Source code for openff.bespokefit.optimizers.forcebalance.factories

import abc
import ast
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Generic, List, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
from openff.qcsubmit.results import (
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule as OFFMolecule
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from openff.units import unit
from qcelemental.models import AtomicResult
from qcelemental.models.procedures import OptimizationResult, TorsionDriveResult
from qcportal.optimization import OptimizationRecord
from qcportal.record_models import BaseRecord
from qcportal.torsiondrive import TorsiondriveRecord

from openff.bespokefit.exceptions import OptimizerError, QCRecordMissMatchError
from openff.bespokefit.optimizers.forcebalance.templates import (
from import BespokeQCData, LocalQCData
from openff.bespokefit.schema.fitting import OptimizationStageSchema
from openff.bespokefit.schema.optimizers import ForceBalanceSchema
from openff.bespokefit.schema.targets import (
from openff.bespokefit.utilities.tempcd import temporary_cd

    from qcelemental.models import Molecule as QCMolecule

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

R = TypeVar("R", bound=Union[AtomicResult, OptimizationResult, TorsionDriveResult])
S = TypeVar("S", bound=BaseRecord)
T = TypeVar("T", bound=TargetSchema)

    AbInitioTargetSchema: AbInitioTargetTemplate,
    TorsionProfileTargetSchema: TorsionProfileTargetTemplate,
    OptGeoTargetSchema: OptGeoTargetTemplate,
    VibrationTargetSchema: VibrationTargetTemplate,

def _standardize_grid_id_str(grid_id: str) -> tuple[Union[int, float]]:
    """Ensures a grid id is of the form '(grid_id_1,)' rather than 'grid_id_1' as is
    sometimes the case when using QCEngine.
    grid_id = ast.literal_eval(grid_id)
    grid_id = [grid_id] if isinstance(grid_id, int) else grid_id

    return tuple(grid_id)

class _TargetFactory(Generic[T], abc.ABC):
    def _target_name_prefix(cls) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _section_extras_to_exclude(cls) -> List[str]:
        """The list of extras which may be present in a target schemas ``.extras``
        dictionary to exclude when generating the section to add to the ````
        return []

    def _generate_targets_section(cls, target_template: T, target_names: List[str]):
        """Creates the target sections which will need to be added to the main
        ForceBalance '' file."""

        target_template = target_template.copy(deep=True)
        target_template.extras = {
            key: value
            for key, value in target_template.extras.items()
            if key not in cls._section_extras_to_exclude()

        template_factory = _TARGET_SECTION_TEMPLATES[target_template.__class__]
        return template_factory.generate(target_template, target_names)

    def _batch_qc_records(
        cls, target: TargetSchema, qc_records: List[Tuple[BaseRecord, OFFMolecule]]
    ) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[BaseRecord, OFFMolecule]]]:
        """A function which places the input QC records into per target batches.

        For most targets there will be a single record per target, however certain
        targets (e.g. OptGeo) can perform on batches to reduce the time taken to
        evaluate the target.

            target: The target the inputs are being generated for.
            qc_records: The QC records to batch

            A dictionary of the target name and a list of the records to include for that

        def qc_record_id(qc_record):
            return qc_record.extras["id"] if "id" in qc_record.extras else

        return {
            f"{cls._target_name_prefix()}-{qc_record_id(qc_record)}": [
                (qc_record, molecule)
            for qc_record, molecule in qc_records

    def _generate_target(
        cls, target: T, qc_records: List[Tuple[BaseRecord, OFFMolecule]]
        """Create the required input files for a particular target.

