
model openff.bespokefit.schema.fitting.OptimizationStageSchema[source]

Bases: SchemaBase, ABC

A schema that encodes a single stage in a multi-stage optimization.

A common example may be one in which in the first stage a charge model is trained, followed by the valence parameters being trained, and finally the torsion parameters are trained.

field optimizer: ForceBalanceSchema [Required]

The optimizer to use and its associated settings.

field parameters: List[Union[VdWSMIRKS, BondSMIRKS, AngleSMIRKS, ProperTorsionSMIRKS, ImproperTorsionSMIRKS]] [Required]

A list of the specific force field parameters that should be optimized.

field parameter_hyperparameters: List[Union[ProperTorsionHyperparameters, BondHyperparameters, AngleHyperparameters, VdWHyperparameters, ImproperTorsionHyperparameters]] [Required]

The hyperparameters that describe how classes of parameters, e.g. the force constant and length of a bond parameter, should be restrained during the optimisation such as through the inclusion of harmonic priors.

field targets: List[Union[TorsionProfileTargetSchema, AbInitioTargetSchema, VibrationTargetSchema, OptGeoTargetSchema]] = []

The fittings targets to simultaneously optimize against.

property n_targets: int

Returns the number of targets to be fit.