Source code for openff.bespokefit.schema.smirnoff

import abc
from typing import Dict, Set, Type, Union

from chemper.graphs.environment import ChemicalEnvironment
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import (
from typing_extensions import Literal

from openff.bespokefit._pydantic import Field, PositiveFloat, SchemaBase, validator

[docs]def validate_smirks(smirks: str, expected_tags: int) -> str: """ Make sure the supplied smirks has the correct number of tagged atoms. """ smirk = ChemicalEnvironment(smirks=smirks) tagged_atoms = len(smirk.get_indexed_atoms()) assert tagged_atoms == expected_tags, ( f"The smirks pattern ({smirks}) has {tagged_atoms} tagged atoms, but should " f"have {expected_tags}." ) return smirks
[docs]class BaseSMIRKSParameter(SchemaBase, abc.ABC): """ This schema identifies new smirks patterns and the corresponding atoms they should be applied to. """ type: Literal["base"] = "base" smirks: str = Field( ..., description="The SMIRKS pattern that defines which chemical environment the " "parameter should be applied to.", ) attributes: Set[str] = Field( ..., description="The attributes of the parameter which should be optimized." ) cached: bool = Field( False, description="If the parameter was reused from a local cache rather than fit.", ) @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def _expected_n_tags(cls) -> int: raise NotImplementedError() @validator("smirks") def _check_smirks(cls, value: str) -> str: return validate_smirks(value, cls._expected_n_tags())
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_smirnoff(cls, parameter: ParameterType): """Creates a version of this class from a SMIRNOFF parameter"""
def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __ne__(self, other): assert not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.type, self.smirks, self.cached, tuple(self.attributes)))
[docs]class BaseSMIRKSHyperparameters(SchemaBase, abc.ABC): """A data class to track how the target will effect the target parameters and the prior values/ starting values. """ type: Literal["base"] = "base" priors: Dict[str, PositiveFloat] = Field(..., description="")
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def offxml_tag(cls) -> str: """The OFFXML tag that wraps this parameter type.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class VdWSMIRKS(BaseSMIRKSParameter): type: Literal["vdW"] = "vdW" attributes: Set[Literal["epsilon", "sigma"]] = Field( ..., description="The attributes of the parameter which should be optimized." ) @classmethod def _expected_n_tags(cls) -> int: return 1
[docs] @classmethod def from_smirnoff(cls, parameter: vdWHandler.vdWType) -> "VdWSMIRKS": return cls( smirks=parameter.smirks, attributes={"epsilon", "sigma"}, cached=getattr(parameter, "_cached", False), )
[docs]class VdWHyperparameters(BaseSMIRKSHyperparameters): type: Literal["vdW"] = "vdW" priors: Dict[Literal["epsilon", "sigma"], PositiveFloat] = Field( {"epsilon": 0.1, "sigma": 0.1}, description="" )
[docs] @classmethod def offxml_tag(cls) -> str: return "Atom"
[docs]class BondSMIRKS(BaseSMIRKSParameter): type: Literal["Bonds"] = "Bonds" attributes: Set[Literal["k", "length"]] = Field( ..., description="The attributes of the parameter which should be optimized." ) @classmethod def _expected_n_tags(cls) -> int: return 2
[docs] @classmethod def from_smirnoff(cls, parameter: BondHandler.BondType) -> "BondSMIRKS": return cls( smirks=parameter.smirks, attributes={"k", "length"}, cached=getattr(parameter, "_cached", False), )
[docs]class BondHyperparameters(BaseSMIRKSHyperparameters): type: Literal["Bonds"] = "Bonds" priors: Dict[Literal["k", "length"], PositiveFloat] = Field( {"k": 100.0, "length": 0.1}, description="" )
[docs] @classmethod def offxml_tag(cls) -> str: return "Bond"
[docs]class AngleSMIRKS(BaseSMIRKSParameter): type: Literal["Angles"] = "Angles" attributes: Set[Literal["k", "angle"]] = Field( ..., description="The attributes of the parameter which should be optimized." ) @classmethod def _expected_n_tags(cls) -> int: return 3