            * This function assumes that the files should be created in the current
              working directory.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _local_to_qc_records(
        cls, qc_data: LocalQCData[R]
    ) -> List[Tuple[R, OFFMolecule]]:
        """Converts a 'local' dataset of QCEngine outputs to a list of QC records."""
        qc_records = []

        for i, qc_result in enumerate(qc_data.qc_records):
            qc_result = qc_result.copy(deep=True)
            # Assign an id to the **QCElemental** result. This is a dirty way to do
            # this but I can't think of a cleaner way to handle it...
            qc_result.extras["id"] = str(i)

            grid_ids = None

            if isinstance(qc_result, AtomicResult):
                cmiles = qc_result.molecule.extras[
                geometries = [qc_result.molecule.geometry]

            elif isinstance(qc_result, OptimizationResult):
                cmiles = qc_result.initial_molecule.extras[
                geometries = [qc_result.final_molecule.geometry]

            elif isinstance(qc_result, TorsionDriveResult):
                cmiles = qc_result.initial_molecule[0].extras[

                geometries = []
                grid_ids = []

                def _grid_id_key(x):
                    if isinstance(x, str):
                        # unwrap a str like "(-165,)"
                        x = ast.literal_eval(x)

                    if isinstance(x, Sequence):
                        x = int(x[0])

                    return x

                for grid_id in sorted(qc_result.final_molecules, key=_grid_id_key):

                raise NotImplementedError()

            molecule: OFFMolecule = OFFMolecule.from_mapped_smiles(cmiles)
            molecule._conformers = [
                np.array(geometry, float).reshape(-1, 3) * unit.bohr
                for geometry in geometries

            if grid_ids is not None:
      ["grid_ids"] = grid_ids

            qc_records.append((qc_result, molecule))

        return qc_records

    def generate(cls, root_directory: Union[str, Path], target: T):
        """Creates the input files for a target schema in a specified directory.

            root_directory: The root directory to create the inputs in.
            target: The target to create the inputs for. A single target schema may map
                to several new ForceBalance targets, typically one per QC record
                referenced by the schema.

        # The optimizer should have swapped out a bespoke QC data set
        # with an existing set?
        if isinstance(
            qc_records = target.reference_data.to_records()

        elif isinstance(target.reference_data, BespokeQCData):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "`BespokeQCData` must be converted into `LocalQCData` before generating "

        elif isinstance(target.reference_data, LocalQCData):
            qc_records = cls._local_to_qc_records(target.reference_data)

            raise NotImplementedError()

        target_batches = cls._batch_qc_records(target, qc_records)

        for target_name, target_records in target_batches.items():
            print(f"generating target directory for {target_name}")

            target_directory = os.path.join(root_directory, target_name)
            os.makedirs(target_directory, exist_ok=True)

            with temporary_cd(target_directory):
                cls._generate_target(target, target_records)

        return cls._generate_targets_section(target, [*target_batches])

