Source code for openff.bespokefit.utilities.pydantic

"""A set of common utilities and types useful for building pydantic models.
import numpy as np
import pydantic
from pydantic import Extra

[docs]class BaseModel(pydantic.BaseModel): """The base model from which all data models within the package should inherit.""" class Config: extra = Extra.forbid json_encoders = {np.ndarray: lambda v: v.flatten().tolist()}
[docs]class SchemaBase(BaseModel): """The base model from which all data models within the package should inherit.""" class Config: allow_mutation = True validate_assignment = True
[docs]class ClassBase(SchemaBase): """A base model which facilitates building classes which are able to take advantage of the pydantic machinery, but which are not expected to be used as data models and hence may of fields of arbitrary (e.g. an OFF Molecule) types.""" class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True validate_assignment = True