Source code for openff.bespokefit.schema.tasks

import abc
from typing import Optional, Tuple, overload

from openff.qcsubmit.procedures import GeometricProcedure
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
from qcelemental.models import AtomicResult
from qcelemental.models.common_models import Model
from qcelemental.models.procedures import OptimizationResult, TorsionDriveResult
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.bespokefit._pydantic import BaseModel, Field, conint

[docs]class QCGenerationTask(BaseModel, abc.ABC): type: Literal["base-task"] program: str = Field(..., description="The program to use to evaluate the model.") model: Model = Field(..., description=str(Model.__doc__))
[docs]class HessianTaskSpec(QCGenerationTask): type: Literal["hessian"] = "hessian" n_conformers: conint(gt=0) = Field( 10, description="The maximum number of conformers to generate when computing the " "hessian. Each conformer will be minimized and the one with the lowest energy " "will have its hessian computed.", ) optimization_spec: GeometricProcedure = Field( GeometricProcedure(), description="The specification for how to optimize each conformer before " "computing the hessian.", )
[docs]class HessianTask(HessianTaskSpec): smiles: str = Field( ..., description="A fully indexed SMILES representation of the molecule to compute " "the hessian for.", )
[docs]class OptimizationTaskSpec(HessianTaskSpec): type: Literal["optimization"] = "optimization"
[docs]class OptimizationTask(OptimizationTaskSpec): smiles: str = Field( ..., description="A fully indexed SMILES representation of the molecule to optimize.", )
[docs]class Torsion1DTaskSpec(QCGenerationTask): type: Literal["torsion1d"] = "torsion1d" grid_spacing: int = Field(15, description="The spacing between grid angles.") scan_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = Field( None, description="The range of grid angles to scan." ) optimization_spec: GeometricProcedure = Field( GeometricProcedure(enforce=0.1, reset=True, qccnv=True, epsilon=0.0), description="The specification for how to optimize the structure at each angle " "in the scan.", ) n_conformers: conint(gt=0) = Field( 10, description="The number of initial conformers to seed the torsion drive with.", )
[docs]class Torsion1DTask(Torsion1DTaskSpec): smiles: str = Field( ..., description="An indexed SMILES representation of the molecule to drive.", ) central_bond: Tuple[int, int] = Field( None, description="The **map** indices of the atoms in the bond to scan around.", )
@overload def task_from_result(result: AtomicResult) -> HessianTask: ... @overload def task_from_result(result: OptimizationResult) -> OptimizationTask: ... @overload def task_from_result(result: TorsionDriveResult) -> Torsion1DTask: ...
[docs]def task_from_result(result): """ Convert a result into a task to populate the cache for the result. """ if isinstance(result, TorsionDriveResult): dihedral = result.keywords.dihedrals[0] off_mol = Molecule.from_qcschema(result.initial_molecule[0]) return Torsion1DTask( smiles=off_mol.to_smiles( isomeric=True, explicit_hydrogens=True, mapped=True ), program=result.extras["program"], model=result.input_specification.model, central_bond=(dihedral[1] + 1, dihedral[2] + 1), grid_spacing=result.keywords.grid_spacing[0], scan_range=result.keywords.dihedral_ranges, optimization_spec=GeometricProcedure.from_opt_spec( result.optimization_spec ), ) else: raise NotImplementedError()