[docs]class AbInitioTargetFactory(_TargetFactory[AbInitioTargetSchema]): @classmethod def _target_name_prefix(cls) -> str: return "ab-initio" @classmethod def _generate_target( cls, target: T, qc_records: List[ Tuple[Union[TorsiondriveRecord, TorsionDriveResult], OFFMolecule] ], ): from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule as FBMolecule if isinstance(target, AbInitioTargetSchema) and target.fit_force is True: raise NotImplementedError() assert len(qc_records) == 1 qc_record, off_molecule = qc_records[0] qc_record_id = ( qc_record.extras["id"] if "id" in qc_record.extras else ) # form a Molecule object from the first torsion grid data if isinstance(qc_record, TorsiondriveRecord): grid_energies = qc_record.final_energies elif isinstance(qc_record, TorsionDriveResult): grid_energies = { _standardize_grid_id_str(key): value for key, value in qc_record.final_energies.items() } else: raise NotImplementedError() grid_conformers = { grid_id: conformer.m_as(unit.angstrom) for grid_id, conformer in zip(["grid_ids"], off_molecule.conformers ) } grid_ids = sorted(grid_energies, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Create a FB molecule object from the QCData molecule. fb_molecule = FBMolecule() fb_molecule.Data = { "resname": ["UNK"] * off_molecule.n_atoms, "resid": [0] * off_molecule.n_atoms, "elem": [atom.symbol for atom in off_molecule.atoms], "bonds": [ (bond.atom1_index, bond.atom2_index) for bond in off_molecule.bonds ], "name": f"{qc_record_id}", "xyzs": [grid_conformers[grid_id] for grid_id in grid_ids], "qm_energies": [grid_energies[grid_id] for grid_id in grid_ids], "comms": [f"torsion grid {grid_id}" for grid_id in grid_ids], } # Write the data fb_molecule.write("qdata.txt") fb_molecule.write("") off_molecule = copy.deepcopy(off_molecule) off_molecule._conformers = [off_molecule.conformers[0]] off_molecule.to_file("input.sdf", "SDF") # OpenFF does not map molecules into PDB well (it leads to files where Br is # confused with B for example), so we use ForceBalance instead. fb_molecule.Data["xyzs"] = [fb_molecule.Data["xyzs"][0]] del fb_molecule.Data["qm_energies"] del fb_molecule.Data["comms"] fb_molecule.write("conf.pdb") try: # This is a QCPortal object ... # qcportal.torsiondrive.record_models.TorsiondriveRecord metadata: dict = qc_record.specification.optimization_specification.keywords except AttributeError: # unless it's actually a qcelemental object, specifically a # qcelemental.models.procedures.TorsionDriveResult metadata: dict = qc_record.optimization_spec.keywords metadata["torsion_grid_ids"] = [ grid_id if not isinstance(grid_id, str) else tuple(json.loads(grid_id)) for grid_id in grid_ids ] metadata["energy_decrease_thresh"] = None metadata["energy_upper_limit"] = target.energy_cutoff with open("metadata.json", "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(metadata))
[docs]class TorsionProfileTargetFactory( AbInitioTargetFactory, _TargetFactory[TorsionProfileTargetSchema] ): @classmethod def _target_name_prefix(cls) -> str: return "torsion" @classmethod def _generate_target( cls, target: TorsionProfileTargetSchema, qc_records: List[ Tuple[Union[TorsiondriveRecord, TorsionDriveResult], OFFMolecule] ], ): # noinspection PyTypeChecker super(TorsionProfileTargetFactory, cls)._generate_target(target, qc_records) qc_record, off_molecule = qc_records[0] if isinstance(qc_record, TorsiondriveRecord): grid_energies = qc_record.final_energies metadata = qc_record.specification.optimization_specification.keywords metadata["dihedrals"] = qc_record.specification.keywords.dihedrals elif isinstance(qc_record, TorsionDriveResult): grid_energies = { _standardize_grid_id_str(key): value for key, value in qc_record.final_energies.items() } metadata = qc_record.optimization_spec.keywords metadata["dihedrals"] = qc_record.keywords.dihedrals else: raise NotImplementedError() grid_ids = sorted(grid_energies, key=lambda x: x[0]) metadata["torsion_grid_ids"] = [ grid_id if not isinstance(grid_id, str) else tuple(json.loads(grid_id)) for grid_id in grid_ids ] metadata["energy_decrease_thresh"] = None metadata["energy_upper_limit"] = target.energy_cutoff with open("metadata.json", "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps(metadata))
