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(other) == UndefinedAttribute

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {}

    def __setstate__(self, state):

[docs]class PlaceholderValue: """A class to act as a place holder for an attribute whose value is not known a priori, but will be set later by some specialised code. This may include the input to a protocol which will be set by a workflow as the output of an executed protocol. """ def __getstate__(self): return {} def __setstate__(self, state): pass
UNDEFINED = UndefinedAttribute()
[docs]class AttributeClass(TypedBaseModel): """A base class for objects which require well defined attributes with additional metadata. """
[docs] def validate(self, attribute_type=None): """Validate the values of the attributes. If `attribute_type` is set, only attributes of that type will be validated. Parameters ---------- attribute_type: type of Attribute, optional The type of attribute to validate. Raises ------ ValueError or AssertionError """ attribute_names = self.get_attributes() for name in attribute_names: attribute = getattr(self.__class__, name) attribute_value = getattr(self, name) if attribute_type is not None and type(attribute) != attribute_type: continue if not attribute.optional and attribute_value == UNDEFINED: raise ValueError(f"The required {name} attribute has not been set.") iterable_values = [] if isinstance(attribute_value, AttributeClass): attribute_value.validate(attribute_type) elif isinstance(attribute_value, Mapping): iterable_values = ( attribute_value[x] for x in attribute_value if isinstance(attribute_value[x], AttributeClass) ) elif isinstance(attribute_value, Iterable) and not isinstance( attribute_value, (unit.Quantity, unit.Measurement) ): iterable_values = ( x for x in attribute_value if isinstance(x, AttributeClass) ) for value in iterable_values: value.validate()
[docs] @classmethod def get_attributes(cls, attribute_type=None): """Returns all attributes of a specific `attribute_type`. Parameters ---------- attribute_type: type of Attribute, optional The type of attribute to search for. Returns ------- list of str The names of the attributes of the specified type. """ all_bases = [base_class for base_class in reversed(inspect.getmro(cls))] attribute_names = [] for base_class in all_bases: found_attributes = [ attribute_name for attribute_name in base_class.__dict__ if isinstance(base_class.__dict__[attribute_name], Attribute) ] if attribute_type is not None: found_attributes = [ name for name in found_attributes if type(base_class.__dict__[name]) == attribute_type ] attribute_names.extend(found_attributes) return attribute_names
def _set_value(self, attribute_name, value): """Set the value of an attribute, by-passing the read-only checks. Parameters ---------- attribute_name: str The name of the attribute. value: Any The value to set. """ attribute = getattr(self.__class__, attribute_name) # This should handle type checking. We use the private # set value method rather than setattr to handle read-only # attributes. # noinspection PyProtectedMember attribute._set_value(self, value) @classmethod def parse_json(cls, string_contents): return_object = super(AttributeClass, cls).parse_json(string_contents) return_object.validate() return return_object def __getstate__(self): attribute_names = self.get_attributes() attributes = {} for attribute_name in attribute_names: attribute = getattr(self.__class__, attribute_name) attribute_value = getattr(self, attribute_name) if attribute.optional and attribute_value == UNDEFINED: continue attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_value return attributes def __setstate__(self, state): attribute_names = self.get_attributes() for name in attribute_names: attribute = getattr(self.__class__, name) if not attribute.optional and name not in state: raise IndexError( f"The {name} attribute was not present in " f"the state dictionary." ) elif attribute.optional and name not in state: state[name] = UNDEFINED self._set_value(name, state[name])
[docs]class Attribute: """A custom descriptor used to add useful metadata to class attributes. This decorator expects the object to have a matching private field in addition to the public attribute. For example if an object has an attribute `substance`, the object must also have a `_substance` field. Notes ----- The attribute class will automatically create this private attribute on the object and populate it with the default value. """
[docs] def __init__( self, docstring, type_hint, default_value=UNDEFINED, optional=False, read_only=False, ): """Initializes a new Attribute object. Parameters ---------- docstring: str A docstring describing the attributes purpose. This will automatically be decorated with additional information such as type hints, default values, etc. type_hint: type, typing.Union The expected type of this attribute. This will be used to help the workflow engine ensure that expected input types match corresponding output values. default_value: Any The default value for this attribute. optional: bool Defines whether this is an optional input of a class. If true, the `default_value` should be set to `UNDEFINED`. read_only: bool Defines whether this attribute is read-only. """ if not is_supported_type(type_hint): raise ValueError( f"The {type_hint} type is not supported by the " f"workflow type hinting system." ) if hasattr(type_hint, "__qualname__"): docstring = f"{type_hint.__qualname__}: {docstring}" elif hasattr(type_hint, "__name__"): docstring = f"{type_hint.__name__}: {docstring}" else: docstring = f"{str(type_hint)}: {docstring}" # Handle the default value. self._default_value = default_value if isinstance( default_value, (int, float, str, unit.Quantity, unit.Measurement, Enum) ) or ( isinstance(default_value, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)) and len(default_value) <= 4 ): docstring = ( f"{docstring} The default value of this attribute " f"is ``{str(default_value)}``." ) elif default_value == UNDEFINED: optional_string = "" if optional else " and must be set by the user." docstring = ( f"{docstring} The default value of this attribute " f"is not set{optional_string}." ) self.optional = optional self.read_only = read_only if self.optional and self.read_only: raise ValueError("An attribute cannot be both optional and read-only") if optional is True: docstring = f"{docstring} This attribute is *optional*." if read_only: docstring = f"{docstring} This attribute is *read-only*." self.__doc__ = docstring self.type_hint = type_hint
def _set_value(self, instance, value): if ( isinstance(value, int) and isinstance(self.type_hint, type) and issubclass(self.type_hint, (IntFlag, IntEnum)) ): # This is necessary as the json library currently doesn't # support custom serialization of IntFlag, IntEnum. value = self.type_hint(value) if ( isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(self.type_hint, type) and issubclass(self.type_hint, tuple) ): # Automate the list -> tuple conversion to get # around serialization issues. value = self.type_hint(value) if ( not is_instance_of_type(value, self.type_hint) and not isinstance(value, PlaceholderValue) and not value == UNDEFINED ): raise ValueError( f"The {self._private_attribute_name[1:]} attribute can only accept " f"values of type {self.type_hint}" ) setattr(instance, self._private_attribute_name, value) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): self._private_attribute_name = "_" + name def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: # Handle the case where this is called on the class directly, # rather than an instance. return self if not hasattr(instance, self._private_attribute_name): # Make sure to only ever pass a copy of the default value to ensure # mutable values such as lists don't get set by reference. if not callable(self._default_value): value = copy.deepcopy(self._default_value) else: value = copy.deepcopy(self._default_value()) setattr( instance, self._private_attribute_name, value, ) return getattr(instance, self._private_attribute_name) def __set__(self, instance, value): if self.read_only: raise ValueError("This attribute is read-only.") self._set_value(instance, value)