[docs] @classmethod def from_smirnoff(cls, parameter: AngleHandler.AngleType) -> "AngleSMIRKS": return cls( smirks=parameter.smirks, attributes={"k", "angle"}, cached=getattr(parameter, "_cached", False), )
[docs]class AngleHyperparameters(BaseSMIRKSHyperparameters): type: Literal["Angles"] = "Angles" priors: Dict[Literal["k", "angle"], PositiveFloat] = Field( {"k": 10.0, "angle": 10.0}, description="" )
[docs] @classmethod def offxml_tag(cls) -> str: return "Angle"
# TODO: This can likely be more cleanly handled by a pydantic regex type. # fmt: off ProperTorsionAttribute = Literal[ "k", "k1_bondorder", "k1_bondorder", "periodicity", "phase", "idivf", "k1", "k1_bondorder1", "k1_bondorder2", "periodicity1", "phase1", "idivf1", "k2", "k2_bondorder1", "k2_bondorder2", "periodicity2", "phase2", "idivf2", "k3", "k3_bondorder1", "k3_bondorder2", "periodicity3", "phase3", "idivf3", "k4", "k4_bondorder1", "k4_bondorder2", "periodicity4", "phase4", "idivf4", "k5", "k5_bondorder1", "k5_bondorder2", "periodicity5", "phase5", "idivf5", "k6", "k6_bondorder1", "k6_bondorder2", "periodicity6", "phase6", "idivf6", ]
[docs]class ProperTorsionSMIRKS(BaseSMIRKSParameter): type: Literal["ProperTorsions"] = "ProperTorsions" attributes: Set[Literal[ProperTorsionAttribute]] = Field( ..., description="The attributes of the parameter which should be optimized." ) @classmethod def _expected_n_tags(cls) -> int: return 4
[docs] @classmethod def from_smirnoff( cls, parameter: ProperTorsionHandler.ProperTorsionType ) -> "ProperTorsionSMIRKS": return cls( smirks=parameter.smirks, attributes={f"k{i + 1}" for i in range(len(parameter.k))}, # cosmetic attrs are hidden cached=getattr(parameter, "_cached", False) )
[docs]class ProperTorsionHyperparameters(BaseSMIRKSHyperparameters): type: Literal["ProperTorsions"] = "ProperTorsions" priors: Dict[ProperTorsionAttribute, PositiveFloat] = Field( {"k": 6.0}, description="" )
[docs] @classmethod def offxml_tag(cls) -> str: return "Proper"
# fmt: off ImproperTorsionAttribute = Literal[ "k*", "periodicity*", "phase*", "idivf*", "k1", "periodicity1", "phase1", "idivf1", "k2", "periodicity2", "phase2", "idivf2", "k3", "periodicity3", "phase3", "idivf3", "k4", "periodicity4", "phase4", "idivf4", ]
[docs]class ImproperTorsionSMIRKS(BaseSMIRKSParameter): type: Literal["ImproperTorsions"] = "ImproperTorsions" attributes: Set[Literal[ImproperTorsionAttribute]] = Field( ..., description="The attributes of the parameter which should be optimized." ) @classmethod def _expected_n_tags(cls) -> int: return 4
[docs] @classmethod def from_smirnoff( cls, parameter: ImproperTorsionHandler.ImproperTorsionType ) -> "ImproperTorsionSMIRKS": raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ImproperTorsionHyperparameters(BaseSMIRKSHyperparameters): type: Literal["ImproperTorsions"] = "ImproperTorsions" priors: Dict[ProperTorsionAttribute, PositiveFloat] = Field( {"k": 6.0}, description="" )
[docs] @classmethod def offxml_tag(cls) -> str: return "Improper"
SMIRNOFFParameter = Union[ VdWSMIRKS, BondSMIRKS, AngleSMIRKS, ProperTorsionSMIRKS, ImproperTorsionSMIRKS ] SMIRNOFFHyperparameters = Union[ ProperTorsionHyperparameters, BondHyperparameters, AngleHyperparameters, VdWHyperparameters, ImproperTorsionHyperparameters, ]
[docs]def get_smirnoff_parameter(parameter_type: str) -> Type[SMIRNOFFParameter]: """ A helper function to get the SMIRNOFFParameter class from the parameter type. """ _parameters_by_type = { VdWSMIRKS.__fields__["type"].default: VdWSMIRKS, BondSMIRKS.__fields__["type"].default: BondSMIRKS, AngleSMIRKS.__fields__["type"].default: AngleSMIRKS, ProperTorsionSMIRKS.__fields__["type"].default: ProperTorsionSMIRKS, ImproperTorsionSMIRKS.__fields__["type"].default: ImproperTorsionSMIRKS } return _parameters_by_type[parameter_type]