Release History

Releases follow the major.minor.micro scheme recommended by PEP440, where

  • major increments denote a change that may break API compatibility with previous major releases

  • minor increments add features but do not break API compatibility

  • micro increments represent bugfix releases or improvements in documentation

0.2.2 / 08-05-2023

Bug Fixes

  • #260 - Fix bug where some import statements would fail due to circular imports by @Yoshanuikabundi

0.2.1 / 05-04-2023

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • #235 - Fix bug where atom indices were incorrectly assigned by @j-wags

  • #239 - Fix bug where XTB would fail with a large number of inputs by @jthorton

Documentation Updates

0.2.0 / 13-12-2022

New Features

0.1.3 / 23-11-2022

Bug Fixes and New Features

Documentation Updates

0.1.2 / 17-05-2022

Bug Fixes and New Features

Documentation Updates

0.1.1 / 18-03-2022

Bug Fixes

New Features

0.1.0 / 23-02-2022

The first major release of bespokefit intended for public use.