Source code for

import hashlib
from typing import Optional

import redis
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions import ParameterLookupError

from openff.bespokefit.schema.fitting import BespokeOptimizationSchema
from openff.bespokefit.schema.results import BespokeOptimizationResults

def _hash_fitting_schema(fitting_schema: BespokeOptimizationSchema) -> str:
    Create a hash based on the whole fitting schema for any optimised parameters.
    hash_string = (
        fitting_schema.smirk_settings.json() + fitting_schema.initial_force_field_hash
    for stage in fitting_schema.stages:
        # drop the reference data form each target and the parameters from each stage
        hash_string += stage.json(
            exclude={"targets": {"__all__": {"reference_data"}}, "parameters": ...}
    hash_string = hashlib.sha512(hash_string.encode()).hexdigest()
    return hash_string

[docs]def get_cached_parameters( fitting_schema: BespokeOptimizationSchema, redis_connection: redis.Redis ) -> Optional[ForceField]: """ For the given fitting schema create a hash and check for a cached force field which contains a set of fit torsion parameters. """ hash_string = _hash_fitting_schema(fitting_schema=fitting_schema) cached_ff = redis_connection.get(hash_string) if cached_ff is not None: return ForceField(cached_ff, allow_cosmetic_attributes=True) return None
[docs]def cache_parameters( results_schema: BespokeOptimizationResults, redis_connection: redis.Redis ) -> str: """ Cache any fitted torsion parameters saved in the final refit force field. Returns: The string the parameters are cached under """ hash_string = _hash_fitting_schema(fitting_schema=results_schema.input_schema) cached_ff = redis_connection.get(hash_string) if cached_ff is not None: cached_force_field = ForceField(cached_ff) else: # create a new blank FF cached_force_field = ForceField() torsion_handler_cache = cached_force_field.get_parameter_handler("ProperTorsions") refit_force_field = ForceField(results_schema.refit_force_field) refit_torsions = refit_force_field.get_parameter_handler("ProperTorsions") for stage in results_schema.input_schema.stages: for parameter in stage.parameters: try: # the parameter maybe be in more than one stage so only save once _ = torsion_handler_cache[parameter.smirks] except ParameterLookupError: # we need to add the parameter to the cache torsion_handler_cache.add_parameter( parameter=refit_torsions[parameter.smirks] ) # now set the force field back in the cache redis_connection.set( hash_string, cached_force_field.to_string(discard_cosmetic_attributes=False) ) return hash_string