- class openff.evaluator.backends.dask.BaseDaskJobQueueBackend(minimum_number_of_workers=1, maximum_number_of_workers=1, resources_per_worker=QueueWorkerResources(), queue_name='default', setup_script_commands=None, extra_script_options=None, adaptive_interval='10000ms', disable_nanny_process=False, cluster_type=None, adaptive_class=None)[source]
An openff-evaluator backend which uses a dask_jobqueue.JobQueueCluster object to run calculations within an existing HPC queuing system.
See also
- __init__(minimum_number_of_workers=1, maximum_number_of_workers=1, resources_per_worker=QueueWorkerResources(), queue_name='default', setup_script_commands=None, extra_script_options=None, adaptive_interval='10000ms', disable_nanny_process=False, cluster_type=None, adaptive_class=None)[source]
Constructs a new BaseDaskJobQueueBackend object
- Parameters
minimum_number_of_workers (int) – The minimum number of workers to request from the queue system.
maximum_number_of_workers (int) – The maximum number of workers to request from the queue system.
resources_per_worker (QueueWorkerResources) – The resources to request per worker.
queue_name (str) – The name of the queue which the workers will be requested from.
setup_script_commands (list of str) –
A list of bash script commands to call within the queue submission script before the call to launch the dask worker.
This may include activating a python environment, or loading an environment module
extra_script_options (list of str) –
A list of extra job specific options to include in the queue submission script. These will get added to the script header in the form
#BSUB <extra_script_options[x]>
adaptive_interval (str) – The interval between attempting to either scale up or down the cluster, of of the from ‘XXXms’.
disable_nanny_process (bool) –
If true, dask workers will be started in –no-nanny mode. This is required if using multiprocessing code within submitted tasks.
This has not been fully tested yet and my lead to stability issues with the workers.
adaptive_class (class of type distributed.deploy.AdaptiveCore, optional) – An optional class to pass to dask to use for its adaptive scaling handling. This is mainly exposed to allow easily working around certain dask bugs / quirks.
([minimum_number_of_workers, ...])Constructs a new BaseDaskJobQueueBackend object
Returns the job script that dask will use to submit workers.
()Start the calculation backend.
()Stop the calculation backend.
(function, *args, **kwargs)Submit a task to the compute resources managed by this backend.
Returns whether this backend has been started yet.
- job_script()[source]
Returns the job script that dask will use to submit workers. The backend must be started before calling this function.
- Return type
- start()[source]
Start the calculation backend.
- submit_task(function, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Submit a task to the compute resources managed by this backend.
- Parameters
function (function) – The function to run.
- Returns
Returns a future object which will eventually point to the results of the submitted task.
- Return type