Source code for openff.bespokefit.utilities.molecule

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
from openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions import ToolkitUnavailableException

def _oe_get_atom_symmetries(molecule: Molecule) -> List[int]:
    from openeye import oechem

    oe_mol = molecule.to_openeye()

    symmetry_classes_by_index = {
        a.GetIdx(): a.GetSymmetryClass() for a in oe_mol.GetAtoms()
    return [symmetry_classes_by_index[i] for i in range(molecule.n_atoms)]

def _rd_get_atom_symmetries(molecule: Molecule) -> List[int]:
    from rdkit import Chem

    rd_mol = molecule.to_rdkit()
    return list(Chem.CanonicalRankAtoms(rd_mol, breakTies=False))

[docs]def get_atom_symmetries(molecule: Molecule) -> List[int]: try: return _oe_get_atom_symmetries(molecule) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError, ToolkitUnavailableException): return _rd_get_atom_symmetries(molecule)
def _oe_canonical_atom_order(molecule: Molecule) -> List[int]: from openeye import oechem oe_mol: oechem.OEMol = molecule.to_openeye() atom: oechem.OEAtomBase for i, atom in enumerate(oe_mol.GetAtoms()): atom.SetMapIdx(i + 1) oechem.OECanonicalOrderAtoms(oe_mol) atom_mapping = { (atom.GetMapIdx() - 1): i for i, atom in enumerate(oe_mol.GetAtoms()) } return [atom_mapping[i] for i in range(molecule.n_atoms)] def _rd_canonical_atom_order(molecule: Molecule) -> List[int]: from rdkit import Chem rd_mol = molecule.to_rdkit() return list(Chem.CanonicalRankAtoms(rd_mol, breakTies=True))
[docs]def canonical_order_atoms(molecule: Molecule): """Canonically order the atoms in the molecule in a way that preserves any existing atom maps. Args: molecule: The input molecule Returns: The input molecule with canonically-indexed atoms and bonds. """ try: # Try to order with openeye ... atom_order = _oe_canonical_atom_order(molecule) except ValueError as error: # ... if OEChem is installed but does not appear to be licensed, the # toolkit will raise a ValueError. Here, use the RDKit code path if str(error).startswith( 'No registered toolkits can provide the capability "to_openeye' ): atom_order = _rd_canonical_atom_order(molecule) else: # in this case, something else went wrong, so just re-raise raise error except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): # if OEChem is simply not installed, we'll fall back to RDKit atom_order = _rd_canonical_atom_order(molecule) n_heavy_atoms = sum(1 for atom in molecule.atoms if atom.atomic_number != 1) n_hydrogen = molecule.n_atoms - n_heavy_atoms hydrogen_indices = sorted( atom_order[i] for i, a in enumerate(molecule.atoms) if a.atomic_number == 1 ) if n_hydrogen > 0 and hydrogen_indices == list(range(n_hydrogen)): # Reorder the hydrogen atoms to the end if the molecule if they are placed at # the beginning by default. atom_order = [ atom_order[i] + (-n_hydrogen if atom.atomic_number != 1 else n_heavy_atoms) for i, atom in enumerate(molecule.atoms) ] # make an atom mapping from the atom_order and remap the molecule atom_map = {i: rank for i, rank in enumerate(atom_order)} original_atom_map = dict(["atom_map"]) molecule = molecule.remap(atom_map, current_to_new=True) if "atom_map" in["atom_map"] = { atom_map[i]: j for i, j in original_atom_map.items() } return molecule
[docs]def get_torsion_indices( molecule: Molecule, central_bond: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None ) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: """Returns the indices of all torsions in a molecule, optionally returning only those that involve a specified central bond. Args: molecule: The molecule of interest central_bond: The (optional) indices of the bond each torsion should be centered around. Returns: The indices of each torsion. """ # gather a list of torsions torsions = [] if central_bond is not None: central_bond = molecule.get_bond_between(*central_bond) atom_b, atom_c = central_bond.atom1, central_bond.atom2 target_torsions = [ ( atom_a.molecule_atom_index, atom_b.molecule_atom_index, atom_c.molecule_atom_index, atom_d.molecule_atom_index, ) for atom_a in atom_b.bonded_atoms if atom_a != atom_c for atom_d in atom_c.bonded_atoms if atom_d != atom_b ] torsions.extend(target_torsions) else: for proper in molecule.propers: target_torsion = tuple([atom.molecule_atom_index for atom in proper]) torsions.append(target_torsion) return torsions
[docs]def group_valence_by_symmetry( molecule: Molecule, valence_terms: List[Tuple[int, ...]] ) -> Dict[Tuple[int, ...], List[Tuple[int, ...]]]: """Group the a set of valence terms by symmetry groups. The valence terms are tuples of atoms (0, ) bonds (0, 1) angles (0, 1, 2) or dihedrals (0, 1, 2, 3) Parameters: molecule: The molecule the valence terms correspond to valence_terms: The list of atom tuples that make up the valence term the should be grouped. Returns: A dictionary of valence terms grouped by symmetry. """ symmetry_classes = get_atom_symmetries(molecule) # collect by symmetry class valence_by_symmetry = defaultdict(list) for term in valence_terms: valence_symmetry_class = tuple(symmetry_classes[idx] for idx in term) valence_symmetry_class_reversed = tuple(reversed(valence_symmetry_class)) if valence_symmetry_class_reversed in valence_by_symmetry: valence_symmetry_class = valence_symmetry_class_reversed valence_by_symmetry[valence_symmetry_class].append(term) return valence_by_symmetry