Source code for openff.bespokefit.schema.targets

import abc
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Union

from openff.qcsubmit.results import (
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
from qcelemental.models import AtomicResult
from qcelemental.models import Molecule as QCEMolecule
from qcelemental.models.procedures import OptimizationResult, TorsionDriveResult
from qcelemental.molutil import guess_connectivity
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.bespokefit._pydantic import Field, PositiveFloat, SchemaBase, validator
from import BespokeQCData, LocalQCData
from openff.bespokefit.schema.tasks import (

def _check_connectivity(
    qcschema: QCEMolecule,
    name: str,
    fragment: Optional[Molecule] = None,
    Raise an exception if the geometry of ``qcschema`` does not match ``fragment``


        A QCElemental ``Molecule`` representing the final geometry of a QC
        A name for the current calculation. Used in the exception raised by this
        An OpenFF ``Molecule`` representing the true chemical identity of the




        If the connectivity does not match.
    # If expected connectivity is not provided, compute it from the fragment
    if fragment is None:
        fragment = Molecule.from_qcschema(qcschema)

    # Get expected connectivity from bonds
    expected_connectivity = {
        tuple(sorted([bond.atom1_index + 1, bond.atom2_index + 1]))
        for bond in fragment.bonds

    # Guess found connectivity from the output geometry
    actual_connectivity = {
        tuple(sorted([a + 1, b + 1]))
        for a, b in guess_connectivity(qcschema.symbols, qcschema.geometry)

    if expected_connectivity != actual_connectivity:
        # Pydantic validators must raise ValueError, TypeError or AssertionError
        raise ValueError(
            f"Target record {name}: "
            + "Reference data does not match target.\n"
            + f"Expected mapped SMILES: {fragment.to_smiles(mapped=True)}\n"
            + "The following connections were expected but not found: "
            + f"{expected_connectivity - actual_connectivity}\n"
            + "The following connections were found but not expected: "
            + f"{actual_connectivity - expected_connectivity}\n"
            + f"The reference geometry is: {qcschema.geometry}"

R = TypeVar(

def _validate_connectivity(
    ref_data: R,
) -> R:
    Check that connectivity has not changed over the course of QC computation.

    This function can be used as a validator for the ``reference_data`` field of
    a target schema if the connectivity may change over the course of computing
    the target:

        def __init__(...):
            _reference_data_connectivity = validator("reference_data", allow_reuse=True)(

    if ref_data is None or isinstance(ref_data, BespokeQCData):
        # Reference data has not been computed, so the connectivity is intact
        return ref_data
    elif isinstance(ref_data, LocalQCData):
        for qc_record in ref_data.qc_records:
            # Some qc records (eg, TorsionDriveResult) use .final_molecules (plural),
            # others (eg, OptimizationResult) use .final_molecule (singular)
                final_molecules = qc_record.final_molecules
            except AttributeError:
                final_molecules = {"opt": qc_record.final_molecule}

            for name, qcschema in final_molecules.items():
                _check_connectivity(qcschema, name)

    elif hasattr(ref_data, "to_records"):
        for qc_record, fragment in ref_data.to_records():
                final_molecules = {"opt": qc_record.final_molecule}
            except AttributeError:
                final_molecules = {
                    key: val.final_molecule
                    for key, val in qc_record.minimum_optimizations.items()

            for name, qcschema in final_molecules.items():
                _check_connectivity(qcschema, name, fragment)