[docs]class VibrationTargetFactory(_TargetFactory[VibrationTargetSchema]): @classmethod def _target_name_prefix(cls) -> str: return "vib-freq" @classmethod def _compute_normal_modes( cls, mass_weighted_hessian: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Computes the normal modes from a mass weighted hessian. Notes: This function was taken from the ```` script in the ``openforcefield-forcebalance`` repository at commit hash f689096. Args: mass_weighted_hessian: The mass weighted hessian to compute the normal modes from. Returns: A tuple of the frequencies and the corresponding normal modes. """ # 1. diagonalize the hessian matrix eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(mass_weighted_hessian) # 2. convert eigenvalues to frequencies # TODO: Magic numbers need to be replaced with simtk based conversion factors. coefficient = 0.5 / np.pi * 33.3564095 # 10^12 Hz => cm-1 negatives = (eigen_values >= 0).astype(int) * 2 - 1 # record the negative ones frequencies = np.sqrt(np.abs(eigen_values)) * coefficient * negatives # 3. convert eigenvectors to normal modes noa = int(len(mass_weighted_hessian) / 3) normal_modes = eigen_vectors normal_modes = normal_modes.T.reshape(noa * 3, noa, 3) # step 5: remove the 6 freqs with smallest abs value and corresponding normal # modes n_remove = 5 if noa == 2 else 6 larger_freq_idxs = np.sort( np.argpartition(np.abs(frequencies), n_remove)[n_remove:] ) frequencies = frequencies[larger_freq_idxs] normal_modes = normal_modes[larger_freq_idxs] return frequencies, normal_modes @classmethod def _create_vdata_file( cls, qc_record: Union[BaseRecord, "AtomicResult"], qc_molecule: "QCMolecule", off_molecule: OFFMolecule, ): """Creates a file containing the vibrational frequency data. Notes: This function was taken from the ```` script in the ``openforcefield-forcebalance`` repository at commit hash f689096. Args: qc_record: The QC record containing the target hessian data. qc_molecule: The QC molecule associated with the QC record. off_molecule: An OpenFF representation of the QC molecule. """ qc_record_id = ( qc_record.extras["id"] if "id" in qc_record.extras else ) try: # this is a qcportal.record_models.BaseRecord driver = qc_record.specification.driver.value except AttributeError: # or a qcelemental.models.results.AtomicResult driver = qc_record.driver.value if driver != "hessian" or qc_record.return_result is None: raise QCRecordMissMatchError( f"The QC record with id={qc_record_id} does not contain the gradient " f"information required by a vibration fitting target." ) # Check the magnitude of the gradient try: # qcportal.record_models.BaseRecord gradient =["current gradient"] except (AttributeError, TypeError): # qcelemental.models.results.AtomicResult gradient = if np.abs(gradient).max() > 1e-3: _logger.warning( f"the max gradient of record={qc_record_id} is greater than 1e-3" ) # Get the list of masses for the molecule to be consistent with ForceBalance masses = np.array([atom.mass.m_as(unit.dalton) for atom in off_molecule.atoms]) # Compute the mass-weighted hessian invert_sqrt_mass_array_repeat = 1.0 / np.sqrt(masses.repeat(3)) hessian = np.asarray(qc_record.return_result).reshape( (len(masses) * 3, len(masses) * 3) ) mass_weighted_hessian = ( hessian * invert_sqrt_mass_array_repeat[:, np.newaxis] * invert_sqrt_mass_array_repeat[np.newaxis, :] ) # Convert units from Eh / bohr^2 * dalton to 10^24 s^-2 # TODO: Magic numbers need to be replaced with simtk based conversion factors. mass_weighted_hessian *= 937583.07 # Perform the normal mode analysis frequencies, normal_modes = cls._compute_normal_modes(mass_weighted_hessian) # write vdata.txt with open("vdata.txt", "w") as file: file.write(qc_molecule.to_string("xyz") + "\n") for frequency, normal_mode in zip(frequencies, normal_modes): file.write(f"{frequency}\n") for nx, ny, nz in normal_mode: file.write(f"{nx:13.4f} {ny:13.4f} {nz:13.4f}\n") file.write("\n") @classmethod def _generate_target( cls, target: VibrationTargetSchema, qc_records: List[Tuple[Union[BaseRecord, "AtomicResult"], OFFMolecule]], ): from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule as FBMolecule assert len(qc_records) == 1 qc_record, off_molecule = qc_records[0] qc_record_id = ( qc_record.extras["id"] if "id" in qc_record.extras else ) fb_molecule = FBMolecule() fb_molecule.Data = { "resname": ["UNK"] * off_molecule.n_atoms, "resid": [0] * off_molecule.n_atoms, "elem": [atom.symbol for atom in off_molecule.atoms], "bonds": [ (bond.atom1_index, bond.atom2_index) for bond in off_molecule.bonds ], "name": f"{qc_record_id}", "xyzs": [off_molecule.conformers[0].m_as(unit.angstrom)], } # form a Molecule object from the first torsion grid data fb_molecule.write("conf.pdb") off_molecule.to_file("input.sdf", "SDF") cls._create_vdata_file(qc_record, off_molecule.to_qcschema(), off_molecule)
[docs]class OptGeoTargetFactory(_TargetFactory[OptGeoTargetSchema]): @classmethod def _target_name_prefix(cls) -> str: return "opt-geo" @classmethod def _section_extras_to_exclude(cls) -> List[str]: return ["batch_size"] @classmethod def _batch_qc_records( cls, target: OptGeoTargetSchema, qc_records: List[BaseRecord] ): batch_size = int(target.extras.get("batch_size", 50)) n_records = len(qc_records) n_targets = (n_records + batch_size - 1) // batch_size return { f"{cls._target_name_prefix()}-batch-{target_index}": qc_records[ target_index * batch_size : (target_index + 1) * batch_size ] for target_index in range(n_targets) } @classmethod def _generate_target( cls, target: OptGeoTargetSchema, qc_records: List[ Tuple[Union[OptimizationRecord, OptimizationResult], OFFMolecule] ], ): from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule as FBMolecule record_names = [] for i, (qc_record, off_molecule) in enumerate(qc_records): qc_record_id = ( qc_record.extras["id"] if "id" in qc_record.extras else ) record_name = f"{qc_record_id}-{i}" record_names.append(record_name) # form a Molecule object from the first torsion grid data qc_molecule = off_molecule.to_qcschema() with open(f"{record_name}.xyz", "w") as file: file.write(qc_molecule.to_string("xyz")) fb_molecule = FBMolecule() fb_molecule.Data = { "resname": ["UNK"] * off_molecule.n_atoms, "resid": [0] * off_molecule.n_atoms, "elem": [atom.symbol for atom in off_molecule.atoms], "bonds": [ (bond.atom1_index, bond.atom2_index) for bond in off_molecule.bonds ], "name": f"{qc_record_id}", "xyzs": [off_molecule.conformers[0].m_as(unit.angstrom)], } fb_molecule.write(f"{record_name}.pdb") off_molecule.to_file(f"{record_name}.sdf", "SDF") # Create the options file with open("optgeo_options.txt", "w") as file: file.write(OptGeoOptionsTemplate.generate(target, record_names))
[docs]class ForceBalanceInputFactory: """This is the main factory which will generate all of the required inputs for a ForceBalance optimization.""" @classmethod def _generate_force_field_directory( cls, optimization_stage: OptimizationStageSchema, initial_force_field: ForceField, ): os.makedirs("forcefield", exist_ok=True) force_field = copy.deepcopy(initial_force_field) for target_parameter in optimization_stage.parameters: parameter_handler = force_field.get_parameter_handler(target_parameter.type) parameter = parameter_handler.parameters[target_parameter.smirks] attributes_string = ", ".join( attribute for attribute in target_parameter.attributes if hasattr(parameter, attribute) ) parameter.add_cosmetic_attribute("parameterize", attributes_string) force_field.to_file(os.path.join("forcefield", "force-field.offxml"))
[docs] @classmethod def generate( cls, root_directory: Union[str, Path], schema: OptimizationStageSchema, initial_force_field: ForceField, ): if not isinstance(schema.optimizer, ForceBalanceSchema): raise OptimizerError( "Inputs can only be generated using this factory for optimizations " "which use ForceBalance as the optimizer." ) target_factories = { AbInitioTargetSchema: AbInitioTargetFactory, TorsionProfileTargetSchema: TorsionProfileTargetFactory, VibrationTargetSchema: VibrationTargetFactory, OptGeoTargetSchema: OptGeoTargetFactory, } if not isinstance(schema.optimizer, ForceBalanceSchema): raise OptimizerError( "The `ForceBalanceInputFactory` can only create inputs from an " "optimization schema which uses a force balance optimizer." ) # Create the root directory. os.makedirs(root_directory, exist_ok=True) # Temporarily switch to the root directory to make setting up the folder # structure easier. with temporary_cd(str(root_directory)): target_sections = [] # Create the target directories os.makedirs("targets", exist_ok=True) with temporary_cd("targets"): for target in schema.targets: target_factory = target_factories[target.__class__] target_sections.append(target_factory.generate(".", target)) targets_section = "\n\n".join(target_sections) # Create the file priors = { name: value for name, value in [ ( f"{hyperparameter.type}/" f"{hyperparameter.offxml_tag()}/" f"{attribute}", prior, ) for hyperparameter in schema.parameter_hyperparameters for attribute, prior in hyperparameter.priors.items() ] } with open("", "w") as file: file.write( InputOptionsTemplate.generate( schema.optimizer, targets_section=targets_section, priors=priors ) ) # Create the force field directory cls._generate_force_field_directory(schema, initial_force_field)