    # No connectivity changes found, so return the unchanged input as validated
    return ref_data

[docs]class BaseTargetSchema(SchemaBase, abc.ABC): """The base class for models which store information about fitting targets.""" weight: PositiveFloat = Field( 1.0, description="The amount to weight the target by." ) reference_data: Optional[Union[Any, LocalQCData[Any], BespokeQCData[Any]]] calculation_specification: Optional[ Union[Torsion1DTaskSpec, HessianTaskSpec, OptimizationTaskSpec] ] extras: Dict[str, str] = Field( {}, description="Extra settings to use for the target. Optimizer specific settings " "(e.g. whether a target should be set to remote in ForceBalance) should be " "included here.", )
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def bespoke_task_type( cls, ) -> Literal["torsion1d", "optimization", "hessian"]: """Returns the type of task which will be required to generate the reference data for this type of target. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TorsionProfileTargetSchema(BaseTargetSchema): """A model which stores information about a torsion profile fitting target.""" type: Literal["TorsionProfile"] = "TorsionProfile" reference_data: Optional[ Union[ LocalQCData[TorsionDriveResult], BespokeQCData[Torsion1DTaskSpec], TorsionDriveResultCollection, ] ] = Field( None, description="The reference QC data (either existing or to be generated on the " "fly) to fit against.", ) _reference_data_connectivity = validator("reference_data", allow_reuse=True)( _validate_connectivity ) calculation_specification: Optional[Torsion1DTaskSpec] = Field( None, description="The specification for the reference torsion drive calculation, also acts as a provenance source.", ) attenuate_weights: bool = Field( True, description="Whether to attenuate the weights as a function of energy." ) energy_denominator: float = Field( 1.0, description="The energy denominator in objective function contribution." ) energy_cutoff: float = Field(10.0, description="The upper energy cutoff.")
[docs] @classmethod def bespoke_task_type(cls) -> Literal["torsion1d"]: return "torsion1d"
[docs]class AbInitioTargetSchema(BaseTargetSchema): """A model which stores information about an ab initio fitting target.""" type: Literal["AbInitio"] = "AbInitio" reference_data: Optional[ Union[ LocalQCData[TorsionDriveResult], BespokeQCData[Torsion1DTaskSpec], TorsionDriveResultCollection, ] ] = Field( None, description="The reference QC data (either existing or to be generated on the " "fly) to fit against.", ) _reference_data_connectivity = validator("reference_data", allow_reuse=True)( _validate_connectivity ) calculation_specification: Optional[Torsion1DTaskSpec] = Field( None, description="The specification for the reference torsion drive calculation, also acts as a provenance source.", ) attenuate_weights: bool = Field( False, description="Whether to attenuate the weights as a function of energy." ) energy_denominator: float = Field( 1.0, description="The energy denominator in objective function contribution." ) energy_cutoff: float = Field(10.0, description="The upper energy cutoff.") fit_energy: bool = Field(True, description="Whether to fit to the energy.") fit_force: bool = Field(False, description="Whether to fit to the force.")
[docs] @classmethod def bespoke_task_type(cls) -> Literal["torsion1d"]: return "torsion1d"
[docs]class VibrationTargetSchema(BaseTargetSchema): """A model which stores information about a vibration fitting target.""" type: Literal["Vibration"] = "Vibration" reference_data: Optional[ Union[ LocalQCData[AtomicResult], BespokeQCData[HessianTaskSpec], BasicResultCollection, ] ] = Field( None, description="The reference QC data (either existing or to be generated on the " "fly) to fit against.", ) calculation_specification: Optional[HessianTaskSpec] = Field( None, description="The specification for the reference hessian calculation, also acts as a provenance source.", ) mode_reassignment: Optional[Literal["permute", "overlap"]] = Field( None, description="The (optional) method by which to re-assign normal modes." )
[docs] @classmethod def bespoke_task_type(cls) -> Literal["hessian"]: return "hessian"
[docs]class OptGeoTargetSchema(BaseTargetSchema): """A model which stores information about an optimized geometry fitting target.""" type: Literal["OptGeo"] = "OptGeo" reference_data: Optional[ Union[ LocalQCData[OptimizationResult], BespokeQCData[OptimizationTaskSpec], OptimizationResultCollection, ] ] = Field( None, description="The reference QC data (either existing or to be generated on the " "fly) to fit against.", ) _reference_data_connectivity = validator("reference_data", allow_reuse=True)( _validate_connectivity ) calculation_specification: Optional[OptimizationTaskSpec] = Field( None, description="The specification for the reference optimisation calculation, also acts as a provenance source.", ) bond_denominator: float = Field( 0.05, description="The denominator to scale the contributions of bonds to the " "objective function by.", ) angle_denominator: float = Field( 8.0, description="The denominator to scale the contributions of angles to the " "objective function by.", ) dihedral_denominator: float = Field( 0.0, description="The denominator to scale the contributions of dihedrals to the " "objective function by.", ) improper_denominator: float = Field( 20.0, description="The denominator to scale the contributions of impropers to the " "objective function by.", )
[docs] @classmethod def bespoke_task_type(cls) -> Literal["optimization"]: return "optimization"
TargetSchema = Union[ TorsionProfileTargetSchema, AbInitioTargetSchema, VibrationTargetSchema, OptGeoTargetSchema